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I'm a newly returned player and while I made myself a base and have rack upon rack of salvage storage, I still have trouble keeping up with it all.  I don't know what I should be keeping, what I should be selling, what other characters are going to need.  So how do the experienced members of the community manage their salvage and recipe storage?  Is there a way to increase the character storage?  Is there a way to increase the personal vault space in the Base?  Is the answer even more salvage racks?

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I can't tell you the right way because I have no idea what you plan to do with yours but here's what I've done.

Max number of bins in base.

1 each for Converters, Unslotters, Catalysts and Boosters.

5 bins for the high usage IOs (performance shifters, luck of the gamblers, numinas, etc.

1 each for PvP/HOs, Purples, Archetype, Winter and lvl 35 basics


I don't store any crafting salvage anymore as I sell all white/yellow to the store in my base along with most recipes. I'll sell purples, pvps, orange crafting salvage and other known good recipes on the market for 111 inf each.


All that said, when I was just restarting with Homecoming, I did spend more time crafting but it rapidly turned into what I've stated above because I'd rather spend my game time killin than craftin.

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I guess that's the core of my problem.  I don't know what to keep so I'm keeping everything.  You mentioned the level 35 stuff.  I have a couple recipes at 35, including a couple Kinetic Combat ones.  But I don't know why I should keep 35s as opposed to holding out for 50s.  I know that the bonus doesn't change, but is it really that effective to slot a 35 and level to 50 with it?  Keep in mind, I don't recall salvage from back in the day, it is likely I had to stop playing before that came out.

Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, kubwulf said:

I guess that's the core of my problem.  I don't know what to keep so I'm keeping everything.  You mentioned the level 35 stuff.  I have a couple recipes at 35, including a couple Kinetic Combat ones.  But I don't know why I should keep 35s as opposed to holding out for 50s.  I know that the bonus doesn't change, but is it really that effective to slot a 35 and level to 50 with it?  Keep in mind, I don't recall salvage from back in the day, it is likely I had to stop playing before that came out.


It's ONLY basic IOs that I keep around at lvl 35 and that's for quickly slotting into a build I've powerleveled to 32 so I can go out and get a feel for it. Edit: I do have some 50+5 basic IOs in the bin as well for slotting into finalized builds like end-red, rec-red, run, jump and fly.


All the rest of my IOs are attuned so that it doesn't matter what lvl I slot them at, except for PvP and Purple IOs which should be +5ed instead.


On the archetype IO front, I'll use a non-catalyzed set while leveling up and then unslot them during a respec for storage to be used by a new alt and slot a catalyzed version at 50.


Granted, this method really only works because I have zero issues stripping and deleting alts if I decide they're never going to get maxed out.

Edited by Bill Z Bubba
11 minutes ago, kubwulf said:

But I don't know why I should keep 35s as opposed to holding out for 50s.


Specifically to this, I never store recipes. Since I'm selling everything or storing good stuff from alts, I just buy what I need for new builds as I need it. It only cost me like 300 mil to fully kit out my last respec for my emp/nrg defender but again, that's fully due to having so much stuff already stored.


For recipes you already have, craft and sell or just sell or craft and store for later use. You'll get more inf if you craft it first but you'll have to decide if it's worth your time to do so.


Do it if you want to, but other than orange salvage there is no point in keeping any other salvage. You get more than you could ever use and more keeps on dropping. It's stuff worth 100 to 5000 inf.

1 hour ago, kubwulf said:

I'm a newly returned player and while I made myself a base and have rack upon rack of salvage storage, I still have trouble keeping up with it all.  I don't know what I should be keeping, what I should be selling, what other characters are going to need.  So how do the experienced members of the community manage their salvage and recipe storage?  Is there a way to increase the character storage?  Is there a way to increase the personal vault space in the Base?  Is the answer even more salvage racks?

Salvage management, for me, has been a bit of this and that. Different characters do different things. 

