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Burn Out


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(No, not the power.)  For the past month or so, I get to the log on screen, look at my list of characters, look over them again... and think, "Meh."  I don't feel like playing any of them, although I'll pick one for the scheduled raids I co-lead and for iTrials with my SG.  I thought maybe I'd try something a little different... make a character to solo absolutely everything in the game, from gold side to red side to blue side.  I must have made and deleted about ten different characters over the past two weeks, all by the time they get to Imperial City.  I make a Brute because I keep reading and I keep being told that Brutes are the way to go for this project.  But then I get near the end of Nova Praetoria or the beginning of Imperial City and think to myself, "Brutes are terrible at endgame.  Do I really want to do all of this on a Brute?" and delete the character.  Then I make a Mastermind, because Masterminds were my favorite AT back on live and I miss playing one.  But then I get near the end of Nova Praetoria or the beginning of Imperial City and think to myself, "Praetorian ambushes are deadly for Masterminds.  You know this.  On top of that, quite a few people I know intensely dislike playing with Masterminds.  Do I really want to do all of this on a Mastermind?" and delete the character.  Then I'll try another Brute, and eventually go back to thinking to myself "Brutes are terrible at endgame.  Do I really want to do all of this on a Brute?" and delete the character.  As I've said, I've done this about ten times in the past two weeks.


I now realize that I'm burned out on City of Heroes.  I just really feel no interest in playing it other than for scheduled events with friends.  How do y'all deal with that?

Edited by Apparition
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I recently was feeling some mild burnout as well. I even bought Monster Hunter: Rise during my burnout so that I had something fresh to play. About a day or two into that, I had a very familiar feeling. "Oh god, not again," I thought, as I opened the character creator and made a Rad/BS tank.


The toon had no correlation with Monster Hunter (sorry), but stepping away and playing something else just got me sucked right back into this. Sometimes a change of scenery helps.

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Mainly on Excelsior. Find me in game @Spaghetti Betty.

AE Arcs:  Big Magic Blowout! 41612 | The Meta-Human Wrestling Association 44683 | MHWA Part 2 48577

Click to look at my pets!


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55 minutes ago, Apparition said:

(No, not the power.)  For the past month or so, I get to the log on screen, look at my list of characters, look over them again... and think, "Meh."  I don't feel like playing any of them, although I'll pick one for the scheduled raids I co-lead and for iTrials with my SG.  I thought maybe I'd try something a little different... make a character to solo absolutely everything in the game, from gold side to red side to blue side.  I must have made and deleted about ten different characters over the past two weeks, all by the time they get to Imperial City.  I make a Brute because I keep reading and I keep being told that Brutes are the way to go for this project.  But then I get near the end of Nova Praetoria or the beginning of Imperial City and think to myself, "Brutes are terrible at endgame.  Do I really want to do all of this on a Brute?" and delete the character.  Then I make a Mastermind, because Masterminds were my favorite AT back on live and I miss playing one.  But then I get near the end of Nova Praetoria or the beginning of Imperial City and think to myself, "Praetorian ambushes are deadly for Masterminds.  You know this.  On top of that, quite a few people I know intensely dislike playing with Masterminds.  Do I really want to do all of this on a Mastermind?" and delete the character.  Then I'll try another Brute, and eventually go back to thinking to myself "Brutes are terrible at endgame.  Do I really want to do all of this on a Brute?" and delete the character.  As I've said, I've done this about ten times in the past two weeks.


I now realize that I'm burned out on City of Heroes.  I just really feel no interest in playing it other than for scheduled events with friends.  How do y'all deal with that?

Great question. Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. I like to think of it like chocolate cake. I could eat a slice once a week and enjoy it. If I had to eat a slice once a day or worse, once with every meal, I'd quickly grow spiteful of its decadence. What I do is pick up other games and hobbies, come back when I'm either motivated by a concept (because at the end of the day, nothing really matters in this game if you're not having fun with the character you're playing) or a theme, or to try out something that I've had in my long term game goals folder - like getting outside of every zone or discovering bugs in game play.


