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Concealment Pool Update: Stealth or Invisibility?


Concealment Pool Update: Stealth or Invisibility?  

260 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the new combined Stealth / Invisibility power be called?

    • Stealth
    • Invisibility

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I do want to have an opinion but, I am still suffering(DEEPLY) from the shock over WHY???????????? this was done and unable to deal with it having been done...not joking guys.  Where did this come from?

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While "Stealth" sounds cooler then "Invisibility", we should consider which will cause confusion. 


In the past I have had people ask about Powers that grant "Stealth", IO's that give "Stealth" and the "Stealth" mechanics. There are a number of posts and guides which use the the term "Stealth." On occasion this would result in confusion, and when it didn't it was because  the "Stealth" power from Concealment and other powers that granted "stealth" were close enough that one could just gloss over the 5 foot difference. However if we keep the name "Stealth" for this new power the confusion for both NEW players and returning players will increase.  The Stealth IO's no longer act like the this new power. Steamy mist and others no longer have a similar effect as this new power.


As an example of the confusion just search the Archetype forums and Stealth has 1954 hits, while "Invisibility" has 697. Look at the actual phrases and it will become quite apparent that "Stealth" flips between the various meanings while the majority of the "Invisibility" hits refeer to one of the powers with the name Invisibility (Group, Superior, etc), NOT a mechanic of the game, or an IO, or a power similar to "Stealth".


Now is our chance to make the "Stealth system" a little easier for current, returning, and New players to understand. Hopefully the Devs keep that in mind.


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12 minutes ago, Sheyherazad said:

I do want to have an opinion but, I am still suffering(DEEPLY) from the shock over WHY???????????? this was done and unable to deal with it having been done...not joking guys.  Where did this come from?

Probably to give the set a travel power and to remove one power that mostly did the same thing as another power, thus choosing to combine them.

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I'm voting Stealth, because like many powers, it can actually be used to represent different things.


A ninja character? They're not invisible, they're just really good at blending in and not drawing attention.

Mind controller? Oh, you see them, you just don't notice them. Like the keys in your hand as you search for your keys, your brain is just not registering them.

Homeless guy sitting in the gutter? Everyone knows they're there, but everyone's trying REALLY HARD to pretend that they don't see them.

Cyborg covert ops agent from an alternate future timeline? Thermoptic camouflage, which IS a form of invisibility.


The one power is how you can represent all of these ideas, but only one of them is actually Invisibility. They are all forms of Stealth, however.

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Given that stealth now functions as invisibility use to (making you indetectable to NPCs until an action was taken) and infiltration now acts as stealth use to (detectable to enemies at a certain distance, but with additional travel power benifits) I'd say keep "Invisibility" as invisibility and rename "infiltration" to "stealth".


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Probably something different since it will be neither.

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5 hours ago, Luminara said:

Considering that everything, up to and including glancing sidelong at the keyboard while briefly considering taking an action, causes the 19' buff to cancel itself, perhaps the appropriate name would be "Invisibility", with the quotation marks, and the icon changed to a couple of hands doing air quotes.


Son, you're not using those air quotes 'correctly' | Your Dad Did



If this is the intended functionality, then Stealth is the better name, since it’s really just enhanced Stealth. On the other hand, if this is a bug and the stealth suppression is only supposed to occur as it did with the old Invisibility, then Invisibility is better. So depends?

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My two cents: A game about customizing super powers needs an "Invisibility" power. It just ain't right not having it in. Also, Superior Invisibility would no longer be superior to Invisibility!

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8 hours ago, Luminara said:

Considering that everything, up to and including glancing sidelong at the keyboard while briefly considering taking an action, causes the 19' buff to cancel itself, perhaps the appropriate name would be "Invisibility", with the quotation marks, and the icon changed to a couple of hands doing air quotes.


Son, you're not using those air quotes 'correctly' | Your Dad Did




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1 hour ago, Myrmidon said:

If anything, Superior Invisibility could drop the Superior.

Instead of Invisibility and Superior Invisibility, we could have Inferior Invisibility, and Invisibility.


Or!  -- Visibility and Invisibility.

Edited by Andreah
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16 hours ago, Faultline said:

Drax Mode.




The irony of a Dev posting, someone failing to be invisible when trying to be invisible, well played. Maybe Drax needs to wait the required 10 seconds.


Animations should match effects.

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1 minute ago, SeraphimKensai said:


Reason we have Super speed, and IO's along with other powers that add to our stealth. This power has the ability to be invisible on its own.


Assuming you don't brush the keyboard with your hand or mouse-over any power icons on screen, as doing basically ANYTHING causes a chunk of it to suppress.  If you still want to be invisible, you still need a second stealth effect.

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20 minutes ago, SeraphimKensai said:


Reason we have Super speed, and IO's along with other powers that add to our stealth. This power has the ability to be invisible on its own.


To be fair, this power grants 55 Stealth (same as old Invisibility, I believe, once the suppression bugs are fixed) while Hide providess 150 Stealth and Superior Invisibility a whooping 200 Stealth, so it's not really on the same league. I don't know how much Stealth is needed to be "truly invisible", though -- not a powers dev.

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4 minutes ago, Faultline said:

To be fair, this power grants 55 Stealth (same as old Invisibility, I believe, once the suppression bugs are fixed) while Hide provides 150 Stealth and Superior Invisibility a whooping 200 Stealth, so it's not really on the same league. I don't know how much Stealth is needed to be "truly invisible", though -- not a powers dev.

Stealth offers a higher level stealth bonus (55ft) than Infiltration (36FT). The Stealth IO (Celerity/Unbound Leap) offers 30ft. Super Speed offers 35ft. So that being said, I think 55ft is the sweet spot for Stealth. 


image.png.cc8cd0a68260eb26f37ff415bfb30d7d.png image.png.8a5c2fb3d555ff14744cc214c2f2a2a7.png 

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