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Who are the top players you feel contribute a lot to the game,, yet remain unrecognized?

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22 hours ago, Enchantica said:


This game is unlike any other. The people who play it are in my opinion unlike any other game! Many of us know the big hitters on the forums and the game itself ( sometimes both). In the comics everyone remembers Superman, Spiderman,  Batman ,the X men, the Avengers and the Justice league, yet hidden in those great genres (City of Heroes is the better of all hero genes in my opinion) Are the other heroes, the ones who are not as famous but pound for pound exemplify the essence of herodom.  Who are your picks within the game and why? 


I just have met some very interesting people on the game and, they are like the unsung heroes of paragon. I can't be alone surly others must exist. 

Who are your UNDERDOGS!....and why?




Beef Cake


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20 hours ago, Without_Pause said:

So unsung I have no idea who they are, but I appreciate the fully pimped out highly Vet leveled characters who hop on a +4x8 Frostfire and make life easier for the lowbies. But seriously, there's a high 90% chance I have no idea who people are talking about in this thread, and I play on Excel.

this.  when i start PUG TFs they dont always go sideways.... when i advertise a speed Tarikoss and a couple randos show up and we are done in 12 minutes.   yeah.  it's like that.  and there are hundreds? of players like this.

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I would like to give a huge shout out to @Dazl, @Hunter Smith, and @Nicodemous Bain for hosting NIGHTLY (and sometimes twice a night) Hami runs on Excelsior! Did I mention this has been every night at 9:45 EST for YEARS??? Their Hami raids have been consistent, professionally run, and darn fun! 

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I have a few categories, so to speak. 
The first shout out would go to @Snarky because he is amusing. Especially when he's not trying to be. A real renaissance man - studying German and music in his spare time, doing Pilates and some basic weight lifting to keep old age from catching up to him. (Run faster, Snarky!) 

The second is harder to articulate. In my experience, behind every good leader are good people who help that leader accomplish the goals. 
Now Guardian Maiden leads a hami on Tuesday nights - but also helps in the afternoon hamis when they're not leading. But it's not the Tuesday lead that gets them the shout out, it's the assistance they provide the other hami leaders when they're not leading. And GM isn't alone in this category. 

I'll likely butcher this name, and probably leave some folks out - @Lauciannacan perhaps elaborate a bit if she has time, I read somewhere she's fairly busy outside of the game this week. But there are a collection of players that seem to be quite useful. Wispur, Queen Maya, Deidre in the Disco, and lord help me...I can't recall the name of the other character that shouts the /loc for those 2 folks who got in, but can't fit on the league, letting them know where the Giant Monster scrum is, and where the staging area to tackle hami is. 

And as magical as the Goddess is with her many macros, without those folks helping her with the timely incans (in the labyrinth/murder room, too!) I suspect things would be quite a bit more challenging. Guardian Maiden is usually one of the tanks, and the other two..(I cannot recall at this time but I know Will is in one of the names somehow) Tanks are often doing thankless stuff, and it's easy to forget how badly things would go without them. 

And there's a Screaming Scuttie - I have no idea if they add any strategy but the commentary is usually silly, which is generally appreciated. 

Oh - special shout out for Amethyst Angel who read my comment that I was 36 prismatics shy of going mini-mode (or something like that) and they tried to gift them to me! I imagine they had never checked my global and was unaware I'm quite capable of buying all the prismatics if I want to. It was really a selfless act. Or maybe they don't visit the forums. Or just didn't care and had a bazillion prismatics. I know my alt that holds most of my stuff has a bunch, but this character was going to earn them. 

And lastly, @Bionic_Flea. Flea has probably forgotten more than most of us know about CoH. And still knows more than most of us. He is really selfless on the help chat channel, and must have City of Data, HC Wiki and who knows what other sources of information he has available - but I don't think there's anyone that has helped more people in that channel. 

