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How do you keep things interesting?


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For those who have been here long enough to build a stable of 50s, try most ATs and power set combos that ever interested you, do the incarnate thing for the nth time, and get as good as you're probably going to at Mids'-craft, where do you go next?  How do you stay interested?  Here are some of the things I've seen vets do that seems to fall into the "trying to find a new challenge or angle to stay interested" category:


  • Solo very challenging content.
  • Badge hunt.
  • Unlockable costumes (prismatics).
  • Challenge builds (petless MM, power-pool-only, etc.)
  • Specialized builds (pylon times, etc.)


A number of those don't work for me because they are too grindy, and I just don't have it in me.  I do occasionally try an oddball build.


I've found that I enjoy characters whose powers provide or require the use of interesting mechanics.  Active damage mitigation instead of passive, for example.  It's a lot of fun at times to play a really tough character that can wade face-first into combat with few concerns and just faceroll my way to victory, but it gets a bit bland eventually.


This line of thought has led me to reconsider Placate on Stalkers recently.  Back in the day the conventional wisdom was that it wasn't worth the power pick.  Only some power sets even had a single attack that could be paired with it for a boost in DPS.  For others it was a loss.  The relatively recent trim of the Placate animation helped that situation greatly, but at a 60-second base recharge it still wasn't going to make a huge difference, and there was often another power worth picking for that slot.


So I haven't taken Placate since pre-shutdown and hadn't reconsidered it.  It's easy to get locked into a "performance above all" mindset.  But then I remembered in the distant past, the early days of playing this game before I learned about what was "best".  Placate was a lot of fun.  Plus it makes combat more interesting.  There is some skill at play, some benefit from using it well.  So I put together a build that included Placate that I could live with and rolled up a new Stalker.


So that's one way I'm keeping things interesting for myself.  How do you do it?

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I keep myself interested by creating new concepts or batch-concepts of characters. My current project (a bunch of D&D adventurers who wound up in Paragon) has taken me months, and I'm nearly done with all the classes. It's been fun coming up with builds that fit each class, and I gave myself the limitation that I wouldn't repeat any power sets. So once one had shield defense, nobody else would use it, etc. Of course, I've had so much fun with it I might start making "multi-classed" characters, and allow myself to have a bit of overlap of powersets as long as it's one that the "pure" class uses. (The fighter is an axe/shield tanker, for instance, while a fighter/rogue might be broadsword/shield or axe/ninjitsu)


My next project will probably be one that I started ages ago, but never really finished. A bunch of elementals summoned by the Circle of Thorns and then who went rogue, and are now on their own exploring the world. The usual air, earth, fire, and water, but also the "para-elementals" of lightning, ice, magma, and mire. 


And I still have a bunch of other group concepts lying around, like my Rikti-hunting aliens, an ex-original member of the Circle of Thorns who broke off and formed her own cabal with a bunch of apprentices, etc.


So I've got tons of stuff to keep me occupied. 🙂

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I don't particularly care about mids. Most of my "keep it interesting" has really been RP and what develops, trying to come up with our own storylines to play through.


That said, back on live one of the projects I (mostly) enjoyed was collecting "sets" - little challenges or whatever you want to think of. One of each AT to 50 (... hated VEATS, but got there,) one of each control set to 50, think I was working on melee on shutdown... I have *yet* to get a Katana to 50.


Edit: Another was to make anti-FOTMs. no, not "the worst" sets, but taking the theme of a combo and using the "wrong" powers, or flipping them around. For instance, as I recall Ice/Energy blasters were a thing... so I'd make Energy/Ice.  Fire/Kin? Sure, I have one of those... Fire tank with Kinetic melee. There were, at times, some *interesting* results.

Edited by Greycat
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I stop playing for a while, and wait until I get the urge to play again.  I've never had much success with forcing myself to have fun with something I've got bored with.  I've been playing a bunch of chill farming and farming-adjacent games instead, and now I'm just starting to miss the City.