If the worse thing you do is put the game down for a few months or even for good, you can know your contributions to the community and the fun you had was good while it lasted. Or you can come back when you've got a hankering! It'll be here until it isn't, and that's not the worst thing in the world. 

Edited by Glacier Peak
Extra words oops
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Oh shoot, you asked a question I didn't address - okay so what I do is I play a little of everything, a little (well a lot lately) of Halo Infinite, a lot of Satisfactory (was on a No Man's Sky kick after playing Subnautica and a friend bought me Satisfactory to try), really just stuff I can pick up and put down when I feel the need and the experience is the same each time I come back to it. I play a lot of video games with real life friends, so there's rivalry and camaraderie. I also supply myself with hobbies if my work schedule allows. I just finished a major life milestone, so now I've got more free time and it's hard to decide what to do.


I've also picked up watching Anime after a friend recommended some series (Full Metal Alchemist, Demon Slayer, Cowboy Bebop, My Hero Academia, Mobile Suit Gundam, Trigun, One Punch, Gurren Lagann...). Lots of good stuff and an abundance of stuff that makes me cringe, but it's a cool gate way to Japanese culture.


And I also try to do other stuff like running because that's relaxing to me. 

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I took an 8 month break from the game. This was my first week back in a long time. 


The itch did come back full force, and I very much enjoy all my old characters again. But I did have to put the game aside for a time.  I focused some on just generally taking better care of myself. What gaming I did do was on single player games I could do for a few hours here and there and put down again.  Skyrim. Darkest Dungeon. Civilizaiton IV.  I spent some time looking over misc retirement plans and going over numbers to see how doable it is (plenty) in the time frame I want (not so much). I took a pair of two-week trips to visit with family and unplug. I even tried my hand at a bit of writing. 


But I didn't even log on Homecoming again, until I *wanted* to play the game again.  No testing the waters after a month, etc. No half-hearted "Well maybe."  When I actually MISSED beating things up on my scrapper, or flying into piles of mobs with Hurricane on my Stormy, or having my Controller set enemies against each ohter from the shadows, THEN, I logged on.

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1 hour ago, Apparition said:

I now realize that I'm burned out on City of Heroes.  I just really feel no interest in playing it other than for scheduled events with friends.  How do y'all deal with that?


I quit playing. Did it several times back before the snap. No harm doing it now. It'll either be here when you want to come back or it won't.

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12 hours ago, Bill Z Bubba said:


I quit playing. Did it several times back before the snap. No harm doing it now. It'll either be here when you want to come back or it won't.

Same. I wasn't even here at the very end. I was simply done with it. I took about a 9 month break from the game during HC. I won't be surprised if and when I take more breaks. Even now, there are days I simply log onto the game, work the market, and log off for the day. Read a book. Watch a show or movie. Play a different game. Just simply recharge. If the game goes poof, you played until you were tapped. There's no shame in that.

Edited by Without_Pause
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Top 10 Most Fun 50s.

1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute.  10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. 


"Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."

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It's free, it's not going anywhere (fingers crossed). Can you stomach eating ice-cream at every meal for years? I think not. So why playing the same game for years in a row?


Like ice-cream you come back when you feel like it. I've taken three or four breaks and after my latest alt leveleing spree (27 alts in less than a month) I'm not feeling CoH-ish anymore. Waiting on Lost Ark this 8th then I'll disappear for a while.

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6 hours ago, Apparition said:

I now realize that I'm burned out on City of Heroes.  I just really feel no interest in playing it other than for scheduled events with friends.  How do y'all deal with that?


I start with exactly what you're seeing. "Meh, I don't really want to play... anything." I play something else (whether it's a game or guitar) or just do other things.


