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The Officially Unofficial Weekly Discussion #68: How much attention do you pay to price when you sell loot?

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Do you sell everything to the vendor, everything to the auction house?


Do you set a price to get the value you want or just sell immediately for whatever you  can get?


How much do you work the market?


I only vendor items for which the vendor price is much higher than what I would expect to get on the AH, which mainly includes generic recipes and SO/DO enhancements.


Most other stuff I'll put on the AH for at least the break-even price (including AH fees) compared to what I can get for that item at a vendor. For example, white salvage, which vendors for 250 inf, will go on the AH at 278 inf, and it always sells. Most stuff that goes on the AH, though, I'll put up at a price that I hope will sell within a week or so. It has taken a while to accumulate the market experience to be able to estimate that price for any individual item (crafted enhancements, mostly), but I estimate correctly more often than not.


I am a patient man, and patience is the key to maximizing profits from the market (and minimizing costs, when buying).

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Posted (edited)

I horde recipes on the AH, then salvage, inspirations and enhancements in my base(s) like a packrat. I buy or sell what I need to.

It's all mostly completely disorganized, and I don't recommend it for any sane person, but it works for me. 😁

Edited by Mopery

Those times you saw no footprints, I had Fly toggled on.


Crafted Enhancements, I tend to put in at a little over break even prices.


I tend to dump common & uncommon salvage at 11 if I'm out in the world.


Inspirations tend to get thrown on the AH for 11 as well when I'm making space.


How much attention? Not enough. I've only recently played the converter roulette game, which seems to be a good investment overall. For lowbie toons I'll sell the obvious high ticket items I just don't use (prismatic aether being one of them). I hold on to orange (due to the routlette thing), and hold onto merits much more than I did before. When I have a high level toon oozing with salvage I might sometimes go on a selling spree with the yellows, which seem to net good $$. Well, sometimes.:-)

I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

Posted (edited)

Only crafted enhancements get any special attention to pricing.  Everything else I unload for cheap.  When I quicksell salvage i'll generally list for 11 inf; the minimum fee combined is 10 inf so selling for 11 makes sure I don't lose inf if someone does somehow buy the item for just 1.


When I sell crafted enhancements, I'll check the recent sales and i'll typically list for about 200k less than asking price in an effort to sell sooner.  I won't list valuables for 1 or similar low numbers as there's always a bunch of lowball bids trying to prey on people doing that.  Sometimes I list for 200k more than the lowest price if the enhancements looks like it's trending up.  I'll do the same for other high-ticket items i'd consider selling too.


Recipies are generally sold to vendors unless they'd be more valuable to craft.  Always vendor normal enhancements, no market for them.  Typically don't sell inspirations but i'll vendor them at the Hospitals to fill up on greens and purples if necessary.  I hardly ever get Super Inspires to put on AH either.  I use converters and catalysts so they don't get sold.  I have not yet sold any Aether though I assume prices might fall on that soon with GMs giving bits of Aether now.


Edited by ZorkNemesis

Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.


For the most part, I'll just dump stuff. I'll try to be reasonable - not selling a crafted IO for less than I crafted it for, unless I've just done a bunch - but I don't generally list something that's going for (say) 10m at 10m. Maybe 1.


I don't generally care, other than "geez, need inf now... guess it's time to sell another superior winter somethingorother."

6 hours ago, DougGraves said:

Do you sell everything to the vendor, everything to the auction house?


Do you set a price to get the value you want or just sell immediately for whatever you  can get?


How much do you work the market?


1. Only sell common stuff to vendor.

2. Mostly what ever I can get unless its less then what it cost to make/get. 

3. Not a whole lot but when you aren't poor do you need to?



For salvage, I sell all whites and yellows to vendor when my bag is full, down to a level of 2. For oranges I store in personal vault or base storage.

Recipes I sell all to vendor whatever I do not want to make to use or sell in the AH.

For highly sought after stuff I set to the price I want to get for it. It doesn't need to sell right away, I'm okay with letting it stew for awhile. Rarely I overask. If it doesn't sell in two weeks, I will take the cut and relist it cheaper. You win--ok?

