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Page 6 predictions!


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I think it's time to discuss our serious and not so serious predictions for page 6. They can be anything you want or don't want, and there's no limit on what you want to predict. 


So I'll go first:


Regen BUFF (you heard me). 


Energy Melee Deleted from the game. It's just too hard to fix it. 


Rage renamed to Nerf, character gets a nerf machine gun that does Zero damage and a ten minute animation of running around trying to find all the nerf bullets after you fire it off. 


A revisit to the bottom tier powersets like AR. 


Revert the stealth nerf Scrappers got when AE went live (you know what I'm talking about ;)) 


Titan Weapons adjustment. 


MM buff. 


Freem added to P2W. 

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I thought these were supposed to be fake predictions...

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1 hour ago, Bopper said:

I thought these were supposed to be fake predictions...

True. The fail of bullets fix is my serious prediction. 

My not so serious prediction: super strength added to scrappers as a full port with full strength rage using scrapper modifiers and no nerfs. 

Edit: decided not to fix the auto correct of hail > fail because that word is fitting of the ability without the fix. 

Edited by Saikochoro
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2 hours ago, Neogumbercules said:


Rage renamed to Nerf, character gets a nerf machine gun that does Zero damage and a ten minute animation of running around trying to find all the nerf bullets after you fire it off.

Someone’s been play Assault Rifle I see...

Playing CoX is it’s own reward

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5 hours ago, Neogumbercules said:

Revert the stealth nerf Scrappers got when AE went live (you know what I'm talking about ;))

You mean revert the stealth reversion of the stealth nerf?


Sunsinger - Fire/Time Corruptor

Cursebreaker - TW/Elec Brute

Coldheart - Ill/Cold Controller

Mythoclast - Rad/SD Scrapper


Give a man a build export and you feed him for a day, teach him to build and he's fed for a lifetime.

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The sun shall turn black and the moon shine with a greenish hue.  The dead will rise from their graves and sit in the parks around the city reminiscing about old supergroups from Retail.

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Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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  • City Council
14 hours ago, MTeague said:


So, a major shift to focus on the Family?



Not many people noticed, but this billboard was defaced for a while. Those were some dark days.

Anyway, allow me to assist with your predictions:

  • The letter Q (currently) appears in the patch notes 9 times.
  • The word cartographer appears once.
  • Only one genre of music is referenced.

I hope you have found this helpful.

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Got time to spare? Want to see Homecoming thrive? Consider volunteering as a Game Master!

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I've grown tired of waiting. My SG/Discord groups have put CoH on hold and we are playing other games. We understand the team is small. We understand covid has affected the team's ability. What we don't understand is how it has been 6 months and no real information about anything in Page 6 has been shared. These clues and riddles are irritating to people who just want to know the basics of what to expect. I played from launch to sunset (beta tested from Issue 6 to 24)...and have never felt so frustrated at the lack of any information. I love CoH, but the dwindling population...and interest...from players is evident. It's a niche game... with a niche player base. Failing to keep the players interested...or informed... is putting a lot of players off of HC. I won't go to another server, but at this rate... I also won't be playing and definitely not donating until actual information is provided. 


Sorry if this seems "angry." but I am irritated that the game I love is dying again because the team refuses to keep people up to date with actual information. Our SGs and Discords are becoming ghost towns because people are moving on to other games; who frankly do a better job of engaging and keeping their players updated. 


Before you waste your breath replying to me.... just know I posted this for me. To help with my frustration. I'm not going to get into internet arguments over this. I'm not going to actually do anything further in this thread. Maybe someone will actually see this from HC and look at the numbers and see "oh yeah damn we are losing a lot of people" and maybe just maybe they will realize that while we are willing to wait 6-7-8-9-10 months for a Page... what people grow tired of is... being kept in the dark. 


I'll post again once real information on Page 6 is provided... otherwise... like almost all of my friends... I'll be off playing other games. 

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14 minutes ago, Burnt Toast said:

What we don't understand is how it has been 6 months and no real information about anything in Page 6 has been shared.


The same reason Cryptic and Paragon kept their mouths shut when they were working on updates.  If they say they're working on something, and it doesn't pan out, they've got a bunch of angry people calling them liars, thieves, assholes, etc.  If they don't know that they can produce what they're trying to achieve, it's best, for everyone, if they don't say anything at all.  No-one can be upset about not getting X if no-one knows X is being worked on, or throw a fit because X is being worked on instead of Y, and no-one can accuse them of breaking their word if they never promise to deliver the impossible.


And since they aren't Cryptic or Paragon, with the resources of successful game sales and a large publishing company behind them, they're limited to working on things between their regular jobs, in lieu of spending time with their spouses and children, without compensation, dealing with a 15 year old engine without documentation or direction, and while attempting to maintain a low profile so NCSoft doesn't decide they're becoming a threat and break off negotiations, all of which means they not only don't have the time to blitz content and dump it on the servers, they can't attract anything resembling a staff to speed up the work.


Telling anyone what's coming would be premature, because they don't have enough people to do it quickly, or even to ensure that they can do it at all.  They're doing the best that they can, as quickly as they can, and when they're sure they can deliver, they'll say something.  As difficult as it is to be patient, in this case, it's all you can do.  They're all still here, they're still working, they'll deliver what they can when they can.  That's really all any of us have any right to expect from them, considering the circumstances.

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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