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Mis-information given...what to do?


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Here on the forums, on in-game help channels and even over on Discord, I have seen lots of wrong information given out to people.  I am certainly guilty of it myself on occasion so I refuse to attribute it to malice, just misunderstandings or misinformation.  If I know the right answer I try to slip it in, as do others, but it is often lost in the shuffle.


I hesitate to openly correct anyone as I do NOT relish confrontation and also dont want to be accused of starting a fight.  Its not worth fighting over.  But this has been an increasing issue I see, each day seems like more wrong information is given out.  Like this morning I was informed you can combine any 3 inspirations into any one inspiration you want.  It is almost true but leaves out the same 3 inspirations to make a different inspiration of the same tier bit.  Just mis-information.


How do y'all approach making sure the new and/or totally lost players get correct and complete information without lighting the powder keg?  Everybody seems so touchy these days its just hard to know how to give correct answers without the wrong answer person getting bent out of shape.  It doesn't help that I tend towards hyperbole and smartassedness lol


Happy hunting!

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My general policy is it's gotta be so badly misinformed that it could have destructive or very negative consequences.


Your inspiration example for instance isn't gonna entirely ruin someone's day. They might go "oh, wait I think they left out an important detail" but that's about it.



An example of when I'd intervene would be like..

Someone telling Tankers to "not to take their Mez Protection because its useless". Or heck something like telling an Invuln to skip Invincibility. Outside of some sort of Iron-Man/challenge build of course.



Edited by Primantis
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First, you use all screaming caps to tell the offender "YOU ARE BAD AND SHOULD FEEL BAD!!!!"  several times in Help AND General and brow-beat them into submission! 😄 


OK, Kidding aside. 

Yea. Often, I let it go, especially if I have the slightest shadow of a doubt on the issue. 

I don't use Discord, so when I am talking with other players, it's in text.  Maybe someday I should use Discord / learn more about how it works, but.... eh, haven't gotten around to it yet.

For the Inspirations example, I'd go parlimentarian and type something like "Point of Clarification:  any 3 inspirations of the same size AND same color can be combined".

And if i'm feeling really technical I'd add the bit about  "Except for Dual Inspriations and Team Inspirations, which cannot be combined either".



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I'll occasionally toss out information that I'm 50-99% sure about, not to deceive or mislead, but to prompt people smarter than me to chime in.  Usually I only do this if the question has gone unanswered for a while.  Sometimes, people who remain silent to a question might be a bit more motivated to correct, confirm, or clarify an answer.


If it results in some sort of confrontation, but the questioner (and I) get the right info out of it, I'm good.  If the confrontation gets stupid, I'll just temporarily /ignore the worst offenders.  I have yet to encounter sufficient ridiculosity to do that, but maybe I've just been lucky.


I guess what I'm saying is that sometimes the misinformation might be an attempt to say, "hey, smart people, throw us a bone, would ya?"



Edited by TheOtherTed
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If someone is broadcasting their misinformation as if it is correct information, I like to nip that in the bud. Otherwise, you risk that propagating.


As for me, when I'm wrong, I want to know it. And I dont take offense. I try to correct my own misinformation when I can, typically not as an edit that corrects it, but more of a strike through so people can learn from my mistake and that what I said was wrong, and here is the correct information.


Two things that I've been wrong about that come to mind was my understanding of enhancement/set bonus effects when exemplared and Hami-Os working when exemplared. I had wrong info, and after a few attempts, I finally understood it correctly and I appreciated the corrected knowledge.


Overall, just don't belittle people and don't be arrogant. It's not a good look, and it makes you look like an ass if it turns out you're actually wrong.

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I'll either correct it, or test it (if possible) and (if then necessary) correct it. If I don't know, I either leave it or - if I'm "mostly" sure it works differently, will chime in, but make it clear that "I thought it did this, actually...can we doublecheck?"


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Reminds me of DFB, when somebody insisted I cease and desist using Snow Storm during the second boss fight because it, "kills the minions." I informed them that the information on Snow Storm (which I already knew from experience, but players like this do not care about your umpteen years of experience, what they care about are hard provable facts) gives zero numbers for damage or damage types. They kept insisting that it does indeed do damage and if I use it we will not get the badge. This deeply frustrated me because now I am being asked to stop using something that will benefit the team and it was all based off somebody's misinformation that they believed to be fact. So instead of continuing to argue about it, I turned it off and left it be until after the mission was over. After which, I asked her if she would like to help me test it that way we both know for 100% fact (even though I already knew for a fact) and that we can both be sure. She agreed to help me test it. In the end, she realized that it did in fact do zero damage and I was able to help educate her without directly challenging her.

In other words, sometimes you just have to use tact instead of hitting them head on. I was able to avoid the argument and educate her without embarrassing her in front of the rest of the team by taking it to tells and testing after the team had broken up.