  • Victory: Phrendon Largo, Jacob Deyer
  • Indom: Schtick, Pummel Pete, Plymouth, Pilkington
  • Reunion: Ghost Legacy, 7s7e7v7e7n7, Mind Funk, Bluto
  • Excelsior: Phrendon Largo, Fred Bumbler, John van der Waals,Allamedia Jones, Tzapt, Sn1pe
  • Torchbearer: Phrendon Largo, Kenny Letter,  Bewm, La Merle, Enflambe', Rock Largo, Bulk of the Weather, Retired Phrendon
  • Everlasting: Phrendon Largo, Krown, Buzz Words, Bicycle Repairman, Dee Fender, Carmela Soprano, Radmental Boy, Beet Salad, Sporanghi,Sue Ahn Cuddy, Fukushima Technician, Snow Globe Girl, Thug Therapist, Apple Brown Betty

White - 255

Yellow - 2 or 3K (after checking if I have one in storage)

orange - say 300L (ditto)


I generally only craft something if it's selling for a million+ and there's at least as many bidders as sellers; sometime I price below the market to make sure it sells; the rest of the recipes get vendored.  I've flipped purples before, but then as the market contracted (along with the player base) I got stuck with a whole bunch (ten to fifteen?) until nearly Halloween when I assume they were being bought up by kindly folks offering treats in the spiffy Halloween bases (got bless 'em, that was sure fun).  Sometimes I do super packs, but not often.


This is how lazy I am at the marketing sub-game.  And I still have lots, more than enough to IO out each character as they level up.  This is why farming is such a waste of time to me (on top of the whole "boring me to tears" deal).


Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
15 hours ago, ZorkNemesis said:

Only crafted enhancements get any special attention to pricing.  Everything else I unload for cheap.  When I quicksell salvage i'll generally list for 11 inf; the minimum fee combined is 10 inf so selling for 11 makes sure I don't lose inf if someone does somehow buy the item for just 1.


When I sell crafted enhancements, I'll check the recent sales and i'll typically list for about 200k less than asking price in an effort to sell sooner.  I won't list valuables for 1 or similar low numbers as there's always a bunch of lowball bids trying to prey on people doing that.  Sometimes I list for 200k more than the lowest price if the enhancements looks like it's trending up.  I'll do the same for other high-ticket items i'd consider selling too.

This is me too. I'll look over the Last 5 prices and stick a price lower than most but higher than anything that looks like a lowball fulfilling. 


Some stuff (LOTG) is reasonably static and I'm happy with 4,600,000 or more (usually it'll end up going for 5-6). Other stuff like Kinetic Combats and Reactive Defences can vary by a lot. I've seen them go for 1.5 million or 4 million. 


Literally today I just insta-sold a Numina unique for 7.77 million. Meanwhile the other 2 I crafted are sitting at 2.8 mill when I logged off before the downtime. Market be cray cray. 


I dont.  i slap uncommons up for 3333 and oranges for 11111.  both salvage and recipes

high demand stuff is locked in by people prebidding and i save a lot on listing fees this way

vendor white salvage and recipes

save purples on a single alt

since most of my cash comes in from playing the game and using merits>converters i can afford to not give a damn too much about every single little auction

  • Like 1

I vendor enhancements and common recipes. Uncommon and rare recipes get crafted and converted into a) something selling for at least 1.5-2.0 million inf and b) something with more offers than sellers. I generally list stuff for about 25% below the going rate (but above the floor if there appears to be one). Excess common salvage gets listed on the AH for 249 inf and excess uncommon salvage gets listed for 999 inf.

22 hours ago, DougGraves said:

Do you sell everything to the vendor, everything to the auction house?


I only sell to the auction house. It is for the good of the community to do so.

Selling to a vendor - *poof* - that thing is gone forever.


22 hours ago, DougGraves said:

Do you set a price to get the value you want or just sell immediately for whatever you  can get?


Common salvage at giveaway price.

Uncommon and rare salvage at a price that I normally pay for it (above market) because there have historically been times when there have been runs on the market for certain classes of salvage.



Common non-set? dirt cheap.

IO sets? I try to get above what the bottom-line buyer is posting.


I generally don't sell the other stuff that I would consider to be "loot" - aka "drops" from defeated foes.


22 hours ago, DougGraves said:

How much do you work the market?





If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.


I pretty much everything but DOs. Some items for less than 10, stuff like salvage I put up in stacks of 5 or 10 for set prices which sometimes sells for close to what I posted, sometimes for 10x what I posted. Recipes I will tend to look at at the going sell price and post accordingly, depending on the ratio of # of folks bidding for item and how many are selling.


Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.


Answer: a reasonable amount of attention for certain items.


It's very rare that I sell salvage.  When I do, it's just that I've collected so much of one kind that I just need to get it out of stock.  With such, I don't consider price.  I also don't sell it to the black hole that is NPC vending, realizing  that putting it on the AH will eventually aid someone else.  Most of the salvage I collect either goes to my crafting/AH character, or restocks the supergroup shelves to fuel any character's use of the supercollider for temp buffs.


Recipes are different.  Whites I'll usually vend to NPCs, but if I have the time, I'll double-check the corresponding finished enhancement on the AH to see if it is worth my while to craft.  It's almost never worth my effort to sell white recipes on the AH.  The NPC vendor usually has the better price.  Yellow recipes go through an evaluation process I'll not get into, but in simple terms, I'll see if it is financially feasible to craft, possibly convert, and post to the AH.  I learned to my surprise a while back that this can be rewarding for low level set pieces, though not usually as much as high levels.  Oranges are usually sold to the AH or if the market is poor regarding one, then to the NPC.  I only rarely craft below-50 oranges, finding the high-end salvage requirements negate the value of many of them.  Purples never get sold. Ever.  They are ...my Preciousss.