Of course, for me as an RPer there's more to "the game" than just "go in, click buttons, get XP/Inf." I'm chatting with others on discord, so my *character* keeps developing and in touch with people even if the in-game avatar isn't getting yet another 5000 merits this week.

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I only play when my VGmates are on, or when the wife runs with me. I don’t solo and do not PUG.

Couple times a week and I'm great, of course it helps that I personally know all my VGmates and even went to SC to see one of them.

We all have been together since I4 or I5 so its all a long term friendship.

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The Revenants twitch channel, come watch us face plant, talk smack, and attempt to be world class villains.

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8 hours ago, Apparition said:

I must have made and deleted about ten different characters over the past two weeks, all by the time they get to Imperial City.  I make a Brute because I keep reading and I keep being told that Brutes are the way to go for this project.  But then I get near the end of Nova Praetoria or the beginning of Imperial City and think to myself, "Brutes are terrible at endgame.  Do I really want to do all of this on a Brute?" and delete the character.  Then I make a Mastermind, because Masterminds were my favorite AT back on live and I miss playing one.  But then I get near the end of Nova Praetoria or the beginning of Imperial City and think to myself, "Praetorian ambushes are deadly for Masterminds.  You know this.  On top of that, quite a few people I know intensely dislike playing with Masterminds.  Do I really want to do all of this on a Mastermind?" and delete the character.  Then I'll try another Brute, and eventually go back to thinking to myself "Brutes are terrible at endgame.  Do I really want to do all of this on a Brute?" and delete the character.  As I've said, I've done this about ten times in the past two weeks.

I think I found yer problem right there...  😄


Jokes aside, it's fine to feel burn-out and step away for a bit.

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Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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Hmmmm.  I got nothing.  Sorry.


Brutes are terrible at end game.  They are great for this project. Endgame?  ROFLMAO.  Endgame?  nooo, lol, I cannot keep a straight face.  You think this project is about end game?  ROFLMAO.  Maybe, we must, be talking about different projects.  I have been soloing every contact in the game on a Brute since mid October.  Red/Blue/Gold. Turn off experience and do EVERY mission a contact offers. Then, next.  2,289 missions completed. 3,901 reward merits earned according to the terminal.  although i have 4,880.  not sure why the difference.  no i did not claim them from super packs etc. Doing level 40-44 content now.  Once I 50 I will quickly get incarnate badges and such.  Then....do all 35-50 content solo, 40-50 content solo, 45-50 content solo.  So, sure, I will 'main' this character.  (keeping an ice/cold corr for helping SG do most 50 incarnate trials etc) But this project is about climbing the mountain. Not standing on the top waving the flag.  


This project was 'easy' on a Brute in some ways.  But on my Dark/Invul I relied on P2W 'nades for AoE for a loooooong time.  Dark has crap attacks until mid 20s as well, sigh.  Dark days indeed.


Maybe this project is not for you.  It takes someone who is interested in the challenge.  Not focused on having it done.


Also...are you starting Gold then?  Because you are missing all (most) 1-20 Red Blue. Start Red/Blue.  Turn off Exp.  at 4-7-9-14-19 etc.  Do the contacts (switching alignments) Gold is FULLY avail in Ouro.  You did say ALL?  What did you mean by all?  Oh, nvm, just 50 what you want, Ouro a few things and say you did it "all"  GL

Edited by Snarky
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8 hours ago, Apparition said:

I now realize that I'm burned out on City of Heroes.


Most of us have been there at one point or another.  Totally normal.  I usually need to take a break from The Cities from time to time for [reasons], but I'll stop by here and Discord to chat with SG folks and the like during breaks from time to time, usually.


I don't have any specific suggestions save, just go do other stuff for a while - I've taken one "extended break" from HC, and when I came back and ended up with one of my favorite toons - one that was a departure from my (previous) face-rolling melee norm. 😉


Hope that helps!


4 minutes ago, Snarky said:

not sure why the difference.