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Reunion player, ex-Defiant.

AE SFMA: Zombie Ninja Pirates! (#18051)


Regeneratio delenda est!

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More and more playing powersets which I've never played before. 

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Top 10 Most Fun 50s.

1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute.  10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. 


"Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."

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21 hours ago, carroto said:

where do you go next?

For me, it's about realizing different and obscure character concepts, neat costumes, weird or unusual powerset combinations, or more recently, seeing how the IO system can best compliment, compensate for, or otherwise fundamentally change how some powers or sets function.

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23 hours ago, carroto said:

where do you go next?  How do you stay interested?


From my point of view, it looks like the problems is ...


On 8/28/2023 at 6:55 PM, carroto said:

For those who have been here long enough to build a stable of 50s


I don't see that or the other things that you listed as a way to stay interested.


The way to stay interested for me is through creating characters based on character conception and playing that character in the game (vs the end-game). I play with that characters limitations and mindset. I'm not mini-maxing. I'm dealing with the characters limitations and differences. Picking powers and power pools that might not normally be taken. Not taking powers because they don't fit my character conception. And, often, not respec-ing if I make a "mistake" while leveling and, instead, dealing with that as part of who that character is.


I have a couple of 50's at this point, but I don't like the end-game. I don't plan on leveling any of my characters to level 50 any more.

At this point, I have even started xp-locking characters at levels that fit their character conception. I already have characters that I should probably have locked in the mid 20's so that they didn't outlevel Striga Island, but I can simply go to the Ouroboros and run those Striga missions from there (I probably should go ahead and xp-lock them where they are as I don't plan to play higher level content with them.) This xp-locking (level lockin) is based on character conception. When I want to play that kind of content, I can switch to a character in that related range.


On 8/28/2023 at 6:55 PM, carroto said:

This line of thought has led me to reconsider Placate on Stalkers recently.  Back in the day the conventional wisdom was that it wasn't worth the power pick.  Only some power sets even had a single attack that could be paired with it for a boost in DPS.  For others it was a loss.  The relatively recent trim of the Placate animation helped that situation greatly, but at a 60-second base recharge it still wasn't going to make a huge difference, and there was often another power worth picking for that slot.


So I haven't taken Placate since pre-shutdown and hadn't reconsidered it.  It's easy to get locked into a "performance above all" mindset.  But then I remembered in the distant past, the early days of playing this game before I learned about what was "best".  Placate was a lot of fun.  Plus it makes combat more interesting.  There is some skill at play, some benefit from using it well.  So I put together a build that included Placate that I could live with and rolled up a new Stalker.


I always take placate on a stalker. To me, not taking placate on a stalker is the same as not taking the assassin power.

That isn't to say that I don't play masterless masterminds simply to have the whip powers.


Playing different ways is the way to keep the game interesting.


On 8/28/2023 at 6:55 PM, carroto said:

So that's one way I'm keeping things interesting for myself.  How do you do it?


I have over 100+ characters.

They are all based on character conception.

Some started with character conception. Some were created around power sets that I wanted to play, but I had character conceptions for the character before the entered the game. I think I have only had one character that I created and then their character conception had changed once I was in the game (due to game changes altering mechanics of the characters appearance due to interaction of powers.)


I'm not playing to use certain powers.

I'm not playing to "beat the end-game" or even to "beat the game" for that matter.


I'm playing to play the character.


I'm playing to team with other players. Mostly with players playing characters that I haven't team with before. The game plays differently when you have other players teaming with you, not just because of the different power sets and power interactions, but because of the tactics and strategies that different players use.

I like looking at how a team is operating and figuring out how my character can help augment with the team is doing or fill in the gap where something seems to be missing.


One of the differences between playing the end-game and playing the game is the ding.

The pleasure and feeling of accomplishment by dinging is a thing. That is part of why it is there.

All of a sudden, your powers are boosted for a short period of time.


"Finally, I'm getting a new power!"