I'll sell holiday extras, if my characters all have at least one. 

Posted (edited)
23 hours ago, DougGraves said:

Do you sell everything to the vendor, everything to the auction house?


While leveling I'll use enhancement drops that can be combined with slotted SOs to reduce the cost of the "Upgrade" button. After a build has no more SOs all of those go to the vendor. Ditto for any DOs or unusable SOs. These go to the vendor at any level.


Triple Edit: I do not use the "Upgrade" button every level. Generally every third level or so.


23 hours ago, DougGraves said:

Do you set a price to get the value you want or just sell immediately for whatever you  can get?


All salvage and recipes get put on the AH, but I only care about pricing for rare or above items. Everything else gets dumped for the folks into crafting. If you're buying yellows at bottom dollar, I'm one of many folks you have to thank. 😉 IMO, anything with a value of fewer than 6 digits is pretty much a rounding error in the current economy and isn't worth my time to fiddle about with it.


23 hours ago, DougGraves said:

How much do you work the market?


If I need more Fake Money Units, I'll convert RMs into either Boosters, Converters, or Unslotters. That's in descending order of frequency for me. Boosters tend to be the most stable, but I will check and see if either Converters or Unslotters are hot at the moment and decide accordingly.


That's about as much of the market that I can be bothered with. 🤣




I almost never craft anything, and I don't maintain much storage beyond certain key IOs. For a while I kept rare salvage in storage to craft the occasional recipe that would drop if it was useful, but that didn't hold my interest for long. Once in a blue moon I'll get a useful recipe for a toon I am building, and happen to have most of the salvage in the stack that has built up between market dumps. When that happens I might craft it as a keeper. Instances of that are quite rare though.


Double Edit:


I've been quite busy the past year, and have not been very active on the Live servers. Market conditions may or may not have changed in that time, so take my notes with that in mind.


Edited by InvaderStych
just a little more info

You see a mousetrap? I see free cheese and a f$%^ing challenge.

On 2/26/2024 at 11:36 AM, DougGraves said:

Do you sell everything to the vendor, everything to the auction house?


Almost all my rules on this are conditional.  At this point, generally:


I put all salvage on the /AH.

I vendor all white recipes.

I vendor all saleable enhancements (DOs, SOs) UNLESS I can slot them and I realize I can slot them.

I craft all purple, PvP recipes and either sell on /AH or convert and list.  At this point there is no point in saving it in base.

I craft all yellow and orange recipes that do NOT require any rare salvage.  I also try to remember to turn off those recipe drops when I hit 50 because the crafting cost increase from 49 to 50 is usurious.

I vendor all yellow and orange recipes that DO require rare salvage UNLESS I can sell them on the /AH for over 100k.


On 2/26/2024 at 11:36 AM, DougGraves said:

Do you set a price to get the value you want or just sell immediately for whatever you  can get?


I only list things at a price I am willing to accept.  If I list something that instantly sells, either than was my intention or I am surprised that I caught a good outstanding bid.  I think the understanding of the /AH system and understanding how and why people bid and offer where they do is a very significant part of the inf I have accumulated over the years, and I don't really see a need to pass out my algorithms!


This one's for free though:  If I'm going to be buying or selling a significant number of an item (50 is my base), then I'm going to want to have a good idea of what the queue of aggregate bids and offers look like.  This generally takes a few minutes and making some inf losing trades in return for getting more information.


Also:  Someone recently asked me how long I should leave something for sale before pulling it and relisting at a lower level.  My system is basically price it low enough to not sell right away, but to expect it to sell by the next time you log in.  If it's your main and you play daily, price it cheap so you open up space for tomorrow.  If you are on once a month, take your best guess and if it hasn't sold a month later, pull it and relist.  Try not to attach ego to it -- you are far better off eating a 5% listing fee and opening up that slot for immediate trades than you are digging in your heels and demanding they come to your price.


On 2/26/2024 at 11:36 AM, DougGraves said:

How much do you work the market?


Yes.  I'm not particularly active, certainly not like I once was, but I'm always going to spend a few extra seconds if I don't want something instantly.

Who run Bartertown?



I sell everything I don't need in the AH for 10inf and sell DOs and SOs to a vendor (I will list any under 5 SOs in the AH to help lowbies.) When I buy from the AH, I buy salvage at vendor+selling fee+10% to encourage more people to list salvage in the AH.

  • Like 1

Do you sell everything to the vendor, everything to the auction house?


