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What are your "ignore" habits and why?


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28 minutes ago, Lines said:

Even then, it's like just one guy.

Only in this thread, there are a few out there. I did a search on Knockback to see how hated and reviled it actually is and it's fairly even split, some people hate it, some people defend it.


It's all good. Like I said earlier, I get it and I understand why people don't like it and that's fine, people are entitled to an opinion, they are entitled to ignore people for whatever reason they want, I just think it's harsh to insult people just because they play a KB powerset.

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6 hours ago, Twisted Toon said:



I regularly team with players that use Melee. My characters with KB never start the fight. They also use positioning to slam the enemy against the wall or other objects that the Tank (or brute) has drawn the enemy to.

What gets me are the people complaining and saying it's stupid and wasting time to take 2-3 seconds at most to reposition... whether it's KB, a cone, whatever. Whenever I bring that up, you'd think I'd kicked their dog into their grandmother before running them both over with a truck or something.


(Oh. And the bonfire thing earlier from the other person? Of *course* people loved putting the KB-KD IO in there. Unlike, say, Ice Slick, it also does damage. And fire control is all - well mostly - about the damage. Death is the ultimate debuff, after all.)

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Still not particularly fond of certain segments of this community.

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1 minute ago, Greycat said:

What gets me are the people complaining and saying it's stupid and wasting time to take 2-3 seconds at most to reposition... whether it's KB, a cone, whatever. Whenever I bring that up, you'd think I'd kicked their dog into their grandmother before running them both over with a truck or something.



Indeed, that's half the fun of playing a KB set, I love having to think fast and work out the best place to go to be able to use the KB to its best effect. That's what makes this game so great for me, so many powersets with different ways to play them, even on the same AT!


Doesn't always go right, sometimes you get stuck in a thin corridor, usually a CoT map, those are a nightmare for my En/En blaster because I can't position at all on a big team 😄 But hey, it's all fun in the end. I often find the TF's that go disastrously wrong are often the most fun. Was on a Posi 1 the other day on a new toon, so much went wrong, we got wiped a few times, sometimes our fault, sometimes the game went full on EVIL and launched everything at us (seriosuly, I think all the ambushes at the door in the final mish happened all at once, it was mental 😄 ) and it was the most fun I'd had in a TF in a long time 🙂

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I generally don't put players on ignore, but sometimes I ignore most of what they say.

Recent Example: Player X advertised in LFG channel that she was looking for more players for a task force. I replied directly to her, which I have done a million times to other players, "Can I join your Task Force?"


Her response, "That's why I was advertising it."


Now, you can read that multiple ways - bitchy, or jokey.


Turns out, she had a bitchy message for another player almost as soon as we began the first mission. I didn't put her on Ignore, but I didn't bother to read most of anything else she wrote throughout the task force. I was there to have fun, to play my favorite game, and in case Player X wrote something that I needed to read ("Team Transport to the next mission" or "Stealthing to the end of this one" etc.), I didn't have her on Ignore.

Edited by Acrimon
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On 4/19/2020 at 1:35 PM, Acrimon said:

I generally don't put players on ignore, but sometimes I ignore most of what they say.

Recent Example: Player X advertised in LFG channel that she was looking for more players for a task force. I replied directly to her, which I have done a million times to other players, "Can I join your Task Force?"


Her response, "That's why I was advertising it."


Now, you can read that multiple ways - bitchy, or jokey.


Turns out, she had a bitchy message for another player almost as soon as we began the first mission. I didn't put her on Ignore, but I didn't bother to read most of anything else she wrote throughout the task force. I was there to have fun, to play my favorite game, and in case Player X wrote something that I needed to read ("Team Transport to the next mission" or "Stealthing to the end of this one" etc.), I didn't have her on Ignore.

Oh, those people.  Yeah, I wouldn't ignore over that (even briefly), but that is a sure-fire indication that this is a team leader who is not a people person and may be abrasive throughout the tf.  Like you, I would just ignore anything s/he said in the tf.  :P


I think it's perfectly reasonable to ask if you can join the TF, they fill super quickly (unless they're super long shard ones), after all, so there might be no room left.  I like it when people ask me a question or write a complete sentence rather than just send "me" or "[insert name of tf]," neither of which is bad, but it's nice when people take a second to be polite (and do more than effectively grunt at me, heh). 

