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Officially Unofficial Weekly Discussion #46: Power Enhancement (what do you prioritize when slotting a toon?)


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Welcome back for week #46. This week I wanted to unofficially let everyone know that I've made the decision to step back from these posts after I hit #52. I figured a solid year of contribution is about my limit, so if anyone wants to continue after you'd have my support as I started these to continue on from the official weekly discussions after we lost two GMs that did them.


That all said this week we look into how you choose to slot your powers. Whether you're content to use TO/DO/SO as you progress, or even if you jam as many IOs or special enhancements into your powers as you can it's all fair game. As a player how do you choose how you'd like to enhance your characters? Are you looking for a maximum damage, or maximum survivability? Are you looking to lean heavily into your powers secondary effects or endurance management? Do you have character concepts that cause you to limit your slotting choices? Do you slot out a character over time or do you hand the character the platinum card and send them on a shopping spree?


Personally I like interesting power combos and interactions with their secondary effects, so I occasionally will go in with some odd slotting (especially if I've been drinking), such as an energy blast sentinel that uses KB enhancement sets instead of ranged damage sets, or occasionally neglecting to slot damage in favor of slotting debuffing tohit IOs on a dark blast blaster. Then again I have an alt named Mediocre Man that uses lvl 10 generic IOs and temp powers out of concept. Otherwise the vast majority of my characters I'm a min maxer at heart and like to design my characters to be very competitive (but more so in regards to my own internal competition against my other characters for what type of abuse they can take and what they can dish out).


So how do you enhance your powers? As always thanks for playing.

Edited by SeraphimKensai
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Attuned IOs or purples only, and to be fair, most builds never see a purple in them. I tend to build for Def/mitigation, End management, and Recharge. Everything else tends fall into place. 

Top 10 Most Fun 50s.

1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute.  10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. 


"Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."

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I have too many characters of different types to really have a "set" way of doing things.  It really depends on the character.


I don't bother with purples for the most part. ATOs... sometimes, and then "eventually." I generally buy purples (via merit)  when I have a bunch of catalysts sitting around - catalyze and toss on the market for a bit of INF. I don't generally bother with "builds." I throw in what looks interesting as it goes - sometimes that's just "eh, ST ranged, thunderstrike, ok," sometimes it's "wonder how many powers can take a stun" (electric's fun that way,) sometimes it's just something that only I will see that I find amusing (Feliney Assault, cat brute, has Mako's bite and the Leviathan pool because catgirl tossing fish around amuses me.)

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Get as close to soft/hard caps for res/def/HP as possible depending on armor set (i.e. don't care about defense much if using a pure resist set, vice-versa), then pile on whatever extra stuffs I can like recharge. All builds try to maintain a certain amount of net recovery per second unless they have a clicky recovery power of some sort (in which case I can get away with skimping a little on the blue bar). Don't use Hasten very often, but when I do I make sure it's perma and usually pair it with Spiritual or Agility alpha (depending on armor set type) to make it perma much easier than otherwise. 


I slot full IO sets most of the time, occasionally frankenslotting for certain bonuses. Hamis are sometimes used for ToHit/End (i.e. Tactics) or Res/End (i.e. Tough). 

Closed Beta Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/DptUBzh


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I'm pretty generic with my slotting unless I decide I really enjoy a character.  

Start with D/O -> S/O -> then  I/O's around Level 30-ish.  

If I get beyond there into the 40+ range then I'll start putting in sets. I rarely stay on a character long enough to worry about purples, Hami's or whatever.

Then it's on to the next adventure.





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I build every toon with the mindset of self-efficiency. That is to say, I build the sturdiest toon I can, then focus on trying to maximize the AT strength, so it'll go a little something like this:

  • Defense
  • Recovery
  • Damage/Recharge
  • CC immunity

Seems to be working so far. It's allowed me to tank +2 reichsman on a Blaster with two brutes on the team, or tank most of a Sara Moore TF on a Earth/Ice/Fire dom. My next project is a Storm/Storm corr with near softcap def for well, everything but negative I think and perma hasten(abusing some FF proccage in tornado and Jet Stream).