I used to just have each character lump all of it in any storage rack that had room. But finding it later became annoying. And pulling it out quickly, invariably, the order of salvage within the bin would change and I'd have to put some stuff back. Annoying. 

Now, I have learned that common salvage is dirt cheap. It's much easier to type /AH and buy the common and uncommon salvage, rather than store it. 

As for the rare salvage, I keep it all in the vault. And when it gets about half full, before I forget, I unload it to the crafting characters within the specific tiers. 

I have one character that does all the crafting for level 10-24; so that character will get all the rares in that level range. 
Same with 41-50. 
I rarely deal with 25-40, so I just sell it. 

Thing is - I hardly ever need to make a deposit into a salvage bin. I craft every uncommon and rare I get, so the salvage never really accumulates that much, except for the common, which I'll vendor or sell on the AH, depending on the going price. If it's less than 300, I vendor, More, I sell on the AH. 


I have 4 bases, 3 of which are one big room with all the storage bins i can fit on that base plot.

I know the market well enough to keep ones that might cost a pretty penny ie; purples, ATO, procs, and ones I commonly use in all my builds LotG, Reactive, pvp, etc.

I only keep 4 salvage bins, 1 of holiday salvage, 1 of orange salvage,  and 2 of converters, catalysts, etc.

I keep alot of the extra on my farmers, and as soon as I get the salvage through drops I make the recipe that I have and either sell of keep depending on inventory or if I will use.

Occasionally I buy a orange that I might need to finish a recipe. 

I have enhancement tables specifically for health/end, resistance, defense, ATO, purple, winter, etc.

If this was Marvel I would be the Collector, I love being a dragon and hoarding my wealth.


Unlike BillZ I take mine to 50 fully kit them out and play them, if I like I keep if I dont I respec get all my IOs back and delete. It keeps a flow going in my inventory and occasionally I will help a VGmate out.

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The Revenants twitch channel, come watch us face plant, talk smack, and attempt to be world class villains.


My suggestions for you, based on your post and assuming you are working on your first character:


Sell all your rare salvage drops for the first 30 levels or so.  You’ll need that 400-500k of influence more than you need to save the salvage.  Later on when you are cash flow positive, save them in storage if you want.


Sell all your white and yellow salvage, either on the AH or at a vendor.  At this point in the game, there is a pretty strong flow of buyers and sellers, so it’s not difficult to buy what you need when you need it.


Salvage is seeded and fungible.  “Seeded” means that the devs put 10mm for sale at 10k, 100k, and 1mm respectively for white, yellow, and orange salvage.  That’s your cap and you will always be able to buy there.  “Fungible” means that every specific salvage is bucketed with all salvage of the same color.  You sell a Hamidon Goo; someone buys it as an Alien Blood Sample.  In short, you will always be able to buy salvage on the AH, at some price.


For me, I usually only buy salvage when I need it (more accurately a session before I need it).  I have large amounts of orange and yellow salvage in reserve, in case someone gets frisky and tries to run prices up, and I have one SG full of high level orange salvage to make crafting purples in volume faster.


happy hunting!



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Who run Bartertown?



I finally stopped trying to store salvage. It came to the point where I realized that just buying the salvage I need from the AH was a lot faster than going from rack to rack to rack trying to locate the item I need

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4 minutes ago, RikOz said:

I finally stopped trying to store salvage. It came to the point where I realized that just buying the salvage I need from the AH was a lot faster than going from rack to rack to rack trying to locate the item I need

Exactly me as well.


I just don't think you need any storage for salvage in the base. I move the rare salvage that drops into vault storage window and sell or delete all but 2 of everything else in my personal storage. If you have multiples of rares you can also store them in email for other characters who might need it.