Am I always this cool? No, there has been a couple of times when I was not in the mood and told them to stfu and get with the program...but I do try to be the better person in most situations, lol.

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If someone is going to explode, they're going to explode, regardless.  That said, I usually find beginning a correction with a courteous effort at putting the stigma on the problem, and not on the person pushing it, goes a long way to defusing  the tension.  Good documentation seals the deal.   "Player X, I need to respond, and I want you to know I mean you no ill will.  But if I may address the point that was stated (not "that you stated"), the documented facts do not back up that understanding.  Here is the accurate information, and the sources to back it up."  

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2 hours ago, TheOtherTed said:

I'll occasionally toss out information that I'm 50-99% sure about, not to deceive or mislead, but to prompt people smarter than me to chime in.  Usually I only do this if the question has gone unanswered for a while.  Sometimes, people who remain silent to a question might be a bit more motivated to correct, confirm, or clarify an answer.




This is a classic strat in MMOs!

The best way to get a question answered is to have your friend answer it (incorrectly) in help/zone/broadcast chat. Then sit back as all the know-it-alls correct your friend xD

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2 hours ago, Primantis said:

My general policy is it's gotta be so badly misinformed that it could have destructive or very negative consequences.


Your inspiration example for instance isn't gonna entirely ruin someone's day. They might go "oh, wait I think they left out an important detail" but that's about it.



An example of when I'd intervene would be like..

Someone telling Tankers to "not to take their Mez Protection because its useless". Or heck something like telling an Invuln to skip Invincibility. Outside of some sort of Iron-Man/challenge build of course.



This is my general stance too.


If I see someone giving what I consider bad advice I may also PM the person asking to offer my view in a more private setting if I don't feel like risking starting an argument. 

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4 hours ago, EmmySky said:

Here on the forums, on in-game help channels and even over on Discord, I have seen lots of wrong information given out to people.  I am certainly guilty of it myself on occasion so I refuse to attribute it to malice, just misunderstandings or misinformation.  If I know the right answer I try to slip it in, as do others, but it is often lost in the shuffle.


I hesitate to openly correct anyone as I do NOT relish confrontation and also dont want to be accused of starting a fight.  Its not worth fighting over.  But this has been an increasing issue I see, each day seems like more wrong information is given out.  Like this morning I was informed you can combine any 3 inspirations into any one inspiration you want.  It is almost true but leaves out the same 3 inspirations to make a different inspiration of the same tier bit.  Just mis-information.


How do y'all approach making sure the new and/or totally lost players get correct and complete information without lighting the powder keg?  Everybody seems so touchy these days its just hard to know how to give correct answers without the wrong answer person getting bent out of shape.  It doesn't help that I tend towards hyperbole and smartassedness lol


Happy hunting!

The game's 16 years old.  And there's been VAST changes to the game since Issue 1.

So it's normal that erroneous data "brain farts" like this happen from time to time.

If you catch one, do your best to be civil in your correction.

If it's you, just cop to it with an "I done goofed!" and carry on.

Just remember though.  *I* am ALWAYS right!
So if I tell you the sky is puke brown, you BETTER take it as GOSPEL!


Edited by Hyperstrike
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If you want to be godlike, pick anything.

If you want to be GOD, pick a TANK!

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Every time I see an error in a question answered, I send a tell to the person who initially asked the question with the correct answer. 

If it's just an incomplete answer and I'm not terribly involved in a tf or something that requires my attention, I'll send them a tell suggesting that if they'd like to know more, simply ask me via tell or in the help channel. 

By taking it to PMs, the one who made the mistake remains blissfully ignorant - but they're not getting chat-smacked by me in a public channel so no smack talk occurs. 

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You should correct misinformation. No need to make it a crusade, just inform them. You've done your part then and don't need to do more.


I had a friend with an Achilles' Heel -res in each attack. I told them they did not stack. They insisted it did. I told them no, but to purchase the power analyser from the P2W and give it a test. They did and came back to tell me I was right.


I also happily wanted to use the Tanker ATO proc in a damage aura and insisted it worked super well. I was corrected, tested, and they were right. Or trusted Mids about the uber heal Siphon Life showed on Mids, was corrected about its correct values in game, went to test, and they were right.


Knowing these things is good, it's how we build up on what we know.

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10 hours ago, EmmySky said:

Everybody seems so touchy these days its just hard to know how to give correct answers without the wrong answer person getting bent out of shape.


Ah, millennial culture.  Everything is offensive, no-one should contradict anyone, the feelings of delicate little snowflakes are more important than truth or reality, and temper tantrums are mandatory.