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Had one person the other day ask about... eh, some Incarnate power. One of those "Which should I take?" Didn't really give any information. Try to get any out of him, get abuse in return. Copied the PWiki link, since, hey, maybe he's new and doesn't know what they do. Get "I know all that already!" in return. He gets asked "well, what is your character weak on, what do you need to fill?" and he throws back "Oh, look, the same old copout answer."


Yep. You could hear ignores slamming down like a corridor full of steel doors on him at that point... I think I saw one person try for 2-3 more sentences before giving up on him.  So, ignore flags? Get rude and abusive to people who are trying to help and get plonked.

Still not particularly fond of certain segments of this community.

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The worst I have seen is some complete tool on Torchbearer. Doing a BAF, and right at the end, with Siege and NS down to about 2% health each. Then I get a tp prompt request. I take it, assuming (naturally) that its someone using Incandescence.

Instead, it this this fool, trying to tp the entire league 200 foot in the air, outside the BAF itself.

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4 hours ago, Razor Cure said:

The worst I have seen is some complete tool on Torchbearer. Doing a BAF, and right at the end, with Siege and NS down to about 2% health each. Then I get a tp prompt request. I take it, assuming (naturally) that its someone using Incandescence.

Instead, it this this fool, trying to tp the entire league 200 foot in the air, outside the BAF itself.

Wow. I have't seen people try to do that (indiidually) since.... issue 3? 4? Of course, then they got their laughs TPing people inside of guard towers... which is why they now have doors. And why we have the accept prompt option...


That's more a "report" than "ignore," I'd say.

Still not particularly fond of certain segments of this community.

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13 minutes ago, Greycat said:

Wow. I have't seen people try to do that (indiidually) since.... issue 3? 4? Of course, then they got their laughs TPing people inside of guard towers... which is why they now have doors. And why we have the accept prompt option...


That's more a "report" than "ignore," I'd say.

True. As soon as it happened, I opened my map and combat log, to see who it was. Then I called em out in league and heal and LFG chat.

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5 hours ago, Greycat said:

Had one person the other day ask about... eh, some Incarnate power. One of those "Which should I take?" Didn't really give any information. Try to get any out of him, get abuse in return. Copied the PWiki link, since, hey, maybe he's new and doesn't know what they do. Get "I know all that already!" in return. He gets asked "well, what is your character weak on, what do you need to fill?" and he throws back "Oh, look, the same old copout answer."


Yep. You could hear ignores slamming down like a corridor full of steel doors on him at that point... I think I saw one person try for 2-3 more sentences before giving up on him.  So, ignore flags? Get rude and abusive to people who are trying to help and get plonked.

Oh hey, was that the guy on Everlasting who asked for a good Destiny for a Kheldian?  And then called one of the people trying to get more information out of him a jackass?  And then complained about how toxic the community is and how nobody helps anybody in Help channel?


I hope it was the same guy, and that there's not more than one disgrace like that out there.

Everlasting: Charredcore-Head.gif.295932ce0b7f285ede7cd6f7baa92107.gif Charredcore (Sonic/Fire Blaster) Fleabitten-Head.gif.b2329ba8bd4533efc403330511a55b3e.gifFleabitten (Savage/SR Brute)  And many, many more!

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46 minutes ago, The Bobby Llama said:

Oh hey, was that the guy on Everlasting who asked for a good Destiny for a Kheldian?  And then called one of the people trying to get more information out of him a jackass?  And then complained about how toxic the community is and how nobody helps anybody in Help channel?


I hope it was the same guy, and that there's not more than one disgrace like that out there.


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Still not particularly fond of certain segments of this community.

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2 hours ago, Razor Cure said:

True. As soon as it happened, I opened my map and combat log, to see who it was. Then I called em out in league and heal and LFG chat.