  • Victory: Phrendon Largo, Jacob Deyer
  • Indom: Schtick, Pummel Pete, Plymouth, Pilkington
  • Reunion: Ghost Legacy, 7s7e7v7e7n7, Mind Funk, Bluto
  • Excelsior: Phrendon Largo, Fred Bumbler, John van der Waals,Allamedia Jones, Tzapt, Sn1pe
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  • Everlasting: Phrendon Largo, Krown, Buzz Words, Bicycle Repairman, Dee Fender, Carmela Soprano, Radmental Boy, Beet Salad, Sporanghi,Sue Ahn Cuddy, Fukushima Technician, Snow Globe Girl, Thug Therapist, Apple Brown Betty

I store the common and uncommon salvage needed to craft the most important base empowerments buffs that I need.  That way I don't have to pop in and out of the base to buy from /ah if I join a team ready to begin a tf yet my base empowerment buffs have expired so I need a quick refresh.  

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The main base has for salvage: Two Common, Two Uncommon, Three Rare and an extra that gets overflow.

One inspiration storage, and nine enh tables with one overflow, one 45, two 50, and the five for sets.   (This base just has level 42 and up chars)


My main enh builder who winds up stocking my level 50 chars has around 160 slots filled with common storage so that I can build whatever common IO.

Everyone else tends to build their set IOs, but I do keep enough on hand to outfit most chars when I feel I want sets on the char.

The salvage storage helps with the random set IO builds and I rarely have to buy any salvage.

5 hours ago, kubwulf said:

I guess that's the core of my problem.  I don't know what to keep so I'm keeping everything.  You mentioned the level 35 stuff.  I have a couple recipes at 35, including a couple Kinetic Combat ones.  But I don't know why I should keep 35s as opposed to holding out for 50s.  I know that the bonus doesn't change, but is it really that effective to slot a 35 and level to 50 with it?  Keep in mind, I don't recall salvage from back in the day, it is likely I had to stop playing before that came out.


There's no need to save salvage except for convenience. On Homecoming the /ah is seeded with millions of every type of salvage, so the economy and crafting aren't dependent on players getting drops and selling them. You can sell everything to a store and then buy it on the /ah for the same price.

As far as enhancement values, with ED, there's not a huge difference between slotting a level 25 IO at level 22 or level 35 IOs, or on up to 50. It's a few percentage points of total value and a few percent of enhanced value (with exceptions of course but this is simplified). Not worth stressing over until you're completely min-maxing (for instance with 2 level 50+5 Recharge IOs in Hasten instead of 3 level 50's).

A fairly inexpensive way to go is to sell everything. Do TFs and trade the reward merits for Enhancement Boosters or Converters to sell on the Auction House. Then buy Attuned IOs that you can slot at the minimum level they become available and keep them through 50. And then when you respec into a final build you keep them in your base storage to use on your next alt. Eventually you'll build a large library of IOs and enhancements like @Bill Z Bubba and can kit out a new toon without any expense and all new stuff you earn goes into the library.


Personally, I have one Salvage thing full of Converters I got from drops and Enhancement Boosters. Three Salvage racks with Rare/orange salvage so I can freely craft recipes from drops, then I sell the crafted IO on the /ah. I have 4 tubs of attuned IOs grouped by AoE/PBAoe, Melee, Purple/PvP, and then all the Health/Resist/Defense IOs.  When I'm unhappy with an alt I'll do a /respec, take out all the IOs and put them in the tubs to use on the next alt.  



I’ll store rare salvage and sell all common and uncommon. I’ll store pvp, purple, and ATO IO’s. I’ll also store IO’s used in most builds, LotG, performance shifter etc, etc. I sell all recipes above level 35. Since the crafting cost of IO’s goes up as they level you kind of get to a point where it’s just easier to buy the IO instead of crafting it unless it’s something like a LotG. Even then you could buy a cheaper IO in the defense sets and use converters to make one. 