"Finally, I'm able to pay back the Tsoo for all the beat downs they gave me!"

The Ding is real. I usually end up ding-ing a couple of times per play session with one or more characters.

I like to ding.

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If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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There is an ebb and flow to my game play build in part on time in RL.  Some days or weeks I have lots of time and will clock big hours.  Other times I will go days without even logging on.  Now I don't have hundreds of alts.  In fact I have a grand total of 17 level 50's and 17 more ranging from the mid 20's to the high forties.  A few were when new powers came out (Seismic Blast, Symphonic Control, Storm Blast).  Others were because I liked DP and tried several other combos of that.  A few were rebuilds of characters from Live.


I do not farm.  if that works for you, awesome, I am not trying to start a thing.  But I don't so that means I am able to gradually level up due to the aforementioned not on all the time thing.  Once there as others have said I can find more than enough ways to be entertained.  Only two 50's are full-on Tier 4 Incarnates, the rest are all over the map.  I have One Badge Hunter but also try to work the general content badges on all of the as time passes.  Recently it was a two week binge of soloing all of the 50's through the Maria Jenkins Arcs and Tinas "Other Praetorian badge need" missions for Portal Doodle.  Others do Flashbacks thematically, one magic another tech.


Then of course there is the team action, with the Nukems or with a PUG or speed runs with Blapperella.  There is more than enough content to keep me from being burned out.


And then I start writing stories; six books totaling more than 600 pages per book based on my Munitions Mistress and her evolution which includes those characters I play in game.


Its why I will never find myself in a position where I cannot think of anything more to do.

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Girls of Nukem High - Excelsior - Tempus Fabulous, Flattery, Jennifer Chilly, Betty Beatdown, Totally Cali, Two Gun Trixie

Babes of War - Excelsior - Di Di Guns, Runeslinger, Munitions Mistress, Tideway, Hard Melody, Blue Aria


Several alts and of course my original from live on Freedom, High Beam Prime (someone else has her non OG name)

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Judging by what I've seen of the population lately, this is becoming an issue.  Everyone can get anything they want in the game, and they have, multiple times now.  Hell, even I have about two pages of 50s, I only had 2 back on Live. 


So stop.


Don't farm, or do too many farm-like activities - Peregrine Council parties for example.  It's like Halloween (and ToT at the hotel): it can be fun to have one big candy-orgy of excess occasionally, but eating like that all the time makes your stomach hurt. 


Don't rush through anything, no speed runs.


You can start from a MIDS plan, but then throw caution to the wind to do what sounds fun.  I usually hate playing with toggles I can't run till I'm like in my 30s (Endurance issues), like Tough, Weave, so out they go!  I always find I feel very useful when I get to use a rez on a fallen player even if it doesn't happen too often, so who cares if I can't set-bonus myself into the stratosphere with it.  Take the rez, placate, group fly, anything you want.  Supercharge your flamethrower so you can use it every group if you like it.


Weird builds are a fun thing to sink your teeth into, if you can find one that appeals.  I've started two semi-petless Masterminds out of sheer cussedness because I like the idea of wading into combat with two lions at my side, and I am very re-invested for now.


Lead teams if you don't.


Write MA arcs, play MA arcs, there's tons of great stuff out there.  Writing them will be very frustrating and time consuming believe me.  😃



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Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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Well...it's kinda hard to keep it interesting. I don't play much and have tons of toons (many of them hit 50). I guess I'm on an extended break right now. However, what keeps me going is the thought of my AE idea becoming a reality! That's about it. I will keep advocating for it.


I do like the game but there isn't a game out there that I can play constantly. I am sure I will come back and play more often that I do now but that won't be anytime soon. I appreciate the Devs and their work and the friends I've made here. This isn't a snipe at anyone or a rant...it's just the way I feel right now....right now...it's your tomorrow...



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Make new characters with a powerset combo I've never done before and/or do a concept character, like a human-only PB, petless MM, melee-only Blaster, etc.