Exploration Accolades and WST bonus merits? Oh! Also "Every Arc in X Zone" merits - should have gotten 20 each for the 3 Gold zones, though not all zones have these.

Edited by InvaderStych
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You see a mousetrap? I see free cheese and a f$%^ing challenge.

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I completely get this! I took May - October off and came back knowing the new stuff was out shortly after. I’m still not playing the level I used to prior to that but I’ve made little changes that have helped.

I’ve stopped doing consecutive days playing unless I know mates are on.

I’ve been doing content I wouldn’t normally do - running Who Will Die/ Pandora’s Box on higher difficulties for example - and it changes the pace so much. I don’t feel so passive. leading that ‘new’ content has helped as people have often said “I never did this on live, that was fun!” and it makes the gaming fun again.

I’ve been doing only sub-35 content, changes the speed.

But the most important thing: have fun again. I spent ages trying to play really seriously cos I wanted to get back the missed time. Now I’m not doing the long gaming sessions, maybe just a Moonfire is enough.


hope you come back from the burnout though!

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@Xiddo on Excel. Alts: Agent Betel - V_archetypeicon_dominator.png.5633ed21aff3ea441cdd024895843d4a.png  Athosin - Archetypeicon_peacebringer.png.9e329a8a509066a020fd4635ccbb4385.png  Nisotha - image.png.c44c4b37be8839626cedeee9a8966397.png  Anapos - V_archetypeicon_corruptor.png.f105930c83b316a39d147c7de8c7e017.png  Atomic Chilli - V_archetypeicon_brute.png.b1e0b25149b74ff24ce1fd3603064e6e.png  Bainbridge - image.png.fc49fb2cec0488ed5cd6d82f5ea9260a.png

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9 hours ago, Apparition said:

How do y'all deal with that?


Netflix.  Mostly for the shows (If you haven't seen Arcane... Seriously, get up now.  Go watch it.  You can thank me later, Cupcake.)  Occasionally a documentary or a stand up comedy special.  For movies I usually head over to HBO Max.  


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Active on Excelsior:

Prismatic Monkey - Seismic / Martial Blaster, Shadow Dragon Monkey - Staff / Dark Brute, Murder Robot Monkey - Arachnos Night Widow


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9 hours ago, Apparition said:

(No, not the power.)  For the past month or so, I get to the log on screen, look at my list of characters, look over them again... and think, "Meh."  I don't feel like playing any of them, although I'll pick one for the scheduled raids I co-lead and for iTrials with my SG.  I thought maybe I'd try something a little different... make a character to solo absolutely everything in the game, from gold side to red side to blue side.  I must have made and deleted about ten different characters over the past two weeks, all by the time they get to Imperial City.  I make a Brute because I keep reading and I keep being told that Brutes are the way to go for this project.  But then I get near the end of Nova Praetoria or the beginning of Imperial City and think to myself, "Brutes are terrible at endgame.  Do I really want to do all of this on a Brute?" and delete the character.  Then I make a Mastermind, because Masterminds were my favorite AT back on live and I miss playing one.  But then I get near the end of Nova Praetoria or the beginning of Imperial City and think to myself, "Praetorian ambushes are deadly for Masterminds.  You know this.  On top of that, quite a few people I know intensely dislike playing with Masterminds.  Do I really want to do all of this on a Mastermind?" and delete the character.  Then I'll try another Brute, and eventually go back to thinking to myself "Brutes are terrible at endgame.  Do I really want to do all of this on a Brute?" and delete the character.  As I've said, I've done this about ten times in the past two weeks.


I now realize that I'm burned out on City of Heroes.  I just really feel no interest in playing it other than for scheduled events with friends.  How do y'all deal with that?

You're not alone. 

This is when you just have to think outside the box. 