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Aspiring show writer through AE arcs and then eventually a script 😛


AE Arcs: Odd Stories-Arc ID: 57289| An anthology series focusing on some of your crazier stories that you'd save for either a drunken night at Pocket D or a mindwipe from your personal psychic.|The Pariahs: Magus Gray-Arc ID: 58682| Magus Gray enlists your help in getting to the bottom of who was behind the murder of the Winter Court.|



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Attuned enhances, unless I'm specifically running an old-school style toon. I look mainly for +Recovery & Regen, and I like sets that grant a movement bonus. Damage procs to diversify powers dmg type (esp if w/AoE's). I don't have a lot of purps on anything (that I can think of). If I have a KB toon, and am not soloing with it, I slot KB to KD. So, the standard stuff, I guess.

I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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On live i ran a lot of SO builds.  Back then i could only afford 2-3 really built toons at one time.  To create another purpled and pimped toon required crushing an existing one and stripping 


Now I start I/Os at around 25-30.  Some globals before that. 

My build priorities are almost always damage first.  I tend to not use damage proc much unless it is in a set i was using.  My secondary goals usually revolve around recharge, accuracy, and either defensive or resistance stuff.  Also keeping endurance and health properly set up

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I run DFB to pick up the acc temp power and slot the P2W prestige enhancements. I slot SOs until lvl 22 then switch to common IOs. I start with 1 acc and 1 dmg in the attacks and then start slotting armors and other toggles. I don't slot IO sets until lvl 27 (when the better sets open up). I prioritize which powers get slotted based on what feels like it needs help. I generally don't slot the ATOs until after lvl 40.

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I do not use Purples.  I sell them.  I love ATOs, almost every toon has them, I don't buy them so I have to play for them.  After that, the below rules apply.


My slotting is defined largely by how the character plays up to level 25 or so.  Its easy to get there in fairly short order without a farm or a PL.  This is also because the majority of the "good" Set IO's begin there slotability at 30 (I known there are many that are early, especially ATO and PvP), so that's my break point.  So I play them freeform, with no real Mids work to level 20 in order to feel their play and determine fun.  If they make it there then I frame them up in Mids and see what the numbers look like.  If they look mediocre with a Set IO then I know they aren't worth the full investment but if they are fun they get flagged as Partial Set IO.  There I give hem Set IOs that will impact positively the mediocre and enhance the fun; recharge, or some procs, things that bump recover up a little. 


The ones that look real good in Mids are moved to test and filled to see how it flows.  I may have kitted them up with solid defense but if it was at the expense of play flow, I might rethink things.  Anyway, if they pass this then I transcribe the buy list and then drive on playing.  I am not in a rush to super charge them so for the more expensive ones, I will put the order in that I am willing to pay and wait.  Also I use Enhancement Converters to turn what I don't need into what I do need.


It works for me to where they all play well and I am not broke.  In fact, I have two (2) Level 50's that are still slotted only with SO's and a handful of IOs (Doctor Finetush and Flattery).  My crafting toon is working toward all Standard IO for them but that is also a take my time thing.

Girls of Nukem High - Excelsior - Tempus Fabulous, Flattery, Jennifer Chilly, Betty Beatdown, Totally Cali, Two Gun Trixie

Babes of War - Excelsior - Di Di Guns, Runeslinger, Munitions Mistress, Tideway, Hard Melody, Blue Aria


Several alts and of course my original from live on Freedom, High Beam Prime (someone else has her non OG name)

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Attuned IOs or bust.  I might grab some generic IOs to fill space until I can come up with the inf to fill out my build, but I'm done dealing with SOs.  There's literally no point when a level 20-30 generic IO provides roughly the same boost at a price that's a fraction of what it would cost to keep an SO in that slot up-to-date all the way to 50.

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On 9/21/2023 at 12:51 PM, SeraphimKensai said:

Welcome back for week #46. This week I wanted to unofficially let everyone know that I've made the decision to step back from these posts after I hit #52. I figured a solid year of contribution is about my limit


Thanks alot for doing this.

You have picked good topics to discuss, and people seem to like taking part in them.


On 9/21/2023 at 12:51 PM, SeraphimKensai said:

As a player how do you choose how you'd like to enhance your characters?


I play the game versus just the end-game, so I'm leveling up all my characters.


I'm just slotting SO until I start slotting some set enhancements.

I don't slot IOs until level 40.


As soon I can, I slot all my attack powers with 2 accuracy (unless it has some kind of crazy accuracy to begin with).

I put end reducers in the first slot in most of my toggles.