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Strange as it may be to thank”ebil marketeers” (99% i do not know the name of) I would like to thank them.  They keep the market stable and dependable.  Trying to “outcorner a market” from these folks is an exercise in losing money.  When i go to the AH there is a stable and steady price curve, but without the constant obsessess…. Er, love from these folks it would be all over the place.  

So thanks to the market manipulating maniacs.  You know who you are….

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On 12/13/2024 at 7:08 AM, Skyhawke said:


Know what? I'll put Snarky in there. I've teamed with him many times on his various alts that are either very obviously him or I recognize from a forum post and whenever I see him I do a "whew" and know at least one person on the team will be on point. 


I've read Snarky's stories, if I were on a team with him, I would simply leave and join another content in the knowledge that he is functioning as a magnet to vacumn up 7 bad players, increasing my odds of a smooth team.

  • Haha 5

@Twi - Phobia on Everlasting

4 hours ago, Ukase said:

I have a few categories, so to speak. 
The first shout out would go to @Snarky because he is amusing. Especially when he's not trying to be. A real renaissance man - studying German and music in his spare time, doing Pilates and some basic weight lifting to keep old age from catching up to him. (Run faster, Snarky!) 

The second is harder to articulate. In my experience, behind every good leader are good people who help that leader accomplish the goals. 
Now Guardian Maiden leads a hami on Tuesday nights - but also helps in the afternoon hamis when they're not leading. But it's not the Tuesday lead that gets them the shout out, it's the assistance they provide the other hami leaders when they're not leading. And GM isn't alone in this category. 

I'll likely butcher this name, and probably leave some folks out - @Lauciannacan perhaps elaborate a bit if she has time, I read somewhere she's fairly busy outside of the game this week. But there are a collection of players that seem to be quite useful. Wispur, Queen Maya, Deidre in the Disco, and lord help me...I can't recall the name of the other character that shouts the /loc for those 2 folks who got in, but can't fit on the league, letting them know where the Giant Monster scrum is, and where the staging area to tackle hami is. 

And as magical as the Goddess is with her many macros, without those folks helping her with the timely incans (in the labyrinth/murder room, too!) I suspect things would be quite a bit more challenging. Guardian Maiden is usually one of the tanks, and the other two..(I cannot recall at this time but I know Will is in one of the names somehow) Tanks are often doing thankless stuff, and it's easy to forget how badly things would go without them. 

And there's a Screaming Scuttie - I have no idea if they add any strategy but the commentary is usually silly, which is generally appreciated. 

Oh - special shout out for Amethyst Angel who read my comment that I was 36 prismatics shy of going mini-mode (or something like that) and they tried to gift them to me! I imagine they had never checked my global and was unaware I'm quite capable of buying all the prismatics if I want to. It was really a selfless act. Or maybe they don't visit the forums. Or just didn't care and had a bazillion prismatics. I know my alt that holds most of my stuff has a bunch, but this character was going to earn them. 

And lastly, @Bionic_Flea. Flea has probably forgotten more than most of us know about CoH. And still knows more than most of us. He is really selfless on the help chat channel, and must have City of Data, HC Wiki and who knows what other sources of information he has available - but I don't think there's anyone that has helped more people in that channel. 

There's a long list of people I find super useful to events I run, each having their own perks and benefits they bring to the team 💛

@Wispur (Wispur) has quickly rose up to my second in command with a mixture of her personality and willingness to lead super fun events like the all Kheldian weekly ones!
@Mayaedits (Queen Warshade Maya) has done massive strides in the advanced mode content in general let alone helping Kheldians get more included in such events!
@Zaldra5 (Arbiter Armora) may not lead events like the other two but by god is she reliable when it comes to running things! Very much a "X job needs doing? Armora has it!"
@Projector (Projector) has done wonders for the end game community with their video guides and positive attitude, I don't play with them often but when I do it is always a treat!

