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Mechanics you'd like to see more of?

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Was thinking today about Jaunt and Burst of Speed with how they have a kind of "ammo" for instant use before they need to recharge, and how that would have been a really cool attribute for other powers. For example on Ranged Weapon sets literally having ammo allowing you to spend that instead of following the normal recharge rules, for the cost of having to reload if you run dry.


What things that you find fun/interesting  would you like to see more of in the game?

Edited by Galaxy Brain
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That could make an interesting set... Have an inherent "reload" power that has a long recharge time, and each power has a fixed number of charges that is replenished when you hit the reload power. Doesn't even have to be guns, it could be like magic wands or "prayers" like a cleric from D&D.

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I talked myself into rolling a dual blades.. and then deleted it. Couldn't do staff fighting even though I'd like to. I am not in favor of any more combo system type mechanics.

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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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I like how one power opens up the use of other powers... it would be interesting to have a flame armor where you turn on an offensive flame aura that gives you some burning attacks, or a defensive flame aura that gives you an absorb and a heal clickie. Basically, a version of the WS/PB shapeshifting that doesn't lock out your other powers 😞

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9 hours ago, Troo said:

I talked myself into rolling a dual blades.. and then deleted it. Couldn't do staff fighting even though I'd like to. I am not in favor of any more combo system type mechanics.

I do have a Staff / Willpower scrapper that I'm very happy with.  But no small part of that, is the animations just work for me, and the "combos" are powers that I was going to use ANYWAY.

I would be singing a very very different tune if I strongly disliked some of the animations.


And that's really the main problem with a combo system.  It doesn't *quite* actually REQUIRE you to take certain powers.... you *could* still skip some, even if that meant certain combos could never be performed.... but it really tries to lead you down a certain path like that.  Compare and contrast to Claws, or Electric Blast, or Battle Axe where there are basically no performance repercussions on the powers you DO take, when you choose to skip other powers in the same pool. 

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I do like the "Charge" mechanic like Burst of Speed. 


I'm not a fan of the "Buff given on DISABLING power" of Reaction Time.  I'd prefer they got rid of that "on-disable" entirely, and had Reaction Time give you two mutually exclusive "Stance" toggles.  One that gives the PBAE Slow and foe -Recharge and +Recovery, and +Absorb, and another that gives the +Movement and +Recharge.  But I understand they didn't want to give so large a boost to personal recharge as a permanent power, and they'd likely nerf the amount of recharge given as a price of making it a "stance".


I like the Blaster damage boost on using your powers, to make your next powers hit harder.  I'd like to see an echo of that given to Corruptors, to boost Scourge on successive attacks. Maybe let each attack they perform allow them to Scourge at a higher health threshhold (so a mob could qualify for course at say 75% if you have several stacks), OR, if they decide that's too strong, then at least increase the chance of scourge happening on a target that's at 50% or below?


I love being given a CHOICE for how certain missions proceed. Whether it's the In-Your-Face Praetorian MORAL CHOICE dialogue box, or something more subtle like choosing to help or betray the Midnighters in the Night Ward.  I'd like to see conditional objectives and multiple alternate endings being possible in AE missions.  


I like fighting mobs who have some "Can Opener" abilities that I need to take seriously.  No, I'm not asking for the equivalent of Mythic Progression Raiding in WoW.  But I find I vastly prefer missions with First Ward / Night Ward / Rularuu / Carnies / Malta over missions with Council, Crey, or Circle of Thorns.  So I'd like "Classic" mobs to have access to more powers in the sets that they draw from.  

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Mike and the Mechanics. Many is the mission where all I needed was a miracle. 


51 minutes ago, MTeague said:

I love being given a CHOICE for how certain missions proceed. Whether it's the In-Your-Face Praetorian MORAL CHOICE dialogue box, or something more subtle like choosing to help or betray the Midnighters in the Night Ward.  I'd like to see conditional objectives and multiple alternate endings being possible in AE missions.


Sky-Hawke: Rad/WP Brute

Alts galore. So...soooo many alts.

Originally Pinnacle Server, then Indomitable and now Excelsior

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3 hours ago, tidge said:

"Escort/Kidnap the NPC"...said no one, ever.

Could be worse. Could be 19 lawyers in a 7 floor office maze. 😞

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Discount Heroes SG:

Frostbiter - Ice/Ice Blaster

Throneblade - Broadsword/Dark Armor Brute

Silver Mantra - Martial Arts/Electric Armor Scrapper

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Not a combo mechanics, but I love how ninja run, which was supposed to be just a cool-looking low-end travel power, actually opens up tactical moves for my martial arts scrappers, and a couple of other characters as well (Shield, for example).  If a tank is not on the team,  I can  utilize NR to charge a collective mob, do a low somersault over the mob, land behind them, and hit dragon's tail to sweep them from behind.  The mob now turns towards me, exposing their backs to the rest of the team.  Super fluid moves, practical, tactical, and totally cool.  


For this and other effects, I'd really like to play NR all the time.  Unfortunately, it is not slottable, and is a huge endurance drain in combat as a result.  I'd really love to see Homecoming either heavily nerf the endurance drain or provide a single enhancement slot (purchasable from P2W, perhaps?) to allow for endurance reduction enhancements, similar to sprint, so that I can run this constantly.


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I sort of liked how Praetoria had a little event where you could force Syndicate out of a building, bust their heads and move in to the building trying to flush out the Syndicate leader--it wasn't a mission map, you still were being counted as being out in the street.

Some of the maps were getting zone events like that added in during Live to try to give them more life. St. Martial has something like that with Longbow raiding a casino.

was sort of a nice throwback to 'hey, remember when this game used to force you to go street-patrolling because you ran out of Contact missions?'

oh golly and I totally forgot about some of the other older zone events like the burning buildings in Steel Canyon. The firemen were durned if they were going to let SC turn into Boomtown, where fires still burn to this day.

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On 6/15/2020 at 12:50 PM, Troo said:

I talked myself into rolling a dual blades.. and then deleted it. Couldn't do staff fighting even though I'd like to. I am not in favor of any more combo system type mechanics.

In general, combo systems and stancing are the two mechanics I'd like to see less of.

I would like to see more balance between specialized and dual transportation powers. Love the duals, but specialized powers may need a boost.

Archetype Concept Compilation -- Powerset Concept Compilations: Assault Melee


The Great Archetype Concept Battle: Final Round


Archetype Proposal Amalgamation

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Goofy stuff like Self Destruct.  Give me a seppuku power.  😄


The winter ski hill mechanic was pretty neat, in that some of the better ways to get momentum wasn't what one would immediately expect.  Also see the Frostfire mission. Would like to see more just-for-fun stuff with this sliding mechanic, perhaps a parkour area with ramps and stuff to slide on.

Edited by Jeneki
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If there'e a wishlist of things I'd like to see added to the game, a way to store recipes in you SG base would rank high on that list.



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"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them...well I have others.”

― Groucho Marx

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On 6/14/2020 at 11:50 PM, Troo said:

I talked myself into rolling a dual blades.. and then deleted it. Couldn't do staff fighting even though I'd like to. I am not in favor of any more combo system type mechanics.


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A mechanic I *believe* only my Warshades have:

Varying something by the rank of the target. Notably in Stygian Circle. (I know people sometimes think the extracted essence is "stronger" if you do it on a boss, but it's not.) Healing is stronger the higher rank the defeated enemy is.

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58 minutes ago, Greycat said:

A mechanic I *believe* only my Warshades have:

Varying something by the rank of the target. Notably in Stygian Circle. (I know people sometimes think the extracted essence is "stronger" if you do it on a boss, but it's not.) Healing is stronger the higher rank the defeated enemy is.

Victory Rush in leadership works like this too

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Yeah, stuff like the taunt auras that scale based on number of nearby enemies would be nice to see take enemy rank into account (so soloing an EB would give me 3-4 stacks instead of making a wildly inconsistent build between horde and challenge fights).


On 6/15/2020 at 9:33 AM, MTeague said:

I'm not a fan of the "Buff given on DISABLING power" of Reaction Time.  I'd prefer they got rid of that "on-disable" entirely, and had Reaction Time give you two mutually exclusive "Stance" toggles.  One that gives the PBAE Slow and foe -Recharge and +Recovery, and +Absorb, and another that gives the +Movement and +Recharge.  But I understand they didn't want to give so large a boost to personal recharge as a permanent power, and they'd likely nerf the amount of recharge given as a price of making it a "stance".

I understand you're talking about having two always-on benefits, but I want to put out there that "buff on disable" is two mutually exclusive toggles.  I actually feel if we're going to have more stances, I'd like to see us lean more into this off/on state instead of cluttering up our powers with multiple mutually exclusive toggles.


I like that Chaining has been getting a face-lift, and I feel like there's a lot of room to use chaining on effects that are not thematically chains (example: imagine if Savage Leap chained to nearby enemies.  Meaning chain teleport-melee attacks).

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