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Officially Unofficial Weekly Discussion #35: Binds and Macros

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Welcome back for another weekly discussion, this week we'll discuss binds and macros.


As a reminder you can submit discussion ideas to me for inclusion in an upcoming weekly discussion.


Aside from the basic keybinds that the game gives you to assign to help you control your characters, what custom binds or macros do you find yourself using? Are there special ones that you use for particular ATs like Sandolphan's MM Numpad Keybinds? Do you prefer binds over macros or vice a versa? When making macros do you use /macro_image to give them an icon or do you live with the grey background? What do you like or dislike about binds and macros? Is there any functionality that would be a huge QoL improvement in your opinion that could be addressed with a new bind/maco (and example power location binds were added to the game after it's sunset, which have had a huge impact for me personally)?


Some Bind/Macro Resources for those that might not know:


As always thanks.


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I use binds for the shift-lclick stuff like teleport or the ldoubleclick, and macros for the target a location based power. those are about all. I used to use the macro_image but I got it to work right so rarely it almost always had an X icon in my tray. Now I just use macro and letters which stand for the power (ie CB -combat teleport). 


Basically I use binds and macros which help with performance functionality. I don't actually use any 'fun' ones. 

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2 hours ago, SeraphimKensai said:

Aside from the basic keybinds that the game gives you to assign to help you control your characters, what custom binds or macros do you find yourself using?


DELETE "priorityboost 1"

INSERT "camdist 17"

PAGEDOWN "++netgraph"
PAGEUP "++showfps"

These are the first four keys I press after logging in.


[ "suppressclosefx 0"

] "suppressclosefx 1"


I have suppressfxdist set to 15.  If I'm playing a character with graphical effects that annoy me, like World of Confusion, [.  When I'm playing a different character, ].

MouseChord "nop"

Z "nop"

I don't need click to move crap, and by default, pressing Z drops target, so both of these are unbound to prevent violence and obscenities.


Location AoEs are /bind mouse4 or mouse5 powexeclocation target Power or /bind mouse4/5 powexeclocation self Power , depending on where whimsy carries me.


If I'm really short on easily reached keys/buttons, I'll set up a rotating bind so I can assign more than one power to a key.  Blizzard and Ice Storm, for example, would use one file, bliz.txt, with button5 "powexeclocation self Blizzard$$bindloadfilesilent e:\Games\Homecoming\settings\live\ice.txt" and one, ice.txt, with button5 "powexeclocation self Ice Storm$$bindloadfilesilent e:\Games\Homecoming\settings\live\bliz.txt" .


Movement powers, including Sprint, are bound to V (toggle on) and B (toggle off).  All other toggles are bound to V, and when the character limit imposes a restriction, B as well.  Movement powers are listed first in the binds so they'll be the last to activate.  Status protection is listed last so it activates first.


I don't waste time, or tray space, on macros.  I can do everything just as well with a bind, and often save tray space in the process, so I can keep the clutter down.


2 hours ago, SeraphimKensai said:

Is there any functionality that would be a huge QoL improvement in your opinion that could be addressed with a new bind/maco (and example power location binds were added to the game after it's sunset, which have had a huge impact for me personally)?


Simplified power recognition in a bind string.  Instead of having to use /bind v "powexectoggleon Rise to the Challenge", for example, just /bind v "powexectoggleon Rise" or /bind v "powexectoggleon Chall".  Or powexectray ##being usable in multiples (/bind v "powexectray 1 4$$powexectray 2 4$$powexectray 3 4" (as of now, powexectray ## only works on the first power in the string, everything else is ignored).

Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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First off, here is a link to the macroimage HC Wiki page




I'm working on a popmenu that will use macroimage powexec macros for most drop patches (e.g. rains, Tar Patch, etc) and keybinds for certain powersets and ATs.  An example of an AT keybind would be my Dominator keybinds that switch between Hasten and Domination being the auto power.

Edit:  Didn't know we were posting the actual binds


Chat Binds

/bind T "beginchat /send "Everlasting TFs" "

/bind T "beginchat /send "Everlasting TFs" "


Dominator Hasten/Domination binds (bound to movement keys, both movement and changing the autopower work with 1 keypress)

/bind W "+forward$$powexecabort$$powexecauto Hasten"
/bind A "+left$$powexecabort$$powexecauto Domination"
/bind S "+backward$$powexecabort$$powexecauto Hasten"
/bind D "+right$$powexecabort$$powexecauto Domination"


TP Macros for example

/macro_image "Combat_Teleport" "Combat TP" "powexec_location target Combat Teleport"

Why?  Because I hate chasing my food.  And why use 2 clicks in a fast moving combat situation?