And there are so many others who I can't tag here who ALL play a huge part in helping me run things the way I do, from being sources of absolute joy and keeping the game alive, to being super reliable to the point I feel I could run an event with no instructions and we are so in sync we could pull it off flawlessly. I am sure every leader in this game has people they class as essential in helping them run things that will often go unsung as unless you are on an incan job you will never see their name 💛

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Friendly reminder that no matter what anyone or anything is saying, you ARE loved AND valued in life no matter what.

Posted (edited)

@DarkAltar - Has gifted Captain Canada? over 5bil at this point, with no prompting other than immense gratitude in response to his generosity. Gifted over a few years, usually when cash was running short. Was responsible for the majority of gifts during many periods 2021-2023ish.


V O Y A G E R - Runs the redside bank missions when they're around for anyone that wants to get [Marshall]/[Task Force Commander]. Friendly, asks nothing in return, and runs very efficiently, with missions being completed to earn everyone all possible temporary power rewards as a bonus!


kimosabe - Lovely grandmother who just wants to be BBAMER's friend. Not what she's usually known by, but it's the first hero of hers that I made a connection with. ❤️

Shout-outs to many others for their generosity over the years. @Guyver, @Sila (Light Rage), Sovereign, @yeh, @Weeble, @Nethod (cmos), @Hard2 and more for much appreciated donations. Long-time friendly faces like T-Man, Bug, Maxx, Crispy, Enchantica, Ridiculous Girl, and many others for their kindness and welcoming natures.


You guys are all heroes to me!

Edited by Urgh

I mostly play on Everlasting so most of these folks are people I've seen there. In no particular order:



@Felis Noctu & @Metalios who, along with a few other people, help keep Mids updated and chugging away. I'm pretty sure they helped saved it from going vaporware but I don't have the inside scoop on that so maybe I'm mistaken.


@Amur is a quiet professional who helps others with actual accurate information in help chat, free of conjecture, bias (inasmuch as one can) and unsolicited thoughts. Along with silently popping up in game to help get hard content run. 

@sundew runs casual iTrials every Sunday (maybe Saturdays, too?) on Everlasting after the scheduled stuff is complete. Despite being "casual" (ie: not going for badges) they are professionally ran, with the same detailed instructions that the other Everlasting TFs content leaders provide, and are a great way for people who are new to iTrials to experience without a lot of stress, as well as farming up a few extra and Incarnate merits and salvage for old-timers with severe altitis.


@Andreah has consistently run casual RP teams in PI and other places for years now, possibly since HC opened. It might not seem like a big thing, but as time has gone on these sorts of easy-entry roleplay teams have become increasingly scarce, and this sort of public service lets people who both want to casually dip their toes into the experience as well as veterans who want a change of pace from big organized plots or spicy nighttime writing. 

@PresidentDSG has run weekly open roleplay content in the form of AE story arcs you may or may not have tried for years under the premise of a Hero Corps job fair, and for villains their "Hench Co." analog. Again, another great help to people who want to get out there and actually roleplay their character with others either for the first or fortieth time.


@Defeat All Snakes is a true hidden treasure. If you like to RP, they have some of the most well-written, well-voiced characters you'll ever find. If you can find them. They also make incredible stand-alone AE arcs. Speaking of which, try #45220 "The Most Wonderful Crime of the Year" since it's that season. It won a Dev's Choice award so it should be at the top of the list. 

@Fictional is another diamond in the rough. I don't know if she plays anymore, but she's been running small-group Hero and Villain RP teams for years, creating elaborate bases, months and months of AE story content, weaving each character's personal arcs into the overall story of the group, etc. And best of all, she's down to earth and level-headed. Always wanting to have fun, and make sure others are having their fun and their voices heard, too.


@Darmian & @TwoDee for being Homecoming's resident Praetorian Loremasters, as well as cranking out some legendary AE story arcs and being generally cool guys. I'm not sure about Darmian but TwoDee was also a huge pillar in the Everlasting RP space for a long time and his characters will always have a fond place in my heart.

