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  • Open Club  ·  109 members  ·  Last active


  • Open Club  ·  763 members  ·  Last active

    Official Discord: https://discord.gg/mids-reborn-593336669004890113 | Official Github Repo: https://github.com/Reborn-Team/Hero-Designer | Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/midsreborn

  • Open Club  ·  40 members  ·  Last active

    Tech fans unite! If you want to get help, advice or share your rig, this is the place! (Primarily for Windows users, but if you manage a Hackintosh or Linux build, you're welcome, too!)

  • Open Club  ·  6 members  ·  Last active

    A place to discuss anything and everything Console ...short of the negativity... no matter how old or obscure it may be *Logo pulled randomly from Google

  • Closed Club  ·  31 members  ·  Last active

    A collaborative group intent to educate and help new roleplayers in learning and understanding how to roleplay in MMORPG's and the basics of creative cooperative writing.

  • Open Club  ·  4 members  ·  Last active

    For members of The Dawn Patrol SG and those interested in joining.

  • Open Club  ·  58 members  ·  Last active

    A club for all coder/programer types to gab about the City of Heroes source code, and their discoveries made while delving into the depths of the game code. The name, of course, is a reference to UniqueDragon's infamous forum post: "this what happened in the last game i played hackers ruined it for everyone dupin rares and gold and just anything to cheat there no extened maintenance there trying to catch the hacker :( and we pay for it so unless people don't let GM'S know of wrong doing's in the game it we ruin it and there we not be a COH IT WELL BE GONE TO THE AMERICANS!!!!!!! :("
  • Closed Club  ·  4 members  ·  Last active

    The Ordo Imperialis is a Future Roman Military Inspired Sci-Fi, Tech Supergroup and veteran gaming community founded in 2007 to provide organization across various interests. We combine experience with community and professionalism. Great players and leadership aimed to grow and seek more members of all levels and interests. Looking for a place to play? We support all playstyle's with players of all interests and activities. In service to the Imperium, may we bring peace through dominion at righteousness. http://discord.ordoimperialis.com

  • Public Club  ·  Last active

    This Club's function is to provide a rotating Calendar of zone/base recommendations for players to try to connect with one another for roleplay purposes. This is an additional tool to help facilitate additional opportunities to meet in a variety of settings and themes; every little bit helps!
  • Closed Club  ·  14 members  ·  Last active

    Related to: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/18837-rising-pinnacles-roleplay-game-system-rules-working-title/ This Club is meant to provide a means for organizing campaigns which utilize the Rising Pinnacles roleplay ruleset.

  • Open Club  ·  12 members  ·  Last active

    All-Star, All-TheTime! The Official Fan Club for All-Star!

  • Open Club  ·  8 members  ·  Last active

    The official Ace Fan Club page. This is a great place to talk about the amazing exploits of Ace!

  • Open Club  ·  9 members  ·  Last active

    El Cadejo, El-TheTime! This is a place to organize Supervillain RP events on the Everlasting server.

  • Open Club  ·  1 member

    The 'Military' Club, Channel ("/chan_join Military" and don't forget to add it to your chat tab) and Supergroups are for, and in support of our service members, soldiers and veterans past and present of any country or origin. Dedicated to gaming in City of Heroes and abroad for all who are or have served their country and allies. Visit the largest veteran Twitch team at http://twitch.tv/team/military and join our Discord at "http://discord.gg/army" for more. Thank you for your service!

  • Closed Club  ·  1 member

    1984 is a Dystopian Social Science Fiction Novel and Cautionary tale by English writer George Orwell. It was published on June 9th, 1949. A Dictatorial Leader supported by an intense Cult of Personality manufactured by the Party's Thought Police. Through the Ministry of Truth, the Party engages in Omnipresent Government Surveillance, Historical Negationism, and Constant Propaganda to Persecute Individuality and Independent Thinking. If any of these things are concerning, as they directly relate to where we are and where we're going, or if you completely disagree, I invite you to join in some Civil Discourse regarding this incredible book, written in 1949 by the way, by George Orwell. Now you know what people mean when they refer to something as Orwellian. ---- This is for those who want to create Homecoming Heroes or Villains with this sort of theme.
  • Closed Club  ·  1 member

    Zdravím, založil jsem tenhle klub, aby se tu sešli Češi hrající tuto hru.

  • Open Club  ·  1 member

    Clube para brasileiros se encontrarem e trocarem ideias sobre o jogo e como criar heróis interessantes ou mesmo vilões.
  • Open Club  ·  1 member

    Long commute? Bored at meetings? Take long showers? And spend that time thinking about CoH? Us, too!

  • Open Club  ·  2 members

    Don't just hold the Torch, shine bright so others will find their way through the toughest of times... We're the community that never dies and will continue to make this game a true test of time! Join in and keep the fire lit!

  • Public Club

    Paragon Underground is an open to ALL community transport and support system designed for quick and easy use and features access to a full line of portals , building stations , mission computers , venders , trainers and other staff all in one easy to navigate spot . Minimize your need to run around to get things done . We also have an events venue for those wishing to hold games and contest at any time they wish . We are here for your convenience and support . NOTHING TO JOIN ! Open to ALL . Also visit our on site nightclub . Role Playing is welcome . Just use UNDER-20609 at any base portal .
  • Closed Club  ·  1 member

    Based out of Triumph Server in the years before the Long Night, this Super Group hopes to rise to prominence again. Home to the incredible Dr. Feelgoode, the gallant Alexandre, the lovely (and fragrant) Peony, as well as a host of other mighty heroes. Perhaps YOU may find a home there, too?

  • Read Only Club  ·  1 member

    Information on Repeat Offenders Network: A network of themed, specialized SGs Website/forum: Repeat-Offenders.net Motto: Making stupidly difficult things easy since 2005
  • Read Only Club  ·  3 members

    Farming & Financial services Provided to All Players

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