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Posted (edited)

    I'll let you know.  My Main (of Mains) since created in i3 has used more than I can recall.  Many of those were completely done on paper before Mids even existed (and before real numbers and combat attributes etc.).  I believe the first one I translated into Mids was version 13 something, something.  Some of those were merely on paper, some were actual respecs done via the contact in GC.    Several of those were 'freespecs' given out after major changes in the game, others earned in the respec trial.  All were precious as there were no respec recipes, no vet earned, no purchasable respecs only respec trials for the first time through each level range and the freespecs given out for major changes.   She's been highly tweaked and due at least one more owing to new IO sets, new unique IOs and the like since her last major overhaul.   Probably up around 20 of them or so.  But she's at one end and especially since Mids came I had others at 50th that at Sunset had never undergone one.  But most of my favorites had seen 2 or 3 by 50+ on average I'd guess.  I  had yet to do one on HC before the computer went and died, 2 of them at 50 (including the remake of my Main above).


PS:  in case it wasn't obvious builds/characters I really like are never finished but like the game itself, works in progress.

Edited by Doomguide2005

I try to never use a respec unless I'm forced to by game changes.

If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.


However many it takes to get it just where I want it, of course.  Sometimes that's one, sometimes that's ten because I'm being indecisive and respecs are free as far as I'm concerned anyway, so why not?

  • Like 2

I don't use mids. Never have. I just wing it.  

  • very rarely more than 1 respec during 1-50 levelling.  Happens sometimes when a power that looks good turns out to be a stinker, but pretty rare.
  • at 50, one respec, not to change the list of powers I've taken, but to massage which powers get how many slots. 
  • sometimes another respec after a patch, if the patch changed something very significant to my character.

However, I do not do "incarnate only" builds.  I do builds that are meant to be played at all levels of content.  Take them for a spin, flashback to ANY LEVEL, and it should work just fine. But nothing ever relies on Clarion or Barrier or Ageless, etc. Within those constraints, I do go wild with IO's and slotting for a good mix of bonuses that should serve me well at various levels of play.  But a) most of my characters never take the fighting pool at all, b) only about half take Hasten, c) the only once who softcap are characters who have a Defensive armor set to begin with.  A lot of my characters will get up to 28% or 32% defense. But 45% or higher? I'm generally not concerned with unless it's an SR or a Ninjitusu or Energy Aura, etc.

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Compared to many who have posted in the thread, I am a liberal user of respecs. Before going any further, I should note that I also make liberal use of unslotters to test the effects of specific pieces (and sometimes sets) within a power. I'm quite capable of doing the maths necessary to analytically test slotting, but I still want to test drive. I have several characters with entire second builds that were ONLY used for testing, but this can get expensive.


Here is why I find myself using respecs:

  • Patches. When the game changes, the character often changes too.
  • Whole-hog unloading of slotted enhancements for recycling. With a large war chest this is less important, but prior to making bank this was common for me.
  • At level 50, to make way for the hot new Enhancement sets. I play through regular content as I level, so my builds will have used sets in powers that won't match my level 50 build. Also, many PVP pieces move from attuned to level 50 variants (for boosting)
  • A power simply doesn't mesh with the concept or play style. I won't list the various powers that have come with great recommendations but just didn't work for my toon. If it preserves your ego, just assume I know I'm playing it wrong.... whatever it is.
  • I have one 'free' slot and I want to see how it can help in different powers. I'm not shy about sacrificing some movement increase, or Regeneration or Defense/Resistance if I can increase performance in Offense, or Endurance management... or vice versa. Unfortunately unlotting only lets me see what I am giving up and not what I am getting.
  • I want to try a set of different powers. For example: If a set includes a Stun, I always give it a try... but in most cases I have been disappointed. Being willing to respec allows me to discover gems that other players don't discuss.
  • Like 1


Typically I start off a character concept at level 1, and play through the early game via content, no power leveling.  This helps me get a feel for the character and decide if I'm going to continue with it into the late game.  When I get to the mid-20s, I begin researching builds and trying things out in Mid's until I find a setup I like.  

Then, I respec at level 27 and begin slotting towards the final build.  Once I reach 50, if I need another respec, then it means either I didn't do my research properly or I made a mistake somewhere.

If at level 50 I decide I need to change the build either to be more viable at the high end, or for exemplared content, then I'll use a second build slot rather than a respec so that I have both options available.

  • Like 1

Alllll the respecs.  Even the recipe ones I’ve gotten from packs.  And usually I end up running a respec trial even after that.


And on at least a couple I’ll have a dual build on top of all that.


All of them.  I use all of them.