People fly into a rage, or incoherent sobbing, at the drop of a hat these days.  That doesn't mean they should be coddled, or confrontation avoided.  On the contrary, they should be corrected, with a sledgehammer if necessary.  Being wrong isn't the end of the world, and they'll either figure that out (eventually), or behave like twatnozzles until no-one's listening any more.  Correct more, worry less.

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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11 hours ago, EmmySky said:

How do y'all approach making sure the new and/or totally lost players get correct and complete information without lighting the powder keg?  Everybody seems so touchy these days its just hard to know how to give correct answers without the wrong answer person getting bent out of shape.  It doesn't help that I tend towards hyperbole and smartassedness lol


2 hours ago, Sovera said:

You should correct misinformation. No need to make it a crusade, just inform them. You've done your part then and don't need to do more.


This is the best approach IMO. True misinformation should be corrected; if I have posted incorrect information and been corrected I publicly accept the correction.


In-game, there are sometimes different 'answers' for certain types of questions. For Example: 'Where is the best place to hunt X?'. 'Best' depends on different factors (level, Hero/Villain), so nobody should get bent out of shape when different answers come in on the channel.

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3 hours ago, Luminara said:


Ah, millennial culture.  Everything is offensive, no-one should contradict anyone, the feelings of delicate little snowflakes are more important than truth or reality, and temper tantrums are mandatory.


People fly into a rage, or incoherent sobbing, at the drop of a hat these days.  That doesn't mean they should be coddled, or confrontation avoided.  On the contrary, they should be corrected, with a sledgehammer if necessary.  Being wrong isn't the end of the world, and they'll either figure that out (eventually), or behave like twatnozzles until no-one's listening any more.  Correct more, worry less.

Millenials? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! What an idiotic statement.


edit: Blaming Millenials is a good example of misinformation that should be challenged publicly.

Edited by MunkiLord
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1 hour ago, MunkiLord said:

Millenials? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! What an idiotic statement.


edit: Blaming Millenials is a good example of misinformation that should be challenged publicly.


I didn't "blame millennials".  I said millennial culture, that being the current societal norm.  There is a difference.

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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I would just direct the correct information towards the requesting player in the General or Help channel, '@' them in your comment, this points it out that your comment is to the requester, rather than seen as a correction to the player giving incorrect information. As for any reaction from the mis-informer... it's not on you, because if they react poorly, it's all on them.


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Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.

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23 minutes ago, Luminara said:


I didn't "blame millennials".  I said millennial culture, that being the current societal norm.  There is a difference.

I see. You just said millennial and by coincidence happened to use the same criticisms whiny old people use against younger generations. I'll get off your lawn now. 

Edited by MunkiLord
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13 minutes ago, MunkiLord said:

I see. You just said millennial and by coincidence happened to use the same criticisms whiny old people use against younger generations. I'll get off your lawn now. 


edit: Let's say I believe that explanation(I don't), it's actually not any less ridiculous. The only difference between now and five, ten, forty years ago is more people are online and have a voice. None of this stuff is new feelings or thoughts people have, it's just easier and easier every day for more and more people to express themselves and harder to ignore. And that's what these complaints are really about, the inability to ignore other people's complaints. 


There's an enormous difference between Gen X culture and millennial culture.  We both grew up with Internet access and social media platforms.  The change wasn't numerical, though, it was in the trend toward (arguably fascist) control of how we're permitted to express ourselves.  Gen X culture was blunt and direct, flame wars were the norm and we didn't have moderators stepping in to slap our wrists and tell us to behave.  Our online experience reflected our real world experience, in that it was frank and sometimes unpleasant, but like real life, we dealt with it.  Millennial culture is very different.  It's controlled, processed and sanitized.


Gen X was responsible for that evolution.  The people who began moderating chat rooms and forums were Gen X.  The people who decided there should be behavioral norms and rules for interaction were Gen X.  The people who created millennial culture were Gen X.


So when I express dissatisfaction with the nature of online communication in the millennial era, it's not an accusation of fault on the part of millennials, it's just what I said, a dislike of the culture that has evolved.  It's dishonest, and it does more harm than good.  And if I were pointing a finger at people, rather than societal behavior, it wouldn't be millennials, it would be Gen X, my generation.


Now get off of my lawn.

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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I appreciate everyone chiming in but lets try and keep it game-related and not political.  I am just concerned with new players being given wrong info and how to most politely correct it so it doesn't propagate.


Really, thanks for all the opinions, many good points made.

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Just now, EmmySky said:

I appreciate everyone chiming in but lets try and keep it game-related and not political.  I am just concerned with new players being given wrong info and how to most politely correct it so it doesn't propagate.


Really, thanks for all the opinions, many good points made.

You're right. Sorry for my injection of my personal views toward real life issues. I honestly did not mean to derail the thread. I just chimed in on what the current conversation had lead in to. I'll stop.  🙂  Promise.

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