Sometimes I'll remake a character as a different AT, see if I like that version better or worse than the original, like Blaster to Sentinel, Tank to Brute, Scrapper to Stalker, etc.

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Costumes in the bedroom.

Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.

Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko.

But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)

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This is a great topic for a thread, and I'll get around to adding my own thoughts.  A few I particularly agree with so far:


On 8/28/2023 at 6:55 PM, carroto said:

I've found that I enjoy characters whose powers provide or require the use of interesting mechanics.


On 8/29/2023 at 8:57 AM, Without_Pause said:

More and more playing powersets which I've never played before. 


On 8/29/2023 at 8:47 PM, UltraAlt said:

The Ding is real. I usually end up ding-ing a couple of times per play session with one or more characters.

I like to ding.


Who run Bartertown?


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I notice the OP didn't mention Architect Entertainment.  I'd note that, despite the dominant talk of using AE for farming, it was actually intended to allow players to create great content to keep other players happy, and there've been many such creations over the years.  It likely works because players like you know what's boring and what's exciting, and try to balance their creations accordingly.


If this sparks an interest in anyone, head over to the Mission Architect forum and read up or maybe introduce yourself and ask for players' top 10 non-farms lists.

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I tried playing the game differently. For example, when my endurance bar is close to running out or it is entirely empty, I move away from the mob or enemy group and wait for it to refill instead of popping inspirations or using a temporary power. I have been using Rest a lot more, and it's almost nostalgic to me how much I used that power when the game came out. 


The tip missions that drop for the exploration badges in zones are up there for some of my favorite additions to this game by the Homecoming team. I like to get those and then fight local mobs in those zones. Maybe grab a history plaque too.

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I play different aspects of the game.  I've played hero, villain, praetoria.  I did farming and marketing.  I did a badger , not 100% complete.  Did a lot of end game stuff. 


I am working on completing all our flashback missions.  I also spend a lot of time giving away my fortune through games of chance.  


Basically I flip aroun and doing different things in the game when I get bored.  I have yet to play all archetypes to 50.  


This game has a lot to offer.

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Help control the Rikti population.  Have your Rikti Monkey spayed or neutered.

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     As in everything mentioned in the thread (more or less). 


     I've got less time for HC than Live 😕 so in general it's not too much of an issue here.  But on Live I probably got into virtually ever mini or sub game that existed.  The least explored probably were the costume creator (I can never match the vision in my head i.e. I suck at it) and PvP.  But fooling in market, badging, stupid scrapper tricks like soloing AVs, RWZ challenge with an Emp/Sonic about issue 13 (a draw back then, they'd be crushed likely these days with Incarnates in particularly), swapped sides, unusual power set combinations, work in Mids, work on SG base creation (I inherited several as folks left the game over the years), fiddled with AE, ran AE mission content (farming on rare occasion usually with a friend), run extreme AE content ala 801 series.  And more I'm sure. Variety keeps it going.


Edit:  How could I not mention running themed teams with friends and sgmates.  Probably induced by my association with the RO Network ->> Green Machine back then was an eye opener to a relatively new player.

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1 hour ago, Snarky said:

trollin' da newbs...

With apologies to Judas Priest for barely changing anything:
There I was completely wasting, out of work and down
All inside it's so frustrating as I drift from thread to thread
Feel as though nobody cares if I post or die
So I might as well begin to put some action in my life
You know what it's called
Trollin' da newbs, Trollin' da newbs,
Trollin' da newbs, Trollin' da newbs,
Trollin' da newbs, Trollin' da newbs,
Trollin' da newbs, Trollin' da newbs,

So much for the golden future, I can't even start
I've had every promise broken, there's anger in my heart
You don't know what it's like, you don't have a clue
If you did you'd find yourselves doing the same thing
You doing to me now

Trollin' da newbs, Trollin' da newbs,
Trollin' da newbs, Trollin' da newbs,
Trollin' da newbs, Trollin' da newbs,
Trollin' da newbs, Trollin' da newbs,
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