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Still take a travel power?


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It's generally a fair bit faster, and they offer a place to slot the Winter's Gift proc for 20% slow resistance. I guess you could otherwise take the KB protection proc if you're on a toon that needs that (I usually stick to armored toons so that's rarely an issue). 


Hover/Fly offer survival benefits (stay out of melee range or sometimes even outrange them entirely) and Combat Jumping can be used for "Jousting." The Flight pool in general offers several LOTG mule powers. Super Speed gives some extra stealth that can stack with the Celerity proc and can let you phase through baddies.


In general, if you want access to a higher tier power in the pool like Unleash Potential, Rune of Protection, etc. then taking the travel power is probably a better choice of prerequisite than a borderline useless garbo attack that you'll never use. 

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I do about half the time.  The other half the time I really want yet one more power pick, so that makes it an easy cut for me.


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28 minutes ago, Gentoo said:

do you still use a power pick for a travel power? Is there any reason to do so besides the graphics/theme?

I almost always take one.  I find them more convenient, as I don't want to worry about the timer running out in the middle of an instance or event.  

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I do and it varies.

Super Speed helps with speed runs

I love the Tp in Mystic Flight.

Combat Teleport is lovely on my Blappers and some Tanks

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Whether or not I take a travel power is based on the concept I have for the character. And a tiny bit from wanting to squeeze in some set bonuses/lotg slots.


The vast majority of my characters have flight as their travel power. Sure, I could just buy a flying carpet or flying disc or jetpack, but the flight power with a couple slots in it gives me set bonuses, 20% slow/rech resist, kb resist, and/or about twice the speed.

I'm not a fan of superspeed, and I rarely take hasten on any characters, so none of the powers in that pool really appeal to me much.

Superleap feels a bit clunky, and I'm not fond of having to constantly be holding the jump button down to travel.

Teleport is fast for long distances, but then you have to slow down and carefully aim in order to get to the final destination, and going around buildings can be annoying. On the plus side, you can get teleport + a prestige flight power (which I've done on a couple characters) and it's pretty convenient. 


A few of my characters have flying carpets, since it fit their concept. A couple of them have the flying disc thing (either created by force energy, ki, etc). 

Several of my characters just get around with athletic run + sprint + combat jumping. 

I do miss some of the more interesting travel powers from CO. Like "earth flight" where you rip a chunk of the ground up and fly around on it. Or tunneling. 


Edited by WumpusRat
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3 hours ago, Gentoo said:

With all the temp travel powers available, do you still use a power pick for a travel power? Is there any reason to do so besides the graphics/theme?


I'd rather have one for the convenience. Sometimes I'll pick for other reasons - Fold Space, for instance - but it's convenience for me fairly often.


Then again, I do also play a number of Khelds, so I don't have to worry about it in that case.

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99% of the time, yes, the remaining 1% was exclusively for concept to not have a travel power. The bigger problem I have is not taking the same thing on every toon, but trying to keep some theme in play that makes sense to the character. I found over time Super Speed was a common grab for me because it makes navigation and movement inside missions faster since I can just reveal the map and watch my icon on the 2D versus trying to pay attention to the environment itself when moving to find objectives. This transitioned into getting Speed of Sound when it became available because it includes that short-burst teleport. I use Jaunt constantly in combat now to zip around and close-in on targets, jump floors without having to actually look for ramps, or just generally evade enemy groups by popping past them.

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Before the travel power pool revamp, I never took them and I advised others not to either. After the revamp, I take them occasionally. Sometimes to mule Winter IO unique, sometimes because I'm taking an origin pool and I have to take something to get to the T5, and other times I take Super Jump simply because I really do feel the difference traveling with that power. I'd say I'm taking them 60% of the time now, for those reasons.

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I most frequently take SS since that + CJ is a very fun form of travel for me. I like zooming and jumping off stuff with a relatively limited jump. SJ is just a bit less fun for me though it is arguably more practical and only a little slower. I play a lot of melee so fly is just less practical to go into. I have a love hate relationship with TP. I love combat TP, and the other various powers in the pool, but I find TP itself clunky to use in confined situations. It's also not that fun to me. I've taken mystic flight on some characters and it seems to be pretty good, and the pool has a lot of useful stuff. But again, I mainly play melee so it is less useful IMO for me. I have some natural "normal people" characters with no travel power other than sprint +athletic run, cheating by using the jet board when I really need some vertical movement. It is suffering sometimes though I have to say. 

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7 hours ago, WumpusRat said:

Several of my characters just get around with athletic run + sprint + combat jumping. 

I normally get Athletic Run on all new characters for the additional speed at low levels. However, I stop using it once I get a travel power. I don't have numbers, but it feels as if Athletic Run and Ninja Run are affected by movement suppression more and for longer than the regular movement powers, to the point that a character with Athletic Run and Sprint active is slower when leaving combat than a character with only Sprint active -- and the speed suppression from exiting combat with Athletic Run active affects Fly and Mystic Flight, too.