After the 2 accuracy in my attack powers, I'll tend:

  1. to get another slot in stamina, put a third slot in any attack power
  2.  to put another slot in any attack power that cost more than 10 end and put an end reducer in it
  3.  to put another slot in defense or resist powers and put a defense or resist in
  4.  to put another slot in a toggle power and slot whatever the special effect is for that power

Generally, by level 20, I have:

  1. Stamina 4 or 5 slotted with 3 end reduction, a Performance Shifter: Chance for + End, and a Power Transfer: Chance for heal
  2. Health 2 slotted with 1 health and a Panacea: chance for +HP/Endurance
  3. looked for where I can put the specials in an IO set and plan out what others in that set will eventually be put into that power to get the set bonuses I want

Generally, by level 30, I have:

  1. added at least one more slot and added a Numina's Convalescence: Regeneration/Recovery and replaced the Health enhancement with a Numina's Convalescence: Healing/Absorb
  2. Started working on buffing up special effects of powers
  3. started working on getting my ATO and/or Universal Damage sets going.
  4. trying to slot up the Lockdown set in holds - starting with the Lockdown: Chance for +2 Mag Hold (targeting for 3 slotting for the hold duration bonus)
  5. putting at least one Devastation: Chance for Hold in a fast ranged attack power
  6. Put a Blistering Cold: Recharge/Chance for Hold in a melee attack if it makes character conception sense to do so.

after that, it's all just character conception, filling in sets, and buffing the various special effects of powers.


When I can slot 40s, I'll switch whatever enhancement slots that I have filled with SOs over to IOs.


On 9/21/2023 at 12:51 PM, SeraphimKensai said:

Are you looking for a maximum damage, or maximum survivability?


I'm looking to maximize accuracy.

I think most of my survivability comes from knowing when to run aways/fall back.


On 9/21/2023 at 12:51 PM, SeraphimKensai said:

Are you looking to lean heavily into your powers secondary effects or endurance management?


Most of the time end management more than secondary effects.

I'll tend to forgo slotting damage in low damage low damage powers and slot up the secondary effects instead.


On 9/21/2023 at 12:51 PM, SeraphimKensai said:

Do you have character concepts that cause you to limit your slotting choices?




On 9/21/2023 at 12:51 PM, SeraphimKensai said:

Do you slot out a character over time or do you hand the character the platinum card and send them on a shopping spree?


err ... does starting every character with at least 200 mill count as a Platinum card?


On 9/21/2023 at 12:51 PM, SeraphimKensai said:

such as an energy blast sentinel that uses KB enhancement sets


I love me some knockback!




Edited by UltraAlt
I love me so(me) knockback!

If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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I always slotted for set bonuses over enhancement value/procs, with an emphasis on positional defense, resistance, recharge and endurance in that order. 


That's why I am such a fan of Corruptors... not only are they dirt cheap to kit out EXTREMElY well under that philosophy, their ATOs can be split to shore up bonuses that would suffer in pursuit of a higher priority global bonus.

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Anything you can have, we have it.  Even got a devil in the attic.

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Slot as I go with what I can afford. prioritize end reduction and accuracy across the board pre-50. eventual goal on most toons is a decent defense base as I get closer to the level cap. If they are melee the goal is a GOOD defense base and possibly capped resists in some spots based on the power set. Only damage I get comes from one or two enhancements per attack and they are usually there to fill out a set. I have read some guides on proc'd out builds and they do seem fun but they always come with the disclaimer "prepare to die!" so my cowardly gamer tendencies have kept me from trying one out.

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I'd like to say, "Much like my sex life, whatever goes in the hole works for me"... but I don't have a sex life.


Pin on Badumtss


I use attuned IOs for leveling (especially PvP IOs, because you can't slot a level 50 enhancement of any kind on a level 12 character).  I don't slot anything until 10 or 12, then I rummage through the discount bins in my base.  If I don't have what I want there, I check my level 50 characters. use a few unslotters to swap attuned IOs for unattuned (converter roulette is sometimes played), mail the attuned IOs to myself and attune the IOs I just slotted into the level 50 characters.


On the rare occasion I don't have anything I can use that way, I sift through my sub-50 characters (and check their enhancement trays (when i'm leveling a character, i usually carry 10-20 set IOs on that character so i don't have to go to the base) and market storage), and if I come up short there, I just grab a quarter of a billion out of Yomo's pocket my slush fund and go shopping.  When I do that, I buy the cheapest attuned IOs I can and convert them to what I need/can stash/can sell.