@Nayreia for being one of us weird storywriters, and then one day getting uplifted to the Dev team to become one of the best members of the City Council and producing not only some of the finest content this game has ever had since launch, but also keeping in touch with us and staying responsive to bugs and even little requests like helping a lupine guy let his hips sway.


There's probably many, many more. But my memory fails me, as it often does.

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2 hours ago, twozerofoxtrot said:

@Felis Noctu & @Metalios who, along with a few other people, help keep Mids updated and chugging away. I'm pretty sure they helped saved it from going vaporware but I don't have the inside scoop on that so maybe I'm mistaken.


There's probably many, many more. But my memory fails me, as it often does.

I appreciate it! I would like to add @Zed and @Bopper to that list. Zed's been keeping things afloat while Metalios and I generally experience life in other places, and Bopper has helped with numerous formulas and fixing weird mismatches between the game and Mids.

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Mids' Reborn : Hero Designer

The build planner to make your awesome characters even more awesome!

Into the Night "... and so we went into that dark night, for we knew our dawn would come again..."
~ The Meowcronomicon


On 12/14/2024 at 10:54 AM, Snarky said:

Strange as it may be to thank”ebil marketeers” (99% i do not know the name of) I would like to thank them.  They keep the market stable and dependable.  Trying to “outcorner a market” from these folks is an exercise in losing money.  When i go to the AH there is a stable and steady price curve, but without the constant obsessess…. Er, love from these folks it would be all over the place.  

So thanks to the market manipulating maniacs.  You know who you are….


Modern marketeers aren't like the old-school folks.  Most markeeters nowadays spend their time converting unwanted (and cheap) recipes into desirable enhancements, giving a massive boost to their supply compared to natural drops.  Converting takes time and effort, and the increase in supply of said enhancements means their profits are reduced, but if it wasn't for them we'd probably be paying 100 million for a single LOTG.


So yes, thanks to the marketeers who supply enhancements for the rest of to enjoy.


(and don't thank me, I'm a retired old-school ebil one)

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@Dacy and @Easter Bunny for everything they've done for the base building community.


Lexicon (unsure of their forum name) for keeping Fightclub PvP alive after I took a break. (On Everlasting, no less! With roleplayers! In a specifically-designed-for-fightclub cage fighting bar! Genuinely the one of the coolest things I've ever seen in CoH.)


@Bloodom, @Dark Bladed, and all the other speedrunners/min-maxers for Actually Testing Stuff in closed beta.


@icesphere and @Bellator for constantly making builds for new players on the homecoming discord's archetype channels.


@Dusk, @Faverty Events, Lady Sinestra , and all the other folks who run RP nightclubs over on Everlasting. It's nice to always have something to do, RP-wise.


And a big ❤️ to @Zed & co for keeping Mids alive. And @UberGuyfor keeping City of Data alive. I probably use these two CoH resources more than I play the game!



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My Stuff:

fite.gif.ce19610126405e6ea9b52b4cfa50e02b.gif Fightclub PvP Discord (Melee PvP tournaments, builds, and beta testing)

Clipboard01.gif.9d6ba27a7be03b73a450be0965263fd2.gif Influence Farming Guide (General guide to farming, with maps and builds)



The very few who are still hammering away with the incredibly janky system in the AE.  (Acknowledgement: I am sometimes in that group, but more often than not, not, because of said janky system.) 


Some of these creators do it on a regular basis and take the time to discuss them as well, so good on them!  Meanwhile, these works are generally ignored, I see many of them out there with the numbers of plays in the single digits after months.  Probably because if it's not a farm no one interested, yet will run another Posi 1 for the trillionth time, numbers are king. 


Can you be an underdog in part of the game no one cares about anyway?  Probably not, but they seem like the best to me.