Posted (edited)

You know, I just gotta mention that some of us used to plan our builds based on the accompanying guidebook that game with the installation disc. Back then, you'd flip to the page with the given power and think in your head "that would be cool" then take it, and then realize Spring Jump is not cool... not cool at all 😁


Edit: Found the PDF version for nostalgia: http://www.cityofheroes.ca/game_info/official_guides/official_city_of_heroes_manual.html


Edit 2: Darn it that's the new version without the powers listed. Can't find the old original 😕 

Edited by Glacier Peak
On 4/20/2021 at 3:16 PM, MrAxe said:

One. I'm an obssessive nutjob that spends forever on mids, tests and then repeats until perfection.


This, respecced my main PB about 7 or 8 times, new set bonuses ideas, suggestions from players.


I typically run a "convenience" build on upon start, doing things like slotting extra end uniques and grabbing additional single target powers I may not use in my final.


I'll typically respec around 40-47 into the build I have put together. I don't wait till 50, as I like to have that power spike of optimization earlier if I can and get a feel for the build as it grows its last couple legs. 


So generally one respec! If it's a character I actually enjoy playing long-term, I may redo the build a couple times after. There is no end to optimization!

  • Like 1

I use them as needed.


Mids is great for planning - but does jack for execution.

Mids = Looks good on paper.


I respec when a I find a power isn't as useful as I thought I would be.  Or when I don't use it as I expected and want to try something else.

Mids doesn't help with this.


I normally don't respec at all.  I had to on 1 toon twice because I found I didn't use Placate as I thought I would - so I dumped it.  Then I found the next power choice didn't work as expected, so I dumped that one too.


I play this game for the experiences. 

--Every Alt has very different powers, and I want to play them all

--I never farm because that bypasses the game experiences.  I almost never use AE either.

I realize it takes for ever to hit 50, and that's ok.  I'm kinda scared of what happens once I'm there - Unknown Territory.


  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)

On average, less than one. I rarely respec, except on a Villain or Hero Epic AT. 


With Mids, there's no reason to ever respec. You can plan out your build in advance, craft or place lowball bids in advance and have the entire build in a bin just for that character. (exception being Epic ATs - they are so short of slots, a respec is needed, imo.)

Any steps I can take to avoid replacing the powers in my tray, I will take. I absolutely loathe a respec. 

An exception is with my afk farmers, I will respec them at vet level 48, and recycle the IOs. I still don't like doing this, but it's gotten fairly routine to this point. 

Edited by Ukase
On 4/19/2021 at 4:52 PM, Shred Monkey said:

*embarrassed look*.... OK you got me.  It's usually around 10-15.  But of those, 2/3 involve changing 1 thing, then doing a 2nd to change it back.




I don't do MIDS and tend to do a few respecs.

It is why I would like an option or a way to:

  1. Move just one enhancement slot
  2.  Swap out a power for another

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Posted (edited)
On 4/27/2021 at 5:28 PM, JasperStone said:


I don't do MIDS and tend to do a few respecs.

It is why I would like an option or a way to:

  1. Move just one enhancement slot
  2.  Swap out a power for another


Yes.  That would be great.  Or even just back off the last level to redo it.  (Champions Online allowed you to go revert backwards for increasing costs... it was handy).


I also find it odd that so many people say they don't use respecs because they "use Mid's."   Am I really that odd that I obsess over getting my toon perfect?  I mean, I use Mid's for hours on all my main toons before I ever start them.  I also use Mid's to map out their first 22 levels.... then map out a respec at 22.  Then another usually in the mid 30s.   I usually do some experimentation with powers I'm not familiar with in the late to early 40s (which often involves 3-4 more respecs).   Then I respec at 50 into a final build that's probably slightly altered from the original.  And then I still end up tweaking the final build with respecs that shift a few slots around... maybe to make a slight adjustment my endurance balance, or run speed, maybe accuracy, or possibly just reordering the powers to improve the way I exemplar.  My blapper even has a 2nd build with full IO sets and hamis for exemplaring into the level 8-20 range.   


In fact.  If Mid's builds were just a one-and-done thing in CoH, I probably wouldn't play it anymore.  



Edited by Shred Monkey
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Active on Excelsior:

Prismatic Monkey - Seismic / Martial Blaster, Shadow Dragon Monkey - Staff / Dark Brute, Murder Robot Monkey - Arachnos Night Widow



The only respecs I’ve done have been the result of power changes (Tankers, Trick Arrow). 

All of my builds are planned and crunched before a character ever hits level one.

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R. Lee Ermey voice:


This is your fourth respec hero, if we can call you that.


Do you know how many times you died in that last Tasck Force?
Well, do you?
No one knows because they lost count!


You are an embarrassment to this SG and a besmirchment on my good name.
You will be repecced as many times as it takes. And as I often as it takes to get it right.


Now strip!



I have to much free time on my hands

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