I always have a fully planned and tweaked level 50 build for a character.  Not only does it help maintain interest if I can keep an eye on the prize, it's also my roadmap.  Unless I find that something isn't working out, I slot my character according to the planned build.  Whatever enhancements I intend to use at the end, barring those which can't be slotted until 50, I slot as I go.  I try to balance the development of my attack chain, growth of my damage mitigation and management of my HP and Endurance.  I can't beat things up if I'm prone or gasping, and being impossible to defeat does me no good if it takes all week to finish a mission.  By not overloading any one power with slots or enhancements, I retain a good feel for what it's capable of doing later and how it's progressing.  If I notice that I need more of something, it's only a level or two away.  This also allows me to build up the set bonuses I want, like global +Recharge, without overloading on one thing and leaving myself high and dry on something else, like Endurance management.


For things that don't need attuned IOs, like Swift/Hurdle, powers with just an EndRed or RchgRed, sometimes I craft if I'm anxious for the extra mojo, other times I ignore them if I don't have any on hand.  I usually forget about them until late in the game, too, unless the lack is starting to impinge on my awareness.


At 50, I respec to remove whatever's being replaced (with purples, attuned ATOs and Winters, level 50 PvP IOs and sets which i'm going to +5), dump those back in the rummage sale piles and go banana balls with the ubergoodies.  For purples, I +5 the Attrib/EndRed IO and leave the rest at 50.  PvP IOs, I'll +X to reach a specific goal, like exatly 800 +Regeneration, or to compensate for light slotting of another attrib, such as using a +5 Acc/End/Rchg PvP IO to make up for slotting a cone/AoE attack for Range and/or procs instead of using a set.


Gift of the Ancients: Def/+7.5% Run Speed is nice to +5 when I have room for it.

My slotting goals, in regard to individual powers, tend to be the same leveling up as at 50.  I'm almost always enhancing for the primary purpose of the power.  Attacks are slotted for damage, damage mitigation powers slotted for damage mitigation, normal, sensible slotting.  When it's a toss-up, such as trying to decide between +Res and +MaxHP, I scrutinize my planned level 50 build, try a power slotted in different ways and look at the general picture before settling on anything.


When I'm slotting two powers for the same general effect, but using different enhancement sets, I look at the net benefits before deciding which gets which.  For example, if I have both Stealth and a "real" Defense power, and I'm slotting one with LotG Def/global +Recharge and 5x Red Fortune (all but Def/Rchg), and the other with 6/6 Reactive Defenses, I note that the "real" Defense power has a lower base Endurance cost, so slotting Stealth with the LotG and 5x Red Fortune and the "real" Defense power with Reactive Defenses will maximize the net reduction in Endurance cost.


For powers that I'm slotting with regular (uncommon or rare) IO sets, I leave those attuned.  I don't exemplar down for any reason other than Flashback content, but I don't like to lose a lot of set bonuses when I do, and I'm not going to gain enough of anything to matter by using unattuned sets and +5ing everything.  Individual IOs that I always keep attuned are things like LotG Def/global +Recharge, and Steadfast Protection 3% +Def(All).  The amount of Defense or Resistance I could gain from +5ing those is minimal, and those bonuses are always desirable when exemplared.


Attuned Quickfoot End/Run in Sprint on every character, even the fliers.  If I'm in an indulgent mood, I'll replace it with a +5 End/Run at some point.  If I'm really in the mood to blow through some inf*, a level 53 Microfilament Exposure.  I rarely use HOs, but if I'm short on slots, a couple of 53 Cytoskeletons in a Defense power can help.  The one power I won't use without an HO-equivalent is Fold Space, which benefits enormously from a couple of D-Sync Decelerations.  Expensive, but there's nothing else that benefits that power as well.


I only "proc bomb" cones and low damage AoEs, and those only if the powers can be used fluidly in my attack chain (i don't give a damn if a single-target power can take six procs and one-shot Hamidon, i'm not playing to beat things up one at a time).  If I have an extra slot or two in a build, and I can use a proc effectively, such as adding Unbreakable Constraint: Chance for Smashing Damage to an attack which also Holds, I'll consider using the slot for that, but only if nothing else tickles my fancy.  If I have a PBAoE (almost always do), and the slot for it, I'll use the PvP -Res proc if I'm satisfied with everything else in the build.