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all of my characters are built around a concept. 

Strong concepts enhance immersion

immersion enhances gameplay

gameplay is fun 🙂


If the concept calls for a travel power then so be it. 

I have blasters that cannot fly and tanks that hover.

for me. I find jumping from rooftop to rooftop the most fun

Flight is the most convenient

Teleport is the fastest

I loved super speed on live but on HC super speed feels too slippery (sorry I cant explain better than that)

Its easy to criticize a suggestion but can you suggest an alternative?

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largely depends on the character and powers available. I used to usually take fly - especially on characters like hoverblasters - but I found myself leaning more towards mystic flight.


Now I will often choose something like combat jumping for characters who get up close and personal and then hover board or sky skiff for the main powers. It's useful having the choice which is the intention of those purchasable powers



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I always take a travel power. My preferences in play are to stay ground-based. So I'll often disregard Hover when I take Flight (not a mechanically wise choice, but there you are). I'll take it a bit further, and get IO sets that grant +Run Speed, so I can speed along quickly, naturally. Again...not optimal, but, meh...whaddaya gonna do when you wanna be this guy:

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I typically do most of the time if for nothing else but to slow a winter's gift. Depending on the toon I like to stack a reasonable level of slow resistance. That said I do have a few toons that don't have a travel power such as my AE farmers, or a widow*.


*The widow uses three distinct builds, and has a travel power on one of them, but I'll flip back and forth between which build I'm using on it sometimes as much as 3x per mission.

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With very few exceptions, I always take a travel power.  Of those travel powers I take flight (including the Mystic Flight variant) the most, probably 5-1, followed by Super Jump then Teleport.  I have zero Super Speed though I have one character with that super speed from the Experimentation pool which is super faster than super speed (feels that way).

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Several alts and of course my original from live on Freedom, High Beam Prime (someone else has her non OG name)

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Travel powers feel good.  If I was working to some super high end, cutting edge build I could see going without, but otherwise, I always want at least one.  Traveling around the city at insanely high ground speeds, jumping over buildings, zapping yourself to new places in an instant, or just the greatness that is flight really sell the whole super hero experience for me.  How many of us haven't flown (or teleported for the risk loving before telehover) to the very top of a map?  Idling on rooftops and statues is a CoH staple!  Anyone else ever play fall chicken with group mates back in the day?  All these things make me love travel powers.  Getting my first character with flight and making it to the dance party on top of Atlas for the first time is still a vivid memory of my early experiences in this game back in live.  Travel powers are fun for me, and I really hope they are for others too.  Whats the point of being superheroes if you don't feel super from time to time? Call it nostalgia, or unnecessary in the modern game, or whatever, but the fact remains that they add fun to the game for me, which seems kinda like it is the whole point.



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I like Teleport on Tankers lately because it lets me pass through anything that is blocking my way.  If I need to be on the other side of a doorway that is clogged with enemies (or teammates) or if I've been hit with -fly/-jump or unresistible movemeent slows (hello Red Ink Man!) it's no big deal.  And I can place myself exactly in the center of a packed spawn for perfect AoE positioning without having to run around them and deal with their collision boxes.  Especially nice with lots of large enemies in small spaces.  Think Behemoths jammed into narrow hallways in Oranbega maps.


Having the fastest travel power in the game is a side-benefit.

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I take travel powers on approximately 19-out-of-20(*) characters.


1) It feels more like a comic-book world with an actual travel power. YMMV


2) I can slot them both as mules and for Enhancements (boosted or attuned, depending on the character).


3) The travel powers generally are pre-reqs for another power I want.


4) I like to get to the mission door ASAP.


I always supplement my non-fliers with a temporary Flight power. I also get the Jump Pack for extra flight boosts.


Some examples of characters where I did NOT take a "travel" power:

  • The page 5 power pick placements made it very uncomfortable for me to fit in a travel power pick, so I simply passed.
  • (not sure this counts) I have used the revamped Concealment pool to use Infiltration as a travel power as I was going to use several other powers in Concealment to mule LotG +Recharge anyway. I also used Infiltration to mule the Kismet +ToHit as early as possible in that build.
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You won't catch me without Super Speed + Combat Jumping on all my PvE builds (except maybe a Kin or Tac Arrow Blaster). Or my farmers where I don't need one and just use Infiltration on the off chance I have to move more than a few hundred yards. But... I'm already taking Hasten on everything, so Super Speed's a no-brainer. Combat Jumping is a great IO mule but it also gives movement control that you can't get anywhere else outside of a few specific powers I already mentioned, so that's going to get picked anyways too. Adding that ability to jump to moderate heights occasionally with Super Speed has helped with some of the lack of vertical movement, but there's still P2W and day job jet packs that cover the 5% of cases I can't get somewhere with SS+CJ.


If I felt like mixing it up, I'd start taking the teleportation pool, but... sorry, I'm stuck in a pre-Fold Space world.

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