Most folks who know me only a little consider me some kind of anti-social curmudgeon. And, to a point, it's true. I have no desire to get on discord and listen to teammates' tales of woe or wonder. I certainly don't want to hear about your cancer, or your kid's success or lack of it. I don't want to get to know anyone in game. There are people in real life that I can pursue that with if the mood strikes me. People whose smiles I can see. 

That said, about 18 months ago, I was feeling much the same way - "what to do, what to do". So, I got out of my comfort zone and joined an SG for kicks. Figured people might be what was missing, or at least add something to the experience. Thus far, it's been a mix. Some good, some bad. But interesting, at least. 

In your case, you're already in one sg, but perhaps another may be the way to go - in addition to, not in place of your current one. 

As for Praetoria, the majority is very often wrong. Half the folks on these forums, despite their well-meaning intentions make statements that are true for them - but not necessarily true for you. I think you already know this, but haven't considered it. 

To avoid the mastermind simply because some folks don't like teaming with them...that's a bit silly. If people made characters based on what other people said, they'd be stuck in the costume creator, afraid to come out. 

"Dominators suck until you get perma-dom"
"Controllers suck until you get pets"
"Sentinels are weak in damage" 
"Blasters are too squishy and get mezzed all the time"
"Defenders are weak damage, and nobody plays them right"
"Masterminds got too many pets and they never control them. And they get in the way and make too much noise"
"Damn tanks are always jumping ahead, leaving scraps for the rest to deal with. And they can't punch their way out of a wet paper bag" 
"Stupid Broots. They act like single target damage is weak, and they think fury is an excuse to run off any way they choose. They don't even have the HP of tanks and they won't take taunt. Useless." 
"Scrappers? Pfff...weak hp, mobs always running away, and they never read chat. Useless. And their damage ain't that great. Damn crits always happen when the mob is 90% dead. Useless." 
"Corruptors? Ugh! No mez protection, and half of them forget they have a secondary. And the other have forget they have a primary. And they always make me type "scourge" when the npc is at less than half health. Arrogant bastards." 
"Kheldians? zomg! Nice effects, but they can't do anything very well. And if you go tri-form, you need 40 more slots, at least to make them good. And ya gotta be a damned bind & Macro master to play one" 
"Veats? What a joke. Damn things are end heavy, weak in damage unless you proc 'em. And even then not so good. I'd sooner die than make one of those again. If they didn't have such good team buffs, nobody would let them on their team." 

Small wonder so many folks solo and stay in AE with all the silly judgements many folks make. 

So, what might be another solution? 
1. Take a break from the game. Put in some seriously low ball bids for certain items, just to see how that plays out. Log off, and find some amusement elsewhere. Check back in a few months. I don't recommend it - but it's an option. 
2. Investigate other types of in game activity. AE mission making -- not a farm, but an actual story arc, perhaps about your character. 
3. Base building. I've always been function over fashion, but mastering the base editor can take some time. And getting there may be of interest. 
4. Theme teams - a literal plethora of options: 

   Drop theme team: a group vows to only team together. Vary the origins so you can trade off enhancement drops. No p2w until your character can afford what you want. No using the AH except to sell. It's as tedious as you're thinking. But it's a credible challenge. 

I think some folks call it Iron Man - you get defeated, you get deleted. You can team with like-minded folks, or solo. But, you have to challenge yourself to escalate the difficulty as you level. 
Like levels 1-10, go 0/1
11-20, go +1/2
21-30, go +2/3

you can set up your parameters before hand to something you find possible, but not boring. 

Gold side - the biggest problems with gold side are there are no accolade powers to work towards, and there are no task forces. In my opinion, the best AT for gold side is a stalker. You can stealth a lot of stuff, zip through the maps as you see fit. Or kill as you see fit. You eventually get status protection. High damage. Is it "Zomg Great" at level 50? Nah. But a lot of that depends on slotting and playstyle. You could go scrapper, too, but you lose the stealth. Practically a coin toss. You'd want an armor that has some defense debuff resistance. I'd go Mace/shield, but that's me. And that's if you're soloing. Again, just my opinion and there's reasons to do it, and reasons not to. 