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Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
8 hours ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

The very few who are still hammering away with the incredibly janky system in the AE.  (Acknowledgement: I am sometimes in that group, but more often than not, not, because of said janky system.) 


Some of these creators do it on a regular basis and take the time to discuss them as well, so good on them!  Meanwhile, these works are generally ignored, I see many of them out there with the numbers of plays in the single digits after months.  Probably because if it's not a farm no one interested, yet will run another Posi 1 for the trillionth time, numbers are king. 


Can you be an underdog in part of the game no one cares about anyway?  Probably not, but they seem like the best to me.

You're on the list @Clave Dark 5!

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AE SFMA Arcs: The Meteors (Arc id 42079) Dark Deeds in Galaxy City: Part One. (Arc id 26756) X | Dark Deeds in Galaxy City: Part Two. (Arc id 26952) | Dark Deeds in Galaxy City: Part Three. (Arc id 27233) Darker Deeds: Part One (Arc id 28374) | Darker Deeds: Part Two. (Arc id 28536) | Darker Deeds: Part Three. (Arc id 29252) | Darkest Before Dawn: Part One (Arc id 29891) |

Darkest Before Dawn: Part Two (Arc id 30210) | Darkest Before Dawn: Part Three (Arc id 30560) |

 Bridge of Forever ( Arc id 36642) | The Cassini Division (Arc id 37104) X | The House of Gaunt Saints (Arc id 37489) X | The Spark of the Blind (Arc id 40403) | Damnatio Memoriae (Arc id 41140) X  The Eve of War (Arc id 41583) | Spirals: Part One. (Arc id 55109) |  Spirals: Part Two. (Arc id 55358) |  Spirals: Part Three. (Arc id 57197)

I Sing of Arms and the Man (Arc id 42617) | Three Sisters (Arc id 43013)

(Pre War Praetorian Loyalist.  Pre War Praetorian Resistance.  Pre ITF Cimerora.  Post ITF Cimerora. X = Dev Choice/Hall of Fame )

9 hours ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

The very few who are still hammering away with the incredibly janky system in the AE.  (Acknowledgement: I am sometimes in that group, but more often than not, not, because of said janky system.) 


Some of these creators do it on a regular basis and take the time to discuss them as well, so good on them!  Meanwhile, these works are generally ignored, I see many of them out there with the numbers of plays in the single digits after months.  Probably because if it's not a farm no one interested, yet will run another Posi 1 for the trillionth time, numbers are king. 


Can you be an underdog in part of the game no one cares about anyway?  Probably not, but they seem like the best to me.

Agreed.  I'm going to enlarge that list and include @cranebump, @Ankylosaur, @Darmian, @Zhym, @ZamuelNow, @twozerofoxtrot, @Jiro Ito, and those are just the tip of the iceberg!



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3 minutes ago, TerroirNoir2 said:

Agreed.  I'm going to enlarge that list and include @cranebump, @Ankylosaur, @Darmian, @Zhym, @ZamuelNow, @twozerofoxtrot, @Jiro Ito, and those are just the tip of the iceberg!



Include yourself, as well, my friend.:-)

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I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.


I solo most of the time, so, I'm terrible with names, but there are a lot of stars above people's heads in-game. 1 for a**holes, 2 for those who've commented on either my back story or costumes (so I can reciprocate), 3 raid runners, 4 for helpful people in-game, and 5 for people who have great costumes.

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I don't know their globals...yet...but I'd like to show appreciation for a new crop of people who've stepped in to try their hand at leading Incarnate content on Excelsior.  Running that as often as some of the well-known names have run it has got to be exhausting, possibly to the point of game-quitting, and I feared there would fast approach a day where Incarnate trials would be extremely rare.  But I've lately been seeing names I don't recognize organizing and running these, maybe not flawlessly, but still making them happen, with a lot of heart, and for that I'm grateful.  I will learn your globals as you keep at it.

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