Whenever possible, I add +Movement Speed set bonuses.  Plodding makes me angry.  +Recovery and +MaxEnd set bonuses are always appealing to me (3 End/s net Recovery is my minimum expectation for a character at 50).  In general, I pursue set bonuses which improve the overall feel of the character, not specific types of powers or specific attributes.  Having a fluid attack chain means chasing +Recharge.  Being able to dash to the next spawn quickly means +Movement.  Staying in the fight means +Recovery/MaxEnd.  I'll use a "less appealing" IO set in a power if it makes sense.  My peacebringer's Light Form is slotted with 5/6 Preemptive Optimization, for example.  I could've used Synapse's Shock and obtained a little more global +Recharge, but what the character needed was better Endurance management, and Preemptive Optimization gave me some global +Recharge while also giving me better Endurance management.  That's how I see, and use, enhancements.  It's all about finding the best options for the character as a whole.


That extends to where I'm slotting things.  If I can put a set of 5/6 Panacea in power, and it makes sense to use the proc there (an auto power, a toggle or something i know i'll use frequently), I'll do so.  That's one more slot that I can use somewhere other than Health.


At any point in time, if I'm dissatisfied, I stop, go back to Mids', make adjustments and find a way to fix whatever's bothering me.  I have, frequently, Alt+Tabbed out of the game while in the middle of a fight, just to address a problem.  Sometimes a different IO set is the answer, other times it's a single slot that needs to be moved, or a power that isn't gelling with me has to be replaced.  Whatever it is, I deal with it immediately.  It's worth the hassle of a respec to iron out issues, and the experience of playing the way I was and finding a problem gives me valuable information I can use for ensuring that my final build is as good as it can be.


I never take Hasten on dominators, because I don't want to deal with the annoyance of binding things juggle auto-fire on both Domination and Hasten and eventually having one or both fail, and I'm just not going to stare at an icon, waiting for it to recharge so I can click it, so I always accumulate at least 147.5% global +Recharge on those characters (as much extra as possible because i'm usually so caught up in RAAAAHHHHHH and SMUSHYOUFACE that i forget to pause so Domination can activate).  If I can't, I don't make it.


I never use the Force Feedback proc.  The power it's in will miss, or the proc won't trigger, and then it's time to change the Depends.


I use the Gaussian proc on one character, and then only because I had nothing better to do with the slot and wanted the +Movement Speed bonus.  I understand it's utility and value, I just don't need it for most of my characters.  Or, don't need it enough to free up a slot for it.


When I'm building for Defense, I focus on type or vector, not both.  I also don't always build for Defense, or Resistance.  My Grav/TA/Stone controller only has Combat Jumping and Stealth for Defense powers, neither of the two 3% +Def(All) Uniques and no deliberate slotting for Defense from set bonuses.  Between Wormhole, Cross Punch and Fissure keeping everything Stunned, and Seismic Smash and Singularity hammering things with Holds, and all of the KD, I had all of the damage mitigation I needed.  Once I realized that, I redesigned the character and put both the slots to better use and more relevant enhancements in those slots.  After I respeced that character, I went through and looked at all of my characters' builds and realized I'd fallen into a slotting trap, using the same IOs across the board, even when they weren't necessary... or sensible.  I spent several months redesigning and respecing characters after that, and I'm more careful to look at all of the options now, rather than cramming the same IOs into every build.


Another slotting trap I learned to avoid was looking at powers purely from the perspective of whether or not I could use them to acquire more global +Recharge than I "needed".  Sure, 5x Red Fortune in that Defense power is enticing, but if 4.5% Recovery. 2.25% +MaxHP and 7.5% +RunSpeed is going to benefit the character more overall, and my attack chain is complete, then I don't need that extra 5% +Recharge and shouldn't try to force it into the build.


I like +Slow Resistance whenever I can finagle it.  Nothing ruins an evening of gaming like having your attack chain grind to a halt.  I like Winter sets for leveling, but rarely use them in my level 50 builds, except for the two piece 15% +Slow Resistance when I have extra slots.  It's a lower investment than trying to cram several powers with full Winter sets, and for my purposes, it adds the same value.  If, though, I can soft-cap my Fire/Cold Defense with one or two Winter sets, without giving up too much of the other bonuses I want, I'll go after that instead of Slow Resistance.  Not being hit by the Slow is as good as being immune to it (except the auto-hit slows, like Snow Storm... and the Slows that ignore Slow Resistance (fuck you, Lady Winter)).