Dazl - Excelsior Grav/Kinetic Controller (SG - Cosmic Council) | Dazl - Everlasting & Torchbearer Grav/Energy Dominator

Shadowspawn - Excelsior Dark/Dark Stalker | Pyro Kinetic -Everlasting Fire/Kinetic Corrupter | Nova Pyre - Everlasting Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster (OMG)


It varies wildly for each player. This is mine...


I have four enhancement bins. One for level 40 vanilla IOs. One for level 50 vanilla IOs. One for holding crafted set IOs. One for swapping IOs from one character to another. (The vanilla IO bins each have 12 accuracy, 12 damage, 12 defense, 12 resist, 6 end mod, 6 end reduction, 6 health, 6 recharge, 3 stun, 3 defense debuff, 3 to hit, 3 hold, 3 immobilize, 3 fly, 3 run, 3 jump, 1 slow, 1 stun, 1 to hit debuff, 1 range, 1 taunt, and 1 confuse.)


I have four salvage racks for common salvage (a-c, d-i, k-r, s-t... no more than 11 of each). Two racks for uncommon salvage (a-mutant blood, mutant dna-u... no more than 5 each). One rack for rare salvage (no more than 3 or 4 each).


One salvage rack for brain storm ideas, catalysts, converters, and unslotters.


One salvage rack for Halloween salvage. And one rack for candy canes.



Other than a few individual, specialty set IOs, I generally run SOs up to level 37 then I craft the character a whole set of level 40 vanilla IOs. Then at 47, they get a whole set of level 50 vanilla IOs. The ones in the bins are there for when they are leveling up in between and just need a few here and there. (I don't bother with level 45 because the differences are pretty negligible. And I only have a few characters that bother with extensive set IO slotting.)


When I'm crafting a bunch, I'll buy salvage straight from the auction house, but if I'm crafting one or two things, I'll look in my bins to see what I have on hand.


I have seven SGs, and all seven bases have the same storage configuration.


I wish there were recipe storage bins.


I hate myself.

  • Haha 1
6 hours ago, kubwulf said:

I'm a newly returned player and while I made myself a base and have rack upon rack of salvage storage, I still have trouble keeping up with it all.

Dump it (except for the rare).  My base has like four salvage racks.  One is empty and is used for transferring stuff between characters.  One is full of Halloween salvage.  Then there's one for common and one for uncommon.  The main purpose of the common is for using the buff stations.  The uncommon rack is for the stuff you ALWAYS need, like Carnival of Shadows Mask and Living Tattoo - they show up in all kinds of important recipes.  So I just normally dump most of the common and uncommon at the vendors.  When I need it to craft, I buy it then.  It's dirt cheap compared to everything else.  The rares I always keep or, if I have multiples of something, sell on the auction house since they're decent cash.

As for recipes, I only craft what I am absolutely certain I will use - stuff like Luck of the Gambler +recharge, Performance Shifter proc, etc.  Oh, and purples.  I always craft and store purples.  I can convert them later to the purple I need.

Finally, since my badger has the crafting badges and can craft common IO's cheaper, I keep a supply of level 50 IO's in the base - but just the important ones (recharge, end reduction, end mod).  Generally not stuff like accuracy or damage since my characters get that from set IO's - which each character buys and crafts for themselves.

Originally on Infinity.  I have Ironblade on every shard.  -  My only AE arc:  The Origin of Mark IV  (ID 48002)

Link to the story of Toggle Man, since I keep having to track down my original post.


So on the topic of IOs...  


Is anything crafted considered an IO?  I've been selling the stuff that looks like the old Training enhancements, but it seems from these posts that those are common IOs I should be keeping?

8 hours ago, kubwulf said:

I'm a newly returned player and while I made myself a base and have rack upon rack of salvage storage, I still have trouble keeping up with it all.  I don't know what I should be keeping, what I should be selling, what other characters are going to need.  So how do the experienced members of the community manage their salvage and recipe storage?  Is there a way to increase the character storage?  Is there a way to increase the personal vault space in the Base?  Is the answer even more salvage racks?


