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never thought this game would depress me, but it does


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i want to know why the community doesnt seem to care about new players who dont know the ropes.... i can never seem to get a full team together, and when i do, they all quit within 1-2 radio missions... then try to recruit and nobody cares to join... whats the use? now i truly see that the world doesnt care and everyone around me is rude and abusive... THAT is what games breed... 

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Maybe your server is a low population one.  I play on the most populated one and during prime time hours and the day, I don't ever really see this happening.  But a low pop server, at 3 am?  Oh god yes.  Not much to be done about that.


Sometimes you run into jerks and problems.  Let it slide best you can, come back later and try again and often, in my experience, the bad times will fade and you will have better times in the future.

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Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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Sorry for your negative experience. I can offer one potential explanation. 

a lot of people who join radio teams have pre-determined notions of how it should be run, even if they never lead teams themselves. I find a lot of people want a particular difficulty setting, completion speed, mission cadence, mission type (not rescues), and even preferred villain groups (I sometimes have people quit because I choose arachnos missions). If you’re not meeting those unspoken demands, they may just leave. Not everyone though. 

Maybe try joining a supergroup where you can play with like minded people. 

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What server?  What time?  What level?  What alignment?  What else was going on at the time?  All these play into the availability of potential team mates.  There are times when say a Hami or MSR is going on so a lot of the available players are going to do that rather then run radios/papers.  Also if one of the popular TFs is the weekly sometimes people are more focused on getting the bonus merits then doing normal content.  Lots of things.  Sometimes players join radios to just run one or two until something else they want to do is advertised.  Don't take it personally, they don't know you ... you don't know them.  So there really is no feeling of need to stay on a pick up team.  Now if it is a group of friends that you've played with many times I'd be annoyed.  Otherwise, you are just strangers that happened to share a bench for a little while.


Also if you are looking for an active SG on Excelsior give us a look:


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There are LOTS of people that help newbies, never-have-beenbies, experienced, and UltraCombo pros. Use the /h channel. A lot. People will randomly give you inf, or help you with mishs, or whatever needs to be done.


I am not sure how to avoid the more prominent questions raised by your post; If you are playing redside, go to blueside. If you are looking for lots of teamage, probably go to Excelsior, which has a very thriving PUG team thing going on.

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Also keep in mind that not everyone likes radio/newspaper missions.  Personally, I find them extremely dull.  That most of the player base chooses to make the dullest content in the game even more dull by only doing Council does not help.

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1 minute ago, Apparition said:

Also keep in mind that not everyone likes radio/newspaper missions.  Personally, I find them extremely dull.  That most of the player base chooses to make the dullest content in the game even more dull by only doing Council does not help.

Yeah the all-Council teams are boring af. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I’d rather throw some Carnies in the mix.

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Blinks.  Really?  There is a guy with a thread giving away 20 mill to anyone.  There are super groups who will be glad to have a new member.  

yes, teams do not stay together long on most MMORPGs including this one.  That is due to everything from short attention span theatre to life happening to you name it.  But just because a team tends to run out of steam is not a reason to throw in the towel on life


side note;  i have many depressing reasons for you to throw in the towel on life if needed. Ps. Donate blood first.  Feed the vamps running local blood banks


seriously though   This game has a steady crew who runs a lot of content.  Find a group you like and get rolling

Edited by Snarky
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7 minutes ago, Snarky said:

side note;  i have many depressing reasons for you to throw in the towel on life if needed. Ps. Donate blood first.  Feed the vamps running local blood banks


Can I subscribe to your newsletter?

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1 hour ago, iBot said:

What server?  What time?  What level?  What alignment?  What else was going on at the time?  All these play into the availability of potential team mates.  


Very much this!  Even the higher population servers have times of day when it's quiet and nearly impossible to form a team.  That's not people being rude and avoiding you; that's just the fact that there aren't many online, and those who are have other activities they have chosen to do.  

The problem with the OP is that you're automatically assuming people not joining your teams = people are "rude and abusive."  You're assuming bad intent when there are plenty of other reasonable and logical explanations for what is regular (and neither rude nor abusive) behavior.  People have real lives outside of the game.  It is not uncommon at all for players to jump in the game, but only have a half hour or hour to play before something else demands their attention, so they'll jump into a radio PUG for a mission or two, then drop.  That's not rude; that's normal.  So unless you're advertising your groups as "join for 2 hours minimum of radios, no drops!" (which I've never seen done, but at least it would be up front), you're setting unrealistic expectations, and if you do that then you will always be disappointed.  

To the OP, if I can be quite frank, if you're going to enjoy this or any other game that requires interaction with other players, you're going to need to adjust your attitude and your expectations.

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5 minutes ago, saltyorange said:

Ah yes, people quitting your radio teams after 1-2 mission is very rude and abusive, truly it proves this world isn't worth living in. Ironic thing about this post is it's you who doesn't care about others you only care about what you want and then throw a fit and try to drum up sympathy for your non-issue. Maybe they only have that much time, maybe thats all they want to play for or any other endless number of reasons non of which are rude or abusive. Your behavior is disgusting.


When I join a PUG for radio missions it is usually because I am trying to get a few bars to level, so I will only generally join for a mission or two.  Once I get my level I move on to other things...

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I'll write this about radio missions (either side):

  1.  I will almost always help if someone is having trouble; the times I don't offer is when I am on another PUG or doing SF/TF content (including Ouroboros)
  2.  When I play radio missions: I want the Temp powers. the hero/villain pelts, and the badges.

I've been with groups that felt the Mayhem/Safeguard missions were not worth doing... to me they are the whole reason to do tip missions.