I rarely look at +Damage set bonuses, but I did chase them on my Dark/Martial dominator. because /Martial is somewhat lackluster (still my favorite dominator secondary, though).


If one of a character's ATO sets offers  8.75% global +Recharge bonus, I'll find a way to squeeze in 5x +10% bonuses and leave that ATO set in its rare form.  There aren't many 8.75% bonuses, so I take them where I can get them.  However, I rarely use the Preventative Medicine set, simply because I prefer Panacea's set bonuses.  I am using Preventative Medicine on my Rad/Elec/Mace sentinel.  In this case, the Resistance set bonuses outweighed saving a slot or increasing Recovery.


If my PBAoE or AoE attack has no KD, I'll try to find a way to make a KD proc fit.  KD is one of the best forms of damage mitigation available, slot for slot and enhancement for enhancement.  The only time I can have too much is when it turns into KSquirt.  That's why I'm always attentive to what I'm slotting in KD powers.  I like KB, but I don't like random KSquirt, and I've caught myself just in time, more than once, before I settled on slotting something like Ragnarok in an AoE with KD, or Superior Avalanche in a PBAoE with KD.  I'll use a set that doesn't have a KD proc, even if it's not "as good", or use only the other parts of the set with the KD part, even if it means I'm beating my head against the ED wall.


If the base KB or KU in a power is strong enough, though, I'll slot it for KB just for shits and giggles.  Those are powers I wouldn't be using at 50 for any other purpose, anyway, and there are some solid set bonuses in KB sets, so why not get something out of them and torment low level scum at the same time?

I almost never use the Performance Shifter proc.  Synapse's Shock's EndMod/+RunSpeed is my go-to for Stamina (almost all of my characters slot that and the EndMod from the set, because 22.5% +Run Speed is sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet).  If I have the extra slots, then I'll drop a couple of Performance Shifters into Stamina, to get the proc and hit the ED cap for EndMod... and tack on another 7.5% +RunSpeed (sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeter).


When I'm slotting purple sets, I typically leave out the single attrib IO.  I'm not going to lie awake at night worrying about a 4-5% lower chance of a proc triggering.  That my attack chains are fully functional and gapless is what I value, not an extra numerical pop-up.  I do the same thing when I'm slotting ATOs and Winter sets.  If I only need 5/6 of the set for whatever set bonuses I'm chasing, I'll leave out the Acc/Whatever.  Almost all of those sets can spare that and still enhance a power sufficiently for its purposes.

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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A lot of my slotting will depend on the powersets, end management, and concept. 


I'll generally try and maximize everything I can while keeping set bonuses to reach certain checkpoints of resist, defense, end management, etc. 

I don't use procs very often, and almost never use purple sets unless I'm absolutely desperate for more +recharge (like trying to make Phantom Army permanent). 

I'm a huge fan of set bonuses, so I don't frankenslot things too much unless I absolutely have to, or giving up a couple of set bonuses will get me something that I really want, or it's a power that I don't worry about set bonuses in (like Fortitude just being slotted with 4 defense/recharges so they're both at ED cap).

I also use pretty much exclusively attuned enhancements, so that I can exemplar around as much as I want without worrying about things not working anymore.


Health I generally slot with Panacea health/end, Numina regen/recovery, and Miracle recovery. If one of my powersets has its own end recovery or restoration tool I might drop Numina or Miracle, if I can use that slot somewhere else for another set bonus.

Stamina is almost universally slotted with Power Transfer heal and 3 parts Synapse (end mod, end mod/runspeed, and end mod/recharge), to get almost ED-capped recovery, +22% run speed, and 10% slow/recharge resist. Combined with Winter's Gift's unique somewhere in the build and it's 30% resist to those, which is definitely noticeable (at least until a bunch of Tsoo go "nya ha ha, take 15 siphon speeds!"). 


I always try and get the ATOs into the build (and superior at 50), though they can be split up depending on what I need. Particularly the Mastermind set that gives +10% recharge for two parts, so I often split that up amongst all three pets for 30% global recharge. And the four-part bonus of the other set for another 10%, so 40% global recharge from just my ATOs. Though if my secondary isn't super recharge intensive I'll put the full set into a pet, as the higher set bonuses are pretty nice. 