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Your point, Apparition, is something I can much appreciate.  And I think it's to the original Devs' credit that this thing has kept going as long and consistently as it has.  What's the core of the issue here, at least as far as I'd see it?  It ain't real life.  There's a very, very hard cap on what sort of actions and interactions can take place here, as is the case in any virtual setting - irrespective of whether that setting was conceived of back in the late '70s (when I first recall seeing people playing a third-person Star Trek starship fight game; the ships were represented by various hard geometric shapes, such as an arrow for Fed ships) or a couple weeks ago.


I find that often I'm signing on just to do sight-seeing, and appreciate the various (extraordinarily detailed) settings that have been put together for us.  Yet, that being stated, those settings are never going to change; hence my quiet joy at seeing the Christmas season snowfall in Atlas Park that was added on last December.  Similarly, it's never going to change for those various archetypes you've mentioned because, again, there's a hard cap on the things they can do to act and interact with their world.  As visually wonderful as those things might be.


From my admittedly limited perspective here?  What I would recommend is give real-life RPGing a try.  If you can find a game-group in your area, fantastic; if not, give the FLGand/orCS a shot and see if there's a group that meets on site on a regular basis - I've found that any place that has a bigger than living-room size shop area has at least one group that rents it out on Friday/Saturday afternoons/evenings.  CoX, with its fantastic character design engine, is great for arranging how your (and potentially other players') characters look, regardless of game genre; do a screenshot after design completion and you've got an image that you, and they, have got to relate to when throwing the dice.  And that leads to the point that, I believe, elevates real life RPGing above what this, or any other MMPOG yet conceived, has to offer: The chance to work with other humans and negotiate the rules.  There ain't no such discussion with the CoX engine; the best we can hope for is to get a Mod over to reshuffle the deck for us when the software bugs out.  Plus, there's absolutely no substituting the fun one has when, in the middle of a scrap, one player or another starts making jokes and/or stupid comments that leave the gang hammering on the table, weeping with laughter.  For all the communication we can indulge in with CoX, the Rikti AV isn't going to hold off on her/his group wipe power just because the heroes had a standup comedian appear after the Rikti monkeys start disintegrating into noxious gas and saying, "Sorry, I had burritos for lunch."  The day will come when the taste for the chocolate cake (to use Glacier Peak's metaphor) will come back, at least on a limited scale; I have every expectation that the community here will continue to contribute enough monthly funds to keep it running at least that long.  Meanwhile, the best I can suggest is the real life imagination thing: any pen-and-paper RPG is going to be subject to walls dictated by game engine rules as much as CoX, but the player/GM interaction (and player/player) will go a long way to bending those rules, as much of a pause as it might lead to in the game.

Edited by Black Talon
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6 minutes ago, Ukase said:

"Dominators suck until you get perma-dom"
"Controllers suck until you get pets"
"Sentinels are weak in damage" 
"Blasters are too squishy and get mezzed all the time"
"Defenders are weak damage, and nobody plays them right"
"Masterminds got too many pets and they never control them. And they get in the way and make too much noise"
"Damn tanks are always jumping ahead, leaving scraps for the rest to deal with. And they can't punch their way out of a wet paper bag" 
"Stupid Broots. They act like single target damage is weak, and they think fury is an excuse to run off any way they choose. They don't even have the HP of tanks and they won't take taunt. Useless." 
"Scrappers? Pfff...weak hp, mobs always running away, and they never read chat. Useless. And their damage ain't that great. Damn crits always happen when the mob is 90% dead. Useless." 
"Corruptors? Ugh! No mez protection, and half of them forget they have a secondary. And the other have forget they have a primary. And they always make me type "scourge" when the npc is at less than half health. Arrogant bastards." 
"Kheldians? zomg! Nice effects, but they can't do anything very well. And if you go tri-form, you need 40 more slots, at least to make them good. And ya gotta be a damned bind & Macro master to play one" 
"Veats? What a joke. Damn things are end heavy, weak in damage unless you proc 'em. And even then not so good. I'd sooner die than make one of those again. If they didn't have such good team buffs, nobody would let them on their team." 