Market prices for invention salvage are largely stable, IMO. So I just sell salvage on AH when I get close to full, and buy what I need from AH whenever I need it.


IO Recipes I always craft when I get them, and convert them to something I need or something that sells well on AH. If it's super useful (pvp, purple, LOTG, etc), I stuff it in (one of 7) enhancement storage racks for later.


Common IO Recipes I either craft or sell. They're not that important in the grand scheme of things.


Disclaimer: I am not an ebil marketeer, have dozens of T4'd L50s fully kitted out, or have billions of inf socked away across my bemonocled characters.



Stop saving, problemm solved.  Everytime the suggestion for universal storage came up, this thread explains it all.


You will always have far more than you will ever need.  Its pointless to collect, game shits out more than you can get rid of it.  


Every hour or so, just check your inventory and build the ones you want like procs, LOTG global recharge, KB protection, what ever,


Right click + D will delete salvage stacks or single recipes


At a merchant, right click + E sells stacks of recipes and salvage.


DO NOT TRY ORGANIZING! While you are spending time to sort salvage save influence, you are wasting time making your self so frustrated looking for a simpler solution like global inventory...global inventory is in the /AH shared by the community.  UI is bad, but its worse than drag and drop in a SG salvage rack.

"Farming is just more fun in my opinion, beating up hordes of angry cosplayers...."  - Coyotedancer


I am not especially experienced, however I only keep rare salvage and salvage used for base empowerment station buffs. Generally, only rare salvage is worth enough to be worth keeping and sorting to me. Common and uncommon salvage can be had on the AH for 150 and 2000 inf apiece respectively which isn’t significant.


The only recipes I craft and keep are purples. All other recipes, even if they are for IO’s I want to use, I vendor or sell on the AH. I use a lot of attuned IO’s, and since buying from the AH gives attuned enhancements but crafting does not, I prefer to sell everything and buy back what I want from the AH. 

2 hours ago, TraumaTrain said:

It varies wildly for each player.


You got that right!


Mine has been simple trial and error.  I first started with separated bins for orange, yellow, and white salvage.  Too much work and too fast a fill.  Dumped that concept and now store alphabetized.  I do agree that white salvage should probably not be stored.  You can literally buy it for chump change on the market.  Actually, I do store certain whites, but only those of certain recipes I buy in bulk on the market, craft, convert, and sell for profit.  Having many of these handy speeds my work.  I will keep yellows handy as well, but set a limit on how many of each.


As to the IO enhancements, I first tried to store everything, which proved ridiculous.  A big change came with the addition to the game of the Upgrade button on the enhancement screen.  Again by trial and error, I realized that upgrading SO's was more effective than basic IO's all the way to level 38.  At that level the basic IO's fare better.  So I never store any basic IO's less than 40, and will sell any basic recipes less than 40. (I find the vendors generally offer a better return on basics than the market).     I advance characters fast enough that I don't bother with using or storing set IO's until 50. There is one exception to this.  I will craft and store lower level knockback-to-knockdown conversion enhancements and use them in any power with native knockback.  Any other lower set recipe I may craft and convert for sales, as there are some fine prices to be had for the right lower-ranked piece on the market.

9 hours ago, kubwulf said:

I guess that's the core of my problem.  I don't know what to keep so I'm keeping everything.  You mentioned the level 35 stuff.  I have a couple recipes at 35, including a couple Kinetic Combat ones.  But I don't know why I should keep 35s as opposed to holding out for 50s.  I know that the bonus doesn't change, but is it really that effective to slot a 35 and level to 50 with it?  Keep in mind, I don't recall salvage from back in the day, it is likely I had to stop playing before that came out.

If you are crafting the IOs, a level 35 is cheaper to craft in terms of currency than a level 50.

Top 10 Most Fun 50s.

1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute.  10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. 


"Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."

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