A lot of my build/slotting choices will also be determined by the concept for the character. I'll take powers that fit the concept, ignore others that don't (even if they would be a superior choice from a min/max perspective), and generally try and build them to fit the concept. For my "D&D Characters in Paragon" builds, I'll try and have them conform as closely as I can to the class. For instance, the Paladin uses radiation armor with Ground Zero slotted heavily for healing instead of damage to replicate the "Healing Burst"/"Lay on Hands" ability that Paladins get. Of course if the Medicine pool had an alternate animation for Aid Other that was just a power activation instead of the tricorder, I'd have used that.



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As always, it depends.  But a typical regime for me:


Do the tutorial and start self-funding.  At level 2 I will go to P2W and get Athletic Run, buy a 5k jetpack, and usually spend 10k on Reveal.  (Eventually I will get more stuff, like Mission Transporter and Portable Workshop.)  For slotting damage powers, I will always start with an accuracy SO, then damage SO, then damage/recharge/endurance as needed.  I'll generally slot damage powers to four slots before IOs.  I'll buy attuned IOs before I need them (Kismet to hit, Shield Wall proc, Panacea proc, Steadfast Protection proc, Glad Armor proc).  And I update my SOs as often as I think about it.


I'll usually make a plan in Mids, but that's mainly for power selection.  I'm not afraid to respec, so if I need endurance I'll put slots in places that I may take out later.


I'll usually start shifting over to IO sets in my mid 20s, and I'm targeting set bonuses like recharge and positional defense.  Everything attuned.


As I'm approaching 50, I'll start to acquire things for the transition.  I'll swap out my attuned PvP IOs for level 50s which then get +5 boosted.  Purples also boosted (except procs).

Who run Bartertown?


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Here's how I roll:


First some background, I don't care, at all, about using inf "efficiently". 


0) Determine what I'm intending to play

1) Make Mids build

2) Acquire the pieces I have stored, put bids in for what I don't.  Do this in Pocket D, by the time this is done LRT is unlocked.  For planned purples acquire the K-Mart versions (Posi for Ragnarok, Stupefy for Abs Amazement, etc).  Bids on items I'll need in the 30+levels get long-term bids, with the expectation they'll get filled within a week.  Anything I need sub-30 gets a "24 hour bid".  

3) 8 hours of amplifiers

4) Commence play!  

5) At lvl 2 buy SOs, emphasizing dmg over acc while beginner's luck is in effect

6) At lvl 7 slot Pana proc.  Steadfast and Glad Armor uniques get slotted if possible.

7) No, not even lvl 10 do I start with ATOs, unless there's a recharge bonuses within slots 2-4.  SO enh values are just so much better at this point.

8.) At lvl 22 it's time to start slotting set IOs, especially LotGs. Stick with SOs for the lvl 30+ sets.

9) By 32 all in on IO sets and common IOs (e.g. recharge, jump and run)


At this point any IO sets are attuned but I may make exceptions for low level sets where I'm willing to eschew the bonus below their level to make them more effective.  A current example is Explosive Strike, I wanted the 3-slot bonus but the set caps at 20.  So I +5d the 2 boostable pieces to make those enh values less sucktastic.  I'll just have to live without that bonus on Posi or Cavern.


10. At 47, I MAY start using some HOs (and variants)

11.  At 50 I have to make a game time decision on what's less onerous - unslotting pieces for purples, HOs and lvl 50 basics or a full respec.  The answer varies.  Get catalysts from salvage bank character.

12.  On to incarnates!


To answer questions specifically asked:


 Are you looking for a maximum damage, or maximum survivability?


For a tank, the latter.  For anyone else, enough damage to be able to kill mobs while I'm still alive and enough survivability to keep me alive during the time it takes to kill mobs.


Are you looking to lean heavily into your powers secondary effects or endurance management


That's such an "it depends" it would take too much text to go into.  


Do you have character concepts that cause you to limit your slotting choices?


Nah, I can't say for sure it's never happened but it's rare if it has.


Do you slot out a character over time or do you hand the character the platinum card and send them on a shopping spree?


Answered in 2) above.