You said it.. but in evry statement of these there is a grain of truth, albeit it is what it should be, every AT should be different feeling and have a different role, else we would not be needing ATs.. and even in the same AT u feel different, no one can tell me a Katana/Regen Scrapp feels the same as a Kinetic/Dark Armor one and so on, sure there are parts they have in common, but are not the very same.


Or a Mind Troller with no Pets the same as an Illusion Troller (the 2 most exotic ones of them in the different end of spectrum). Some bad things like for Kheldians could be better, but we have em and we play em as they are, until it will be changed or not. And yes my Burnout solution is to play different Games until the Urge (which is on a daily Base) calls me back to COH too 🙂 .

Former Player on Server:

Protector, Guardian, Virtue, Liberty, Freedom, Union and Defiant (Hero Side) and part Time Infinity

Justice, Pinnacle, Victory (Villain Side)

Currently Reunion is the Main Server

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1 hour ago, SuggestorK said:

You said it.. but in evry statement of these there is a grain of truth, albeit it is what it should be, every AT should be different feeling and have a different role, else we would not be needing ATs.. and even in the same AT u feel different, no one can tell me a Katana/Regen Scrapp feels the same as a Kinetic/Dark Armor one and so on, sure there are parts they have in common, but are not the very same.

What's more - is power picks and slotting choices within the same powerset/AT can still be like night and day. 

Fire/Earth blaster with teleport pool is played much differently than Fire/Earth without it. (at least it is for me) 

We might think we've done it all, but that's practically impossible. 

My default used to be flight/speed/fighting ... without a 4th pool pick. Then I leaned towards Speed/Leaping/Fighting/Leadership.  Now, if I can make sense of a good way to take advantage of it, I use speed/leaping/fighting/Teleport. 

When you change something as easy as a power pool, the entire experience with the same content is fairly different. 

So...here's another option - pick power pools you don't normally choose, and make them work for you. That should be interesting for a few different ATs. 

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2 hours ago, Ukase said:

"Dominators suck until you get perma-dom"
"Controllers suck until you get pets"
"Sentinels are weak in damage" 
"Blasters are too squishy and get mezzed all the time"
"Defenders are weak damage, and nobody plays them right"
"Masterminds got too many pets and they never control them. And they get in the way and make too much noise"
"Damn tanks are always jumping ahead, leaving scraps for the rest to deal with. And they can't punch their way out of a wet paper bag" 
"Stupid Broots. They act like single target damage is weak, and they think fury is an excuse to run off any way they choose. They don't even have the HP of tanks and they won't take taunt. Useless." 
"Scrappers? Pfff...weak hp, mobs always running away, and they never read chat. Useless. And their damage ain't that great. Damn crits always happen when the mob is 90% dead. Useless." 
"Corruptors? Ugh! No mez protection, and half of them forget they have a secondary. And the other have forget they have a primary. And they always make me type "scourge" when the npc is at less than half health. Arrogant bastards." 
"Kheldians? zomg! Nice effects, but they can't do anything very well. And if you go tri-form, you need 40 more slots, at least to make them good. And ya gotta be a damned bind & Macro master to play one" 
"Veats? What a joke. Damn things are end heavy, weak in damage unless you proc 'em. And even then not so good. I'd sooner die than make one of those again. If they didn't have such good team buffs, nobody would let them on their team." 


As someone who plays Stalkers 90% of the time, I support this message.

  • Haha 9

Active on Excelsior:

Prismatic Monkey - Seismic / Martial Blaster, Shadow Dragon Monkey - Staff / Dark Brute, Murder Robot Monkey - Arachnos Night Widow


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