/macro_image "Teleportation_TeleportFoe" "Recall" "powexec_location self Teleport Target"

Again, 2 clicks vs 1

/bind CTRL+LeftClick "powexecname Translocation"

Same bind for Translocation Teleport or the Kheld 'ports


Edited by Col. Kernel
Self evident strikethrough
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3 hours ago, SeraphimKensai said:

This Google Doc has tons of power icons


Unless I am mistaken, that Google doc has not been updated for HC and is missing many icons. The HC wiki page that Col. Kernel linked in the post immediately above this one is actively maintained (by me) and has all icons available on HC. I typically update it within a week or so of each page release.


Fair warning, though, that the wiki page linked above may take a while to load!


I am not a fan of macros, personally, and use them exceedingly sparingly. Most of the limited number of macros I use are actually on Beta server testing characters.


I have a ton of keybinds, though, and use them extensively. I generally keep both hands on my keyboard, especially when I am fighting critters, so I make ample use of keybinds. I won't mention any specifically, as I could write pages and pages on the different binds I use.

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I use macros for transport Hubs and location AoE powers.  I don't really use a lot of binds though I don't have anything against them.

Girls of Nukem High - Excelsior - Tempus Fabulous, Flattery, Jennifer Chilly, Betty Beatdown, Totally Cali, Two Gun Trixie

Babes of War - Excelsior - Di Di Guns, Runeslinger, Munitions Mistress, Tideway, Hard Melody, Blue Aria


Several alts and of course my original from live on Freedom, High Beam Prime (someone else has her non OG name)

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I bind everything that isn't a toggle. It all goes within a finger's reach of wasd, which means ample use of shift and alt as well. 1 to 4 are also in use for whatever i see fit.


I have some basic patterns to this, but no hard and fast rules. It takes me a minute to resettle into a character i haven't played in a while.


An essential for every character is r set to target_enemy_near. 


For flying characters I use a speed on demand hover to fly bind, and a similar setup for other travel.


Teleporters get a location target bind on shift+f to pop to anything in range. Super handy for engage and catching up. Those with combat teleport and cones have a more elaborate setup that includes backward porting far enough for cone execution before porting back in, along with quick directional ports for all cardinals to bamph around flexibly.

Edited by Onlyasandwich
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My basic binds:


~: Sprint or Prestige Sprint/Slide as suits the character

G: Beast/Athletic/Ninja until a proper travel power is acquired and takes over the bind

shift+G: favored temp/prestige travel power such as Rocket Board, or if I plan to keep using the Run I'll move it here and use ctrl+T if I pick up a temp; for teleport, bound to shoot me in the direction I'm looking
shift+click: precision Teleport

H: Combat Jumping or Hover, unless the character has SJ & SS in which case those will be on G & H and the def toggle will probably be shift+H

T: Aim or Build Up

shift+T: If I have a second damage/power self-buff it goes here (T for Aim, shift+T for Soul Drain on my rad/dark/dark for example)

ctrl+T: Destiny - usually only for characters that take Clarion for the mez protection where I want to hit it the second I can, the rest I'll either put on a bar or click when I need them

Y: Hasten

U: T9 Armor, Shadow Meld, or other oshit button

shift or ctrl + U: as above if more than one

shift+1: combine T1 insps into reds

shift+2: combine T2 insps into reds

just T1 & T2, I turn off larges along with BFs & rezzes


Macros I've never used much other than /macro base "editbase 1" on anyone I build on, and on one of my more recent characters who's the only one I've got that uses all three builds, has a couple costumes suited to each, and switches with my whim. I set up a macro button using the Mutation SO's Vitruvian symbol graphic for my Base Teleporter once on my characters in a Mutation-themed group that uses the Vitruvian symbol. I used a "deploy my epic's ice storm centered on myself" macro for my Ice/SJ/Cold tank whose concept didn't allow for her to summon phenomena at a distance, but eventually stopped bothering with it just because it was a little fiddly to keep track of as I still had to keep the power somewhere on my bar so I could see when I could fire it. That's the one thing macros need for me to want to bother with them more: a command that links the macro to one of my powers so the macro button can reflect that power's recharge status, which would let me remove the actual power from my bar. As it is, their convenience comes with a clutter cost.

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Not a fan of binds as I have to look away from the screen to get to the right buttons.  My mouse does have a lot of extra buttons, but I really can't be bothered with them or to spend the time setting them all up.  Macros for me, which are usually some variety of targeting, and pet macros for MMs.  That's it.


Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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My latest iteration of Combat Teleport and Teleport binds (with a utility slot bind), where BUTTON4 and BUTTON5 correspond to the thumb buttons on my mouse:


BUTTON4 "powexec_location target combat teleport"
SHIFT+BUTTON4 "powexec_location target teleport"
BUTTON5 "powexec_alt2slot 9"

SHIFT+A "powexec_location left:35 combat teleport"
SHIFT+D "powexec_location right:35 combat teleport"
SHIFT+S "powexec_location back:35 combat teleport"
SHIFT+W "powexec_location forward:35 combat teleport"


MOUSECHORD "powexec_location cursor combat teleport"
SHIFT+MOUSECHORD "powexec_location cursor teleport"


"alt2slot 9" is the upper-left-most slot in the default tray if 3 trays are visible.  On this particular toon that is Earth's Embrace (Fire/Stone/Blaze Stalker). I use that slot for various things depending on the toon. Have not found a need for a SHIFT+BUTTON5 on that guy, but I might have done on some earlier toons.


Edited by InvaderStych

You see a mousetrap? I see free cheese and a f$%^ing challenge.

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I'm not very good at using binds. Mostly because I will simply forget they're there. In fact, I only ever really use 2: one for enabling screenshot UI, and one for opening gifts.


On the other hand I usually have a tray or 2 full of targetting macros for specific TFs.


Anything more than that would probably make my head explode! And I don't think anyone wants that! hopefully

Mainly on Excelsior. Find me in game @Spaghetti Betty.

AE Arcs:  Big Magic Blowout! 41612 | The Meta-Human Wrestling Association 44683 | MHWA Part 2 48577

Click to look at my pets!


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I have binds I've used since live. Some aren't the most efficient, but they work the way I expect them to by now. I mean.. .



I've got quite a few.


The "Lyrics" folder is just what it says - for a time we had a karaoke night once a month and I'd have binds going through song lyrics to "sing" them.


Some of these, I haven't used in a while, or they're character specific. The "Down" ones ... I have no idea what I was doing with, I haven't used them in so long (and all they do is select the team member with that number, and load the next - probably an easy way to buff everyone - hit the down key, hit buff, down, buff, etc. before we had AOE buffs. For instance this is "down3.txt" :


down team_select 3$$bind_load_file c:\binds\down4.txt


The ones I use most are the various MM binds and Kheld binds (which switch form and tray, and in the case of the warshade, rebind a key combination to use the "correct" teleport name depending on form.)


Some were for old chat channels.


Some are character specific... sbloom.txt was a set for a character that came to mind as soon as I heard about Stalkers, before COV hit beta. Various rhyming and comments from hide while she attacks. She was ... a bit disturbed, and disturbing to play after a bit.


As far as when I use binds versus macros... Macros, I tend to use for things like a "find." If I have one mission where I'm looking for "Civilian" and the one after that I'm looking for "Dr. Whoziewhatsis," it's far easier to edit a macro - and just keep clicking it.


I do also use a pop window (or, I suppose, custom window, since it's always there,) which is basically my base address book. Go to portal, click, pick category and base, boom. But it's somewhat more irritating since it's in a window that pretty well has to stay in one spot.


One thing I did mention back on live was that I liked... was it Aion? I think so... their macro editor, which was basically drag and drop (THIS does THAT action to THAT, etc.) which I thought would be nice to bring over.

Edited by Greycat

Kheldian backstory guide 2.0 is out.

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this worthy topic looked very familiar..



"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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6 hours ago, Onlyasandwich said:

An essential for every character is r set to target_enemy_near. 

I just use tab for that. I have ` set to 'target_next', so I can flip through enemies quickly. R is my autorun button, has been since EQ back in the olden days. 🙂


The only macros I really have are for random character comments, switching builds, or opening various windows (for some reason the / character doesn't always register for me, so I made a couple of macros to pop open windows instead of typing /<whatever>). 


For powers, I have 1-6, then sh-1-6, alt-1-6, ctrl-1-6, T, G, V, B, C, F, Q, and E bound to other buttons, so most of my powers can be done with my left hand.

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   Personally, I tend to use both Keybinds & Macro's, which vary a little bit based on the character I am using at the time, as well as if they are a Melee or ranged one as well. Tab is my goto key to targeting (with +follow added to it in case it's a Melee character). Of course, if it is a Kheld I am using, the Tab key is also expanded to include all the specific Kheldon enemies I gotta target first (with ` key above it set as a basic targeting key). Key's 1-4 tend to be used for my most used attacks, with my Q & E keys used for activating two powers with one key (or two keys if I need 4 activated). If I am on a MM, I use my numberpad keys for specific commands, while at the same time changing my Tab key for basic targeting, +following, plus Agressive & Attack stances, all in one.
   Otherwise they are used mostly for specific costume changes with emotes attached. Though if I am also using a Kheldon, 1-3 on the numberpad is used for form shifting, which actually works quite well as the rest of the keys are used for costumes as stated above. As far as Macro's go however, I tend to only create/use them for either saying things or specific emotes for the character I am using, or both even. As Macro's tend to take up space on taskbars, I tend not to use them nearly as much as I did a long time ago. I figure having only 6 taskbars up at a time is enough for me lol...