Yeah that's report worthy and let them explain how they might possibly do that accidentally to the appropriate folks.  It's also one of two reasons I don't use the prompt option.  I'll know right then if they're going to try shenanigans.  The second being some of the teams I played on Live it was required for things such as positioning for using Fallout.

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14 hours ago, Tahliah said:

 I like it when people ask me a question or write a complete sentence rather than just send "me" or "[insert name of tf]," neither of which is bad, but it's nice when people take a second to be polite (and do more than effectively grunt at me, heh). 


I do too! However, depending on the situation, taking too much time typing your message could potentially lose you the spot if its a hot run.. So I understand why some people don't do it. I had a radio mission fill up today in roughly 30 seconds. With some late comers who missed the spots because they had nicely worded sentences. I did make sure to get back to them when new spots opened up though!


I tend to be quick yet cordial, with something like "I'll join please".



As for as my ignore habits go... People have to be pretty downright intolerable in order for me to actually /ignore them. I'll usually just stop reading their chat during the team and pretend they don't exist.. However if I'm on my support toons and they are in trouble, I'm also less inclined to do anything to help them xD



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On 4/14/2020 at 11:13 AM, justicebeliever said:

Without resurrecting this age old debate, and staying on topic...Would you put someone on your in-game ignore list in your first example?

Doubtful.   At least not before I try to explain why their knockback was annoying and they reacted poorly. I didn't bring it up, so no action either way this time.   The TF was going alright, so it was just annoying.  I would note them if I think about it.


There was another teamup where we had a tank that wasn't being played very nicely.  He kept throwing taunt while next to a blaster.   After I got killed again from an alpha he brought over while I was mid-snipe, I asked him to stop taunting before combat right next to the squishies.  He responded with a "DONT TELL ME HOW TO PLAY" style rant.

That guy qualified for an ignore though I didn't think of it at the time.

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On the forums, so far the only posters I have on Ignore are a couple of spambots, but I am seriously tempted to add the following ignore criteria:


People making incessant, hyperbolic posts that offer nothing to the discussion at hand and are merely there to goad others in a thread.

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Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.

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UPDATE: i add another guy on global ignore because he is telling people what to do on LFG after someone was forming a speed run LRSF.

he was saying " iF YoU ArE gOnNa sPeEd ThRoUgH a tF pLeAsE AdVeRtIsE  iT aS sUcH" telling others what to do and worrying about what the other person is doing.


i was on the excelsior server.

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On 4/22/2020 at 4:23 PM, Oubliette_Red said:

On the forums, so far the only posters I have on Ignore are a couple of spambots, but I am seriously tempted to add the following ignore criteria:


People making incessant, hyperbolic posts that offer nothing to the discussion at hand and are merely there to goad others in a thread.


Edited by MunkiLord
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I think I've ignored around 4 people in total. One of them literally thinks they are superior to everyone in terms of game play, can build toons better, design bases better; pretty much thinks they are a God and everyone else is beneath them. That constant "I am better than you" BS finally drove me to put them, on gignore because who wants to keep reading in chat about how inferior they (everyone!) is to this person. Not me, thanks. Anyone who has over the top hissy fits, more than once. People who are racist/biogted; these folks get zero chances at a do-over. I tend to make notes on such people so I don't forget. Oh, and rage quitters. There's a particular someone who quits any team or TF if they die more than twice. Sometimes, they give a lame excuse as to why they need to go, other times, it's just, "such and such has quit the team". After this person bailing on more than 8 TF's I've been on, a good deal of teams and I know they've done this to friends, too; F it. I don't want to invite them to my teams and I'd rather not play on theirs.

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On 4/15/2020 at 8:59 AM, ZeeHero said:

No one in their right mind is going to slot KB to KD in EVERY NRG BLAST.


I have. I have a zero-KB energy/energy blaster and my husband has a zero KB PB. KB - KD slotted in every power that has KB. Then again, I never claimed to be in my right mind. =P

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3 hours ago, MunkiLord said:

--Comments hidden for schmucks you have on ignore--

--If you wish to see said schmuck's comments, please go to your account's Settings and remove them from your ignore list--






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Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.

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