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Generally I go in three phases:


Zero phase (before I have anything like an attack chain that doesn't rely on P2W powers)

  • I slot the 'freebie' %damage pieces

Initial Phase

  • I slot Accuracy, then Endurance in attacks
  • I slot Endurance in toggles
  • I don't add slots to Defense or Resists
  • I generally just slot with drops, because 'Beginner's Luck'

Coming into shape phase (around level 10, certainly by level 16)

  • I slot (an attuned) PVP Panacea %+HP/%+End ASAP into Health
  • If the character has a power that takes Resists I will slot (attuned) globals PVP Gladiator's Armor and/or Steadfast Protection for more Defense (I will add a second slot)
  • If the character has a toggle or auto that takes Defense I will slot (attuned) Kismet +ToHit
  • If the character has any power that will take Defense, I will slot (attuned) PVP Shield Wall
  • At this point, I usually try to three-slot a power that will take ATOs. I am merit-rich and ATOs are generally a good investment so I just use the merit vendors.
  • If I have a travel power, I almost always slot an (attuned) piece of the Blessing of the Zephyr set (depending on what I need either Endurance Reduction or KB protection)

Turn on the gas...After level 20 (level 17 for some attuned)

  • Since I want crafting badges for 25/30 (MOAR salvage slots) I will craft these IO recipes and slot IOs for Running, Jumping, Endurance, Recharge.
  • QoL choices: This is the point when many (attuned) sets become viable. The ur-example is Performance Shifter for Stamina, Gaussian's %Build Up, Miracle +Recovery, etc.
  • I will usually try to 6-slot one of the ATO sets. Often I have the other ATO set split between two other powers.
  • I will replace the %freebies with attuned %damage (or ATO pieces)

By Level 50, my priorities are:

  • Accuracy in attacks (some Global accuracy can come from set bonuses)
  • Endurance reduction (to support button mashing)... some sets offer +MaxEnd, Global Endurance Discounts, +Recovery
  • Global Recharge (although I don't often take Hasten)
  • Defense over Resistance

It is rare for me that I will prioritize slotting for secondary effects when:

  • The secondary effect is so short as to not be noticeable
  • The secondary effect is "all there is"
  • The secondary effect is single-target and requires a ToHit

Occassionally I will take a T1/T2 power and try to turn it into a %damage "attack" (many damaging/slow single-targets are good for this) but if it is a single-target mezz/debuff I usually just have it slotted for accuracy while leveling and then switch to a HamiO Acc/Mezz (they are cheap) or a boosted 50+5 piece (even cheaper).


When it comes to some slots: In the final build I will almost always pick a Quality-of-Life slotting choice that scales across levels than trying to eek out MOAR (whatever). Sometimes a little more recharge/defense/resistance just isn't adding as much as more travel speed (for example).


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On 9/21/2023 at 9:51 AM, SeraphimKensai said:

how do you choose how you'd like to enhance your characters?



Misses consume endurance

Misses are lost damage

Misses lead to getting hit more


once we are accurate we can chase other priorities and then add buildup and/or aim for more accuracy.






Edited by Troo
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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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Generally... it's too complex to say.  Power sets matter, the build matters, the AT matters.  I do generally skip the worst min/max foolishness because you end up with cookie-cutter builds.  No purples for me because I level my characters rather than speed to 50 and then get bored with them a week later.


Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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blaster/corr/dom/troller/epics permahasten.  self rezzes get used a decent amount.

sentinels ranged defense or permahasten

most melee, s/l defense

melee with +melee def in melee sets like defensive sweep/parry/etc i slot for ranged defense

melee that are already defense based i get to softcap to all with slight recharge

masterminds get frankenslotted with hamis to hell so i can squeeze in 5 or 6 pet aura ios


if i really like a character i will use second builds for specialize stuff like slotting for ranged/energies at a low level using low level sets for most of posi and all of synapes.  I have been loving my rad/fire farm brute in synapes recently due to having like 35% energy defense and 60% energy resist at level 20

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I'm a casual player and mostly solo, so I'm not as into the optimized builds as a lot of folks running around the boards nor do I have anything above the upper 30's level-wise currently (altitis strikes often and hard). 😉 


As a result, I tend to focus on defense slotting at lower levels and gradually expand the attack stuff with recharge, accuracy, and damage boosts from low-mid levels from there. I start mixing in invention enhancements starting about level 20-25 for travel and non-essential powers. 

My toons aren't powerhouses but I seldom ever face plant even as a solo so I can't be messing stuff up too badly. lol 

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