   Please come and join us on Friday at 6pm Central Time for our Friday Fashion Costume Contest (see the link below). We all hope to see you, yes YOU, there... And if you also wish to join our happy group, the Celestial Warriors SG, please feel free to join our Discord (see link below), and/or contact GL herself (Global is @Laucianna), or any of us if we are on in fact... 🙂

Friday Fashion Costume Contest On Excelsior (6pm Central Time)...

The Celestial Warriors Discord Channel...


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I feel your really need to understand binds to use Trick Arrow effectively, especially  /bind <key> powexec_location target “<power>”.


Targeted AOEs benefit massively from binds.


I put a whole bunch binds suggestions in the intro:


What is really want is a bind that finds bosses, not a specific mob boss, I know that exists. But any boss.

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On 7/7/2023 at 8:23 PM, AlwaysAPrice said:

That's the one thing macros need for me to want to bother with them more: a command that links the macro to one of my powers so the macro button can reflect that power's recharge status, which would let me remove the actual power from my bar. As it is, their convenience comes with a clutter cost.

Oh god this. Was just on my new /Electrical Affinity MM today and while I was able to finagle a macro to target the closest ally and execute rejuvenating circuit, it was still annoying to have to keep a copy of the power in my tray so that I could see the recharge timer.

Or a behavior option added to assist targeting that would reset it to normal targeting if the attempted power execution failed twice in a row due to invalid target. Then macro shenanigans would not be needed. Just mash the power button like you can with normal targeting to auto-target the closest valid target.

Edited by OverkillEngine
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I have a few macros but they are mostly for dropping click location powers on my target directly instead of having to click the power and then click the ground.  Its also useful for hitting flying targets or teleporting with location click powers when the target isnt at max range.


I only use a bind on 1 character so i can have 2 powers on 'auto'.  Its a dominator and pressing 'w' moves my character forward as well as switching the auto cast power from hasten to domination and then back to hasten on the next forward press.  Its not perfect,  especially when fighting high hp targets,  but it gets the job done and does it without me having to think about it.


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2 hours ago, TheZag said:

I have a few macros but they are mostly for dropping click location powers on my target directly instead of having to click the power and then click the ground.  Its also useful for hitting flying targets or teleporting with location click powers when the target isnt at max range.


I only use a bind on 1 character so i can have 2 powers on 'auto'.  Its a dominator and pressing 'w' moves my character forward as well as switching the auto cast power from hasten to domination and then back to hasten on the next forward press.  Its not perfect,  especially when fighting high hp targets,  but it gets the job done and does it without me having to think about it.



Check out the Domination/Hasten binds I posted near the top of this thread.  I think you'll like them.

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On 7/7/2023 at 11:12 AM, SeraphimKensai said:

what custom binds or macros do you find yourself using?



On 7/7/2023 at 11:12 AM, SeraphimKensai said:

Do you prefer binds over macros or vice a versa?


I use macros. I don't use binds.


On 7/7/2023 at 11:12 AM, SeraphimKensai said:

When making macros do you use /macro_image to give them an icon or do you live with the grey background?


I don't bother assigning them an image. It works fine with letter and/or numbers that describe what it does.


On 7/7/2023 at 11:12 AM, SeraphimKensai said:

What do you like or dislike about binds and macros?


Some complex /command sequences will not work with one another and I have to use multiple macros to do what I want a macro to do, because the game will self alter my macros to remove /commands from the macro. Sometimes it doesn't do it immediately, but it will self-modify my macros after using them regardless of the sequence of the /commands that are part of a macro that is affected in this manner.

This isn't just for situations where I want a delay between what one does before the next /command goes off.



If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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I always use (key/mouse) binds for things like:

  • target nearest (alive) enemy (within view, obviously)
  • quickchats
  • teleportation type powers (to get to someplace close by that I can see)

Rarely: I will set up keybinds for combining Inspirations, or for Mastermind controls. I used to set up keybinds to target teammates (for support), but in the current Homecoming such a trick yields only marginal benefits and varies too much between 'support' powers and classes for me to optimize.


I always use macros for things like:

  • location-target (powers, pseudopets); the default is almost always 'my selected target' with the non-select backup being 'at my feet'
  • Teleportation powers (always a 'TP to selected target', characters with ranged cone attacks also get a 'backwards ~20')
  • Kheldian form switching

I will occasionally add macros for emotes, tells based only on whimsy.


As I wrote above: Many quality-of-life changes have either eliminated the needs for macros, or marginalized whatever play improvement I used to get from them.

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