SOs/DOs and basic recipes get sold to the vendor


Common salvage is placed on AH at an ask price to get sold fast.  

Uncommon salvage is placed on AH at a variable price based on a number I've created as the "fair" price of a yellow.  95% of the time, at least over the last several months, my price is way below.  Recently I've seen this dip down below my "fair" price, which makes me happy.

Rares (both salvage and recipes) get sold a shade above what seems to be the current FMV.  If a rare recipe seems to be undervalued relative to the crafted enhancement I'll craft it and sell.


Do you set a price to get the value you want or just sell immediately for whatever you  can get?


I sell crafted IOs at a competitive price.  Not for 1 inf for the flippers but not much above their bid.  There may be "whale" items (Cytos for example) I place a higher ask for but I don't actively do this sort of marketeering.  


How much do you work the market?


About 10-15 minutes once a week.  


Crafted IOs come from a periodic craft/sell session, maybe weekly, where I sell all my lvl 50 recipes to another account as 41s, then craft, convert, sell.  


If I get my hands on a LotG 7.5, a purple or pvp piece I craft and e-mail to the base owner of that type.  

Posted (edited)

White recipes and regular enhancements get vendored.


Purples and high value ios depend on the market, but generally posted for quick sale at a reasonable price.


Everything else I post for 5 inf to sell immediately and empty my bag. Better for the market if I get that salvage and mid/low tier recipes circulating instead of vendored! 


I make my money with other market processes unrelated to this. This takes five minutes once a week. 

Edited by Onlyasandwich

In the market forum, I revealed just about every thing I do as it pertains to the market. 
Most of those habits have changed, as I don't play as often as I used to. 

In a nutshell, each character will craft, convert and sell every uncommon and most rare drops, unless they can use them in their planned build. 
Salvage, when leveling is kept. All of it, because the last thing I want to do is buy salvage. Since I craft each day I play, I never run out of room. It takes about 2-3 minutes to do this, as I rarely have over a dozen recipes to craft/convert. 

Common IO recipes are weird. They vendor for more than you can sell them for, so it makes sense to me to vendor them. Additionally, it costs more to craft them at level 50 than it costs to buy them crafted on the AH. So, yeah, definitely vendor them. I'll let the badgers subsidize my need for recharge reduction IOs. I certainly did my share of subsidizing with my several badgers. 


As for SO/DO drops, they all get sold at the vendor. I generally have my next few levels worth of IOs in my tray so I don't have to be "That guy" that's out of a mission for 10 minutes while the team is doing all the fun/work. It would be annoying to see my trays full, although that hasn't happened in quite some time. I think it was a KM ITF, and I had a windfall running. 

As for "working the market", I don't really "work" it. As I level, I pay attention to how much this and that enhancement are selling for and look at the number of bids vs the number on hand. As an example, a couple of weeks ago, Shield Breakers, aside from the Chance for Lethal Damage in the set - they were all trash. Selling for less than 1M. Now, suddenly, each of the set are selling for 2.5M+. By the time I post this and you read it, it's possible the price has dropped again, but I can be patient. 

I also monitor the help chat. Occasionally, someone who wants a specific enhancement will complain that the price is too high, (so I'll look) or there aren't any. (So I'll stop what I'm doing and make some right away, and recheck in an hour and make more if my gut tells me more will be needed in the short term. And, because I wouldn't have known if the player didn't say anything, I'll email them the very enhancement they wanted to get, if the AH was indeed out. A finder's fee, if you will, of a need in the market. 

I also have a character that bids on 10 of each recipe in several different sets for about 25% of the enhancement cost. I take about 5-10 minutes, depending on how many recipes I paid for, and craft and convert them all into enhancements that bring more value. This is where the bulk of my inf comes from. Some days, I make a billion. Some days, sales are slow and I only make 200M or so. Some days, I have competition, and I have no sales at all and end up with hundreds of millions invested in crafted IOs and have to bring an alt on to hold what won't fit in the AH or the 70 slots in the enhancement trays. They do sell eventually, but it can be annoying to deal with the competition. For whatever reason, they only compete every so often, which is fine with me. 

  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)

My farmers have uncommon and rare drops disabled because they're not worth the space in my recipe inventory when even commons can sell at a vendor for more than 10x the price of rares. On these characters, enhancements and common recipes get vendored and my salvage inventory stays full unless I need to craft something because there's no P2W option to disable salvage drops by rarity and I'm way too lazy to vendor salvage for the pittance it's worth.


My non-farmer characters just vendor recipes when they get close to full inventory unless the drop is from a set I routinely use, and enhancement drops get vendored.


TL;DR: I sell almost nothing on the market, save for occasional Hami/Hydra/Titan/D-Syncs that I don't use but sell for decent amounts.

Edited by macskull

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