There are many players who FREAK OUT when part of a team when they would have to exemplar down, My absolute favorite over-reaction was when my level 48 invited a level 50 to help fight a fire in Steel Canyon... OMG the WHINING about me not passing him the star...

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To OP, I'm sorry about your experience.  If you are a new player, it is very easy to "learn the ropes" and I'm sure things will get better.  There's no reason to get depressed over it -- we are all playing a game (presumably) in order to have a good time of one sort or another.


On a much less serious note:




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Who run Bartertown?


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12 minutes ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

To OP, I'm sorry about your experience.  If you are a new player, it is very easy to "learn the ropes" and I'm sure things will get better.  There's no reason to get depressed over it -- we are all playing a game (presumably) in order to have a good time of one sort or another.


On a much less serious note:





Needs more duck costume.

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Going with Lum's advice, we have "I can't believe the game is back!" to "How do I delete all my characters" a few days later, and "how do I change my global," to this.


Honestly, it halfway sounds like you went and annoyed the heck out of whatever server you're on. Which ... will impact getting teams. (Hard to recruit if everyone has you on ignore.) Either that or you have some set of expectations that nobody's meeting (and nobody has any requirement to,) such as sticking around for more than 1-2 paper missions - or needing a full team for them.


So, start there. What *are* your expectations? Full team on call staying with you for hours? Not going to happen. If you're running papers and only have 2-3 people, so what? Run with them. Get to know them. Recruit between missions instead of standing around waiting for a "full" team. Build up a friends list that way. Look for whatever events are going on on your server - or find a server with events that fit your time.


And remember it's just a game.

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19 minutes ago, Greycat said:


Going with Lum's advice, we have "I can't believe the game is back!" to "How do I delete all my characters" a few days later, and "how do I change my global," to this.


Honestly, it halfway sounds like you went and annoyed the heck out of whatever server you're on. Which ... will impact getting teams. (Hard to recruit if everyone has you on ignore.) Either that or you have some set of expectations that nobody's meeting (and nobody has any requirement to,) such as sticking around for more than 1-2 paper missions - or needing a full team for them.


So, start there. What *are* your expectations? Full team on call staying with you for hours? Not going to happen. If you're running papers and only have 2-3 people, so what? Run with them. Get to know them. Recruit between missions instead of standing around waiting for a "full" team. Build up a friends list that way. Look for whatever events are going on on your server - or find a server with events that fit your time.


And remember it's just a game.

Ok I checked the same and now I want the juicy details.

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The OP is coming across like a "stage 5 clinger".  No offense OP but THAT can annoy folks to the point of NOT wanting to group up with you.  Maybe I'm wrong but unless you can provide a bit more of an example of what is happening exactly vs what you expect.


I personally WILL NEVER group with a 'puppy' bouncing around me sending me tells "Let's team up!", "Invite please!", "Can I join?", etc. etc all while spamming me with team invite requests.  Yeah, that would not be my lack of friendliness...  that would be more an issue on your part.  


Homecoming is one of the friendliest and helpful mmo environments I've ever seen, and I have seen a LOT.  I'm sorry you are feeling the way you do.  That isn't good.  But honestly, I think you need to consider your approach perhaps?  Or, and this is an honest question, do you suffer from bi-polar or something that folks may not be aware of?  Even if you do, find a good SG and explain and I think you will find a little more understanding and support.


I guess I can't figure out (by reading not only this post but your others) exactly what is going on with YOU.  I wish you the best my friend.  We really are a good community here who does care.  Maybe you have a specific expectation that is a bit much for some folks...

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Want to see my current list of characters?  Want to know more about me than you ever wanted to know?

Wish Granted!   Check out the 'About Me' in my profile:   KauaiJim - Homecoming (homecomingservers.com)


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2 minutes ago, KauaiJim said:

Or, and this is an honest question, do you suffer from bi-polar or something that folks may not be aware of?  Even if you do, find a good SG and explain and I think you will find a little more understanding and support.

I can attest per my own bizarre behaviors that a core group of players will be willing to look past some pretty weird awkward shit.

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1 hour ago, Lockpick said:


When I join a PUG for radio missions it is usually because I am trying to get a few bars to level, so I will only generally join for a mission or two.  Once I get my level I move on to other things...

So you are admitting that it is you.  You are the problem.  Can i get some Praetorian cleaner bots and a mind wipe here?   Thanks

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3 hours ago, Carbie48 said:

i want to know why the community doesnt seem to care about new players who dont know the ropes.... i can never seem to get a full team together, and when i do, they all quit within 1-2 radio missions... then try to recruit and nobody cares to join... whats the use? now i truly see that the world doesnt care and everyone around me is rude and abusive... THAT is what games breed... 

Me personally, I don't do radio missions unless I am just trying to unlock a contact.

If solo, I do Story Arcs. If teaming, I do Task Forces. Radio missions are just....boring, they have no purpose other than to level. I can do that while also obtaining badges and accolades. I think maybe the only people who really do radio missions are the people who are in between door sitting AE missions, and since I am 100% against power leveling, I just don't fit in with that crowd. So when somebody advertises radio missions, I hold off until I see a Task Force instead....and even then, I don't mess with the ones that say, "speedy" Task Force as to me, if it's worth doing, its' worth doing all the way.

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1 hour ago, Solarverse said:

If solo, I do Story Arcs. If teaming, I do Task Forces. Radio missions are just....boring, they have no purpose other than to level.


The exception I'll make is actually PI radios. They're not any better than radios anywhere else, but I still find them preferable to most of the contact missions in PI - endless strings of "go through the portal to this alternate dimension with an open world map where you can fly around and click all the glowies and be done in under 10 minutes but get very little XP" are